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Class of 2013 Senior Year Activities Planning Meeting G o R ed H awks!

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2013 Senior Year Activities Planning Meeting G o R ed H awks!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2013 Senior Year Activities Planning Meeting G o R ed H awks!

2 B ig P lans! Halloween Dance Ring Breakfast Senior Auction Mr. Red Hawk Cap & Gown Fittings ACIT Academy Awards Prom Raffle Senior / Junior Prom Senior Awards Ceremony Senior Luncheon Senior Class Trip Graduation Rehearsals GRADUATION

3 W ithout Y our S upport… NONE of this will happen!

4 N EED C ommittees! 1.Halloween Dance 2.Senior Auction 3.Mr. Red Hawk 4.PROM

5 N EED Y ou to P articipate… COME to the Halloween Dance VOLUNTEER to be Auctioned VOLUNTEER for Mr. Red Hawk PURCHASE Prom Raffle Tickets GO to you Prom COMMIT to going on YOUR Senior Class Trip

6 W ithout Y ou … …… We Won’t have FUNDS for: 1.Ring & Superlatives Breakfast 2.Senior Luncheon 3.Prices will skyrocket for: – Prom – Caps & Gowns – Senior Class Trip

7 C ommittees Explanation of Duties

8 H alloween D ance C ommittee C ommit to attending meetings during September & October P lan the room layout & ticket seller schedule D esign, P ost, D istribute & S ell tickets, posters & permission slips S ell tickets at lunchtime B e E nthusiastic & S pread the Word W ork the night of the event

9 S enior A uction C ommittee C ommit to attending meetings September through November S nap & D isplay photographs of Auctionees C reate an underclassmen permission slip & lunch committee crew D evise an agenda for auction day & plan a method of recording sales & winners F ind a great auctioneer! E nsure that sold Seniors meet with their buyers and fulfill their reasonable requests W ork the event

10 M r. R ed H awk C ommittee A ttend meetings & rehearsals October through November E ncourage any ACIT male student to participate D esign & P ost promotional materials C reate a program & program booklet, D evise a method & S ell Ads S chedule contestant auditions & meetings with I nstructors for lights, sound, sets, choreography, & audio/visual needs of contestants & show C ompile sign-up forms & a method of form collection for contestants S ecure a stage crew to work rehearsals, dress rehearsal & show D efine & S ecure a front of the house performance night staff W ork the event

11 P rom C ommittee C ommit to meetings December through May B rainstorm themes, décor & menu choices C reate a permission slip (including guest information) survey & poll the class during lunches P roduce, stuff & distribute invitations & photo information S chedule meetings with ACIT Staff to handle collection of RSVP’s & money & mailings to students attending ACCC D esign & post promotional materials & seating chart choices (includes notifying ACCC students) M ake the seating chart & seating cards for the event O ther duties as assigned ENJOY THE PROM!

12 V olunteers

13 Mc ee (Master of Ceremony) S enior Breakfast & Superlatives S enior Auction M r. Red Hawk – Need to be available for meetings & shows September through November 2012

14 S enior A uction S ign up to be sold, during lunches October 15 th thru 19 th & get your picture taken for promotion B e available on November 7 th & 21 st B e kind and fun loving to the student who purchases you for the day H ave a sense of FUN & HUMOR

15 M r. R ed H awk S ign up to compete during lunches October 23 rd thru 31 st & get your picture taken for promotion E ncourage all your friends to sign up! B e available for rehearsals the last 3 weeks of November S how Off your style, talent, self-confidence B e the first ACIT Male to claim the title of MR.

16 ACIT A cademy A wards C ompete to earn a prestigious ACIT Academy Award S ummer Junior Internship V ideo yourself E nter to win!

17 I mportant D ates to R emember

18 I mportant D ates! START SAVING! September 12, 2012 – FIRST Senior Class Meeting December 15, 2012 – $75 Non-refundable Senior Class Trip Deposit DUE – $20 Cap & Gown Payment DUE May 3, 2013 – Senior Class Trip “BALANCE IN FULL” Payment DUE

19 I mportant D ates! Halloween Dance – October 26 th Ring Breakfast & Senior Auction – November 7 th Senior AUCTION Day – November 21, 2012 Mr. Red Hawk – November 30 th ACIT Academy Awards – April 18 th Prom Raffle & Invitation Distribution – April 15 th thru April 26 th Senior / Junior Prom – May 10 th Senior Awards Ceremony & Senior Luncheon – June 3 rd Senior Class Trip – June 5 th thru 7 th Graduation Rehearsals – June 10 th thru 14 th GRADUATION - June 17th

20 I mportant D ates! September 12, 2012 – FIRST SENIOR CLASS MEETING of the new school year! – AGENDA 1.ELECTION of Class Officers a)All students in attendance will be eligible to vote b)CRITERIA for Running for Office: i.Only those individuals who attended and participated in the school year 2011 to 2012 Junior Class Meetings & Activities are eligible to run ii.If you want to run for Office, be prepared to make a speech iii.Offices: PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TREASURER, HISTORIAN, 8 COUNCIL MEMBER SEATS 2.CONFIRMATION OF COMMITTEES & VOLUNTEERS a)Break-out & Planning Sessions for up coming activities

21 A ll A ctivities MUST… Be BOE Approved!

22 A ll A ctivities will be CANCELED… Without the support of Committees & Volunteers!

23 A ll of YoU … Will be paying more out of pocket for Senior Year Activities

24 S ign Up … Today or ALL next week on the Blue Ribbon Wall

25 Any Questions?

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