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1 How to apply? Info session February 2016 Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities Development in Lao PDR RESTRICTED Call for Proposals EuropeAid/151225/DD/ACT/LA.

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Presentation on theme: "1 How to apply? Info session February 2016 Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities Development in Lao PDR RESTRICTED Call for Proposals EuropeAid/151225/DD/ACT/LA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 How to apply? Info session February 2016 Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities Development in Lao PDR RESTRICTED Call for Proposals EuropeAid/151225/DD/ACT/LA Submission deadline 31/03/2016 at 11:00 (Brussels date and time)

2 How to apply (1) 2 Prior registration in PADOR (an on-line database in which organizations register and update regularly their data) for this Call for Proposals is obligatory. Questions and Problems should be sent to PADOR helpdesk: If it is impossible to register online in PADOR for technical reasons, the applicants and/or affiliated entity(ies) must complete the PADOR OFF- LINE form attached to the Guidelines for Applicants.

3 How to apply (2) 3 Online submission via PROSPECT (PROSPECT is the electronic system developed by EuropeAid to facilitate the submission of applications for call for proposals.) Is obligatory for this Call for Proposals. It is strongly recommended to register in PADOR well in advance and not to wait until the last minute before the deadline to submit your application in PROSPECT. Before starting using PADOR or PROSPECT, please read the user guides available on the website. All technical questions related to the use of these systems should be addressed to the IT helpdesk at DEVCO APPLICATION SUPPORT

4 PADOR offline form 4

5 PROSPECT : Online submission 5 New Users If you are a new user and you do not have an ECAS account:  Enter the following URL address in your web browser:  Please make sure that the selected domain is "External"; if this is not the case, please click on the "Change it" blue button and select "External" from the available list:  Check that you have all necessary information at hand and start your on- line application in good time.  Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to make any changes.

6 PROSPECT : Online submission 6 New Users  Pay attention to your application status (draft/submitted): If your application has been successfully submitted, the status of your application will change from draft to submitted and a notification message will appear in your PROSPECT profile. An e-mail message will also be sent to the e- mail address you have indicated, if you have selected the relevant option in your user settings.  Ensure that the e-mail address you wish to link your application to is valid and will be active and accessible for the complete duration of the selection procedure.  Fill in all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*).  Note that when you submit an application online via PROSPECT, it can only be accessed and updated using the same ECAS ID (login user name) and password used when first creating the application.

7 PROSPECT : Online submission 7

8 Submission of concept note (1) 8 Annex A.1 section 2)  The concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant (Annex A.1 section 2) must be submitted online via PROSPECT following the instructions given in the PROSPECT user manual.  Upon submission of a concept note online, the lead applicant will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt in its PROSPECT profile.  Only the concept note will be evaluated, it is therefore of utmost importance that this document contains all relevant information concerning the action.  No additional annexes should be sent!

9 Submission of concept note (2) 9  The elements outlined in the concept note may not be modified in the full application  The EU contribution may not vary from the initial estimate by more than 20%  The applications must be in English  Lead Applicant provides only an estimate of the requested EU contribution, as well an indicative percentage of this contribution in relation to the total eligible costs of the action  Detailed budget will be only submitted with the full application in the second phase

10 Submission of concept note (3) 10 If, for technical reasons, the lead applicants can not submit their concept note online via PROSPECT( these have to be duly justified), they must send their proposal in a sealed envelope and attach the concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant (Annex A.1 section 2).  a. One original of the concept note. The signed declaration by the lead applicant (Annex A.1 section 2) must be printed and stapled separately and enclosed in the envelope  b. Two additional copies in A4 size, each bound.  c. An electronic version (CD-Rom or USB sticks) of the items under point (a). The electronic file must contain exactly the same application as the paper version enclosed.  The envelope must bear the Reference number and the title of the Call for Proposal, lot number and title, full name and address of the lead applicant and the words " Not to be opened before the opening session" an d

11 Evaluation(1) 11 STEP 1: Opening & Administrative Checks and Concept Note Evaluation The following will be assessed:  The deadline has been respected. => Out of the deadline : application automatically rejected.  The Concept Note satisfies all the criteria specified in the checklist (Annex A.1.). may  If any of the requested information is missing or is incorrect, the application may be rejected on that sole basis and will not be evaluated further.

12 Evaluation(2) 12 Evaluation Of Concept Note: The concept note should only be 5 pages long. The CN must abide strictly to the instructions ! The applicants must not provide a detailed budget at this stage. EU requested amount : maximum variation between CN and FP is max 20 % The concept notes that pass the administrative check will be evaluated on:  Relevance of the action: max score of 30 - Relevance to objectives and priorities of the call - Relevance to needs and constraints - Final beneficiaries/target groups are strategically chosen and clearly identified, - Any specific value added elements Score of relevance are handed over at the FP evaluation !  Design of the action: max score of 20 - Coherence of overall design of the action - Feasibility of the action linked to objectives and expected results

13 Evaluation grid: Concept Notes 13

14 Evaluation: Concept Note 14 First: Only the Concept Notes with a score of at least 30 points will be considered for the evaluation of the full proposals stage. Second: Concept notes that reach the above threshold will be ranked by score. The highest scoring applications will be pre-selected until the limit of at least 200% of the available budget for this call for proposals is reached. only the pre-selected applicants will be invited to submit the full applications. After the evaluation of Concept Notes: only the pre-selected applicants will be invited to submit the full applications.

15 Evaluation (3) 15 STEP 2: Opening & Administrative Checks and Evaluation of the Full Application The following will be assessed:  The deadline has been respected. If the deadline has not been respected the application will automatically be rejected.  The full application satisfies all the criteria specified in the checklist (Annex A.2.). If any of the requested information is missing or is incorrect, the application may be rejected on that sole basis and will not be evaluated further.

16 Evaluation(4) 16 Evaluation of the Full Application The full applications that pass the administrative check will be evaluated based on:  The selection criteria:  Operational capacity of the lead applicant and the co-applicant(s)'s and affiliated enity(ies)  Financial capacity of the lead applicant only (not of the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies).  The award criteria: to evaluate the quality of the applications in relation to the objectives and priorities set forth in the guidelines, and to award grants to projects which maximise the overall effectiveness of the call for proposals

17 Evaluation grid: Full Application 17

18 Evaluation(5) 18 STEP 3: Verification of Eligibility of the applicants, Co-applicant(s) and Affiliated Entity(ies)  The eligibility will be verified, based on the supporting documents, according to the criteria set out in guidelines (section2.4).  The Declaration by the lead applicant (section 5 of Annex A.2) will be cross-checked with the supporting documents provided by the lead applicant.  Any missing supporting document or any incoherence between the declaration by the lead applicant and the supporting documents may lead to the rejection of the application on that sole basis.

19 SUBMISSION(1) 19 Deadline for submission of Concept Note: - 31/03/2016 at 11:00 (Brussels date and time) - in case of hand-deliveries: 31/03/2016 at 16:00 (Vientiane local time) All information in Guidelines for Grant Applicants services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome

20 Submission(2) 20 The concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant (Annex A.1 section 2) must be submitted online via PROSPECT following the instructions given in the PROSPECT user manual. Upon submission of a concept note online, the lead applicant will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt in its PROSPECT profile. If it is impossible for lead applicants to submit their concept note online via PROSPECT for technical reasons, they must send their proposal in a sealed envelope and attach the concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant (Annex A.1 section 2)

21 Submission(3) 21 (only if technical problem by submitting via Prospect)Address for regular post, hand delivery or by private courier services (only if technical problem by submitting via Prospect) Delegation of the European Union to Laos Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities Development in Lao PDR Europe House Unit 19, Setthathilath Road, Hom 2 Haisok Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Lao PDR Tel.: ++856 21 255575 are not acceptableApplications by fax or e-mail or to other addresses are not acceptable (only if technical problem by submitting via Prospect)Applications in a sealed envelope, (only if technical problem by submitting via Prospect) must show –the reference number and the title of the call for proposals –number of the lot –the full name and address of the lead applicant

22 Further Information 22 Questions may be sent by e-mail or by fax no later than 21 days (10/03/2016) (10/03/2016) before the deadline for the submission of Concept Notes –E-mail: –Fax: (+66) 2 305 2799 (18/03/2016)Replies will be sent no later than 11 days (18/03/2016) before the deadline for the submission of Concept Notes. Questions that may be relevant to other applicants, together with the answers, will be published regularly on the internet at EuropeAid website and the EU Delegation to Laos website For reasons of fair and equal treatment the EU Delegation will not meet with any potential applicants/ partners regarding this Calls for Proposals in the coming monthsFor reasons of fair and equal treatment the EU Delegation will not meet with any potential applicants/ partners regarding this Calls for Proposals in the coming months.

23 Tentative Timeframe 23 Submission Concept Note 31/03/2016 Results May 2016* Deadline to submit full proposals End of July 2016* Results September 2016* Send award letter End of September 2016* Contract preparation October 2016* Signing of contract October 2016* *Provisional date

24 Overview of Evaluation & Selection Process Publish Call for Proposals Preparation & signature of contracts (2) Evaluation Concept Note (Eval Grid) Receipt of Concept Notes (3) Evaluation Full Proposal (Eval Grid) (4) Eligibility Check (1) Opening & Administrative Compliance Check (Arrival time + Checklist) Project Implementation Supporting Documents

25 THANK YOU ! 25

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