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EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – COLL – LOSE Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT14-03 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky.

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Presentation on theme: "EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – COLL – LOSE Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT14-03 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – COLL – LOSE Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT14-03 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů:ICT14 – AJ - Slovní zásoba pro plynulou konverzaci ve 20 tématech pro úroveň B2 Autor: Jaroslava Tůmová Datum vytvoření: 2. 3. 2014 Garant (kontrola):Marie Zajíčková Ročník: Vyšší gymnázium Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba Metodika/anotace:Slovní spojení obsahující výraz „LOSE“– osvojení a procvičování Časový rozvrh:30 minut Zdroje: ( Možné uvést v závěru) viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.


3 Expressions to practise: lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss

4 LOSE FACE to become less respected by others: She had to accept defeat without losing face.

5 LOSE YOUR HEAD to become so upset or worried that you stop thinking clearly or behaving in a sensible way I'm afraid at that point I lost my head and panicked.

6 LOSE HEART to stop believing that you can succeed: Don't lose heart, there'll be plenty more chances for promotion.

7 LOSE COUNT to not be able to remember how many times something has happened: I've lost count of how many times she's been late for work this month.

8 LOSE YOUR TEMPER to suddenly become angry: The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper.

9 (NOT) LOSE SLEEP to not let something worry or upset you: It was just a mistake. Don't lose any sleep over it.

10 LOSE WEIGHT to become thinner and weigh less: He's lost a lot of weight recently.

11 LOSE YOUR NERVE to suddenly become too frightened to do something that you intended to do: I wanted to ask her out, but I lost my nerve and couldn't do it.

12 GET LOST used to tell someone rudely to go away: Tell him to get lost!

13 AT A LOSS confused and not knowing what to do: I was at a loss to understand what had happened.

14 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss Replace the phrases in red with one of the expressions above

15 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss I know you felt humiliated when you had to apologise, but don‘t worry too much about it.

16 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss I know you lost face when you had to apologise, but don‘t lose any sleep over it.

17 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss I was going to complain to the manager but in the end I didn‘t have the courage.

18 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss I was going to complain to the manager but in the end I lost my nerve.

19 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss He is such a bad loser – I can‘t remember the number of times he has stormed out of the room.

20 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss He is such a bad loser – I have lost count of the number of times he has stormed out of the room.

21 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss I‘m sorry that I panicked when the policeman stopped me, but I didn‘t know what to say to him.

22 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss I‘m sorry that I lost my head when the policeman stopped me, but I was at a loss what to say to him.

23 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss The only way to become slimmer is to eat less.

24 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss The only way to lose weight is to eat less.

25 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss It is easy to become discouraged when other people are eating as much as they like.

26 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss It is easy to lose heart when other people are eating as much as they like.

27 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss When she refused to listen to my explanation, I quickly got angry with her.

28 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss When she refused to listen to my explanation, I quickly lost my temper with her.

29 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss Make up a sentence using the remaining expression.

30 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss Can you find Czech equivalents?

31 lose face lose your head lose heart lose count lose your temper lose sleep lose weight lose your nerve get lostat a loss Prepare a dialogue using as many of these as possible:

32 Použité materiály: www.

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