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Will Kleinelp Associate Professor Department of Biology.

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1 Will Kleinelp Associate Professor Department of Biology

2 8% body weight 5 liters 3 L plasma: 2L PCV Crimson - scarlet in color pH 7.35 - 7.45 Hc 48 - 54% Hb 11-16 grams/100cc Fahraeus-Lindqvist Rouleaux Formation SG = 1.030-1.060 Voolume varies with age, exercise and gender General Characteristics

3 Synthesis Formed in Myeloid Tissue - Red Bone Marrow sternum ribs vertebrae iliac crest proximal epiphyses of long bones diploe of skull

4 Blood Plasma Composition Water 90% by volume absorbs heat Solutes Plasma Proteins 8% by weight all contribute to osmotic pressure Albumin 60% of plasma proteins produced in liver main contributor to osmotic pressure Globulins 36% of plasma proteins alpha and beta produced in liver proteins that bnd to lipids, metal ions and fat-soluble vitamins gamma - antobodies released by plasma cells during immune response Fibrinogen 4% of plasma proteins produced in liver forms fibrin threads during clotting Nonprotein nitorgenous wastes by-products of cell metabolism eg urea, uric acid, creatinine and ammonium salts Nutrients - Organic Materials absorbed via digestion Electrolytes Respiratory gases Hormones

5 Genesis of Blood Cells - Hematopoiesis

6 Erythrocytes Red Blood Cells biconcave anucleate 7-8µm in diameter 4-6 million mm generation time - 15 days life span ~ 120 days transport oxygen and carbon dioxide 3

7 Erythrocytes - General Functions formation from hematocytoblast in red marrow negative feedback regulation with erythropoietin recycled via liver Surface markers (antigens) ABO Group Agglutinogens

8 Leukocytes Granulocytes Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Agranulocytes Lymphocytes Hemocytoblasts Myeloblasts Lymphoblasts Monoblasts Agranulocytes Monocytes

9 Neutrophils 60% WBC count Polymorphonucelocytes (PMN’s) phagocytic generally first to reach site of injuries 3 - 5 lobed nucleus

10 Neutrophils


12 Eosinophils 4-6% WBC count bi-lobed nucleus usually stains red-red/orange releases peroxidases responds to allergens

13 Eosinophils

14 Basophils <1% WBC count C - S shaped nucleus releases histamine seratonin heparin

15 Basophils

16 25-28% WBC count almost all nucleus small, medium and large largest ≤ size of RBC use RBC for comparison active in ummunological responses

17 Lymphocyte


19 Monocytes 2-4% WBC count almost all nucleus nucleus usually has indentation largest of WBC also called macrophages

20 Monocyte


22 Thrombocytes also known as platelets develop from hemocytoblast fragments of larger megakaryoblast instrumental in hemostasis and blood clotting

23 Thrombocytes

24 Blood Typing - ABO



27 AB Rh Obtain 4 plates - one for each individual and 8 toothpicks Blood Typing Wet Lab

28 AB Rh For each plate place three drops of Synthetic blood in each well Blood Typing Wet Lab

29 AB Rh Next obtain the Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D Sera Blood Typing Wet Lab

30 AB Rh Mix 3 drops of serum with appropriate blood type using different end of toothoick Blood Typing Wet Lab

31 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs O type Rh -

32 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs O type Rh +

33 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs A type Rh -

34 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs A type Rh +

35 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs B type Rh -

36 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs B type Rh +

37 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs AB type Rh -

38 AB Rh Blood Typing Evaluation rotate for about 30 secs AB type Rh +

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