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Salmonella Management by Vaccination in Turkey Breeders Jim Sandstrom, DVM Epitopix, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Salmonella Management by Vaccination in Turkey Breeders Jim Sandstrom, DVM Epitopix, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salmonella Management by Vaccination in Turkey Breeders Jim Sandstrom, DVM Epitopix, LLC

2 Salmonella in a Turkey Breeder Business LSI / Willmar Poultry Company / AgForte is a turkey breeder and hatchery company in MN, MO, OH, VA Our main product is one-day old poults Approximately 33% of all US turkey poults come from AgForte Chairman (91) battling salmonella for 50 years Has invested multi-millions $$ to find salmonella solutions Food safety is always a high priority, but… Our #1 benefit from salmonella control in breeders is improved poult quality

3 History of Salmonella Control Program 1935 NPIP programs (Salmonella Pullorum, Gallinarum) 1971 Minnesota S. Typhimurium Program (breeders) 1980 Minnesota-California cooperative agreement Circulating serotypes vs. spontaneous introductions 1981 S. Hadar vaccination (U of MN) successful 1985-1995 Autogenous bacterins, multiple serotypes Salmonella “Whack-a-mole” in breeder ops 1989 Dedicated, segregated breeder hatchery 1997 SRP® vaccine – Salmonella and E. coli

4 Classic Salmonella Management in Live-Ops Points of Entry/Exposure Vertical transmission to eggs, poults Horizontal transmission (hatchery, farm) Environmental contamination Manure, dust, housing, flooring Rodents, wild birds, flies, beetles Genetic supply (vertical) Humans (external and internal) Contaminated equipment Biosecurity/Control Sanitation! Execution! Floor types, clean-out, litter Tx products Wash, disinfect, fumigate, downtime Single age farms (breeders – shower in) Hatchery: single stage, breeder segreg. Traffic control: humans, equipment Feed ingredients, suppliers Pelleted feeds, Termin-8®, trucking Vaccination, antibiotics, probiotics

5 Vaccine: “…a magic lotion, notion, pill or potion” Bill Cameron, DVM Vaccines are only one element of a total salmonella control program! Live attenuated salmonella vaccines Conventional killed bacterins Fully licensed and autogenous Monovalent (SE) or multivalent SRP® vaccines – patented, developed by Willmar Poultry in 1990’s Bacterial proteins shared among all common salmonella serotypes

6 Salmonella Serotypes: How many are there?? SerotypeGroupSomatic (O)Flagellar (H) Phase 1Phase 2 TyphimuriumB1,4,5,12i1,2 HeidelbergB[1],4,5,[12]r1,2 DerbyB1,4,5,12f,g[1,2] SaintpaulB1,4,[5],12e,h1,2 SchwarzengrundB1,4,12,27d1,7 BredeneyB1,4,12,27l,v1,7 IndianaB1,4,12z1,7 ReadingB4,5,12e,h1,5 AgonaB4,12f,g,s- BrandenbergB4,12l,ve,n,z MontevideoC16,7g,m,s- InfantisC16,7,[14]r1,5 ThompsonC16,7,[14]k1,5 MbandakaC1[1],6,7,[25]ze,n,z NewportC26,8e,h1,2 HadarC26,8ze,n,x KentuckyC3(8),20iz EnteritidisD11,9,12g,m- DublinD11,9,12g,p- GallinarumD11,9,12-- PullorumD11,9-- MeleagridisE13,10e,h1,w MuensterE13,10e,h1,5 AnatumE13,10e,h1,6 SenftenbergE41,3,19g,s,t- TDM (too many!) Commonly, find 15-20 serotypes/year Some serotypes circulate in poultry systems, others do not Serotypes found vary between breeder ops, hatchery, meat birds, feed, processing plant Generally, conventional vaccines do work against the type that is in the vaccine Some efficacy against closely related serotypes If too many serotypes in one vaccine, reduces efficacy, increases reactions

7 Purpose of Breeder Salmonella Vaccination Hatchery Processing Plant Commercial Breeder Ops Feed ingredients Environment Rodents, birds, bugs Feed ingredients Humans Fomites Genetic Source Breeder vaccination only reduces vertical transmission Internal contam. External contam. Humans Fomites Trucks Rodents, birds, bugs Environment

8 Willmar Poultry Company “Official MN Salmonella Test” Data from Minnesota Poultry Testing Laboratory (MPTL): 5-hen pooled cloacal swab samples, from breeder hens in WPC hatchery system % Salmonella Positive Increase in 2003-04 was attributed to non-compliance by a single independent producer with multiple flocks; this producer agreed to resume vaccination in 2004. Turkey breeder Salmonella SRP vaccination program initiated 50 flocks per year 10,000 hens per flock 500 cloacal samples/flock 25,000 hens tested annually

9 Salmonella Vaccination Reduced multiple serotypes in WPC turkey breeders Two years to reach full vaccine effect in breeder system Salmonella levels maintained low for almost 20 years (with ups and downs), but never goes to zero Salmonella too “normal” in nature to be eradicated How much does breeder Salmonella impact processing? Our processing plant handles 85% commercial meat turkeys, 15% breeder hens

10 Serotypes in Hatchery Fluff - All WPC Hatcheries* Serotype 1 2 3 4 5 6 Negative 7 Nontypeable 8 9 10 11 12 13 * Includes some eggs hatched from outside WPC system, not using same vaccination program

11 Do Hatchery Fluff Serotypes Predict Processing Serotypes? Serotype 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

12 Summary: Breeder Salmonella Vaccination Vaccination is only one part of an entire salmonella program Biosecurity, sanitation, rodent control, etc. Vaccine can be effective to reduce vertical transmission through hatchery to commercial poults (or chicks) Need to target a wide variety of salmonella serotypes Or, choose vaccine program to cover predominant serotypes May need to increase intensity of monitoring programs Vertical transmission might not be the most important point of Salmonella entry in commercial meat birds at slaughter

13 Thank you!

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