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Fossil Fuels Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal, Propane.

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Presentation on theme: "Fossil Fuels Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal, Propane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fossil Fuels Natural Gas, Petroleum, Coal, Propane

2 Coal Fired Power Plant Mining for Coal Carbon Emissions with Coal Power Plant

3 Fracking – Natural Gas Extraction Fracking video -1:57 minutes


5 Acid Rain Acidity of lakes, dams, streams Cause death to aquatic life Increases acidity of soil Damage to trees at high elevations Erodes buildings and monuments Respiratory problems with people

6 Fossil Fuels, Greenhouse Gasses, & Global Warming Video 2:03 When CO2 Emissions = “Smoke”? RsYjffU RsYjffU Acid rain 1:15 cartoon

7 Effects of Acid Rain

8 Biomass *A Fossil Fuel Power Plant can be converted to a biomass power plant with minimal changes.

9 Biomass “Benefits” and the Carbon Cycle

10 Anaerobic Digester A Brooklyn waste treatment plant is switching sewage to food scraps

11 MSW - Municipal Solid Waste

12 Nuclear

13 Salem Nuclear Power Plant New Jersey

14 Animation of Nuclear Power Flash for Nuclear: Inside a nuclear reactor core - Bang Goes The Theory - BBC

15 Inside a nuclear reactor core BBC video – 3:52

16 Chemical Hydrogen Fuel Cell animation: This animation shows the process that goes on inside an individual fuel cell. The red Hs represent hydrogen molecules (H2) from a hydrogen storage tank. The orange H+ represents a hydrogen ion after it's electron is removed. The yellow e- represents an electron moving through a circuit to do work (like lighting a light bulb or powering a car). The green Os represent an oxygen molecule (O2) from the air, and the blue drops at the end are for pure water--the only byproduct of hydrogen power.

17 Electrolysis of Water 2(H 2 O)

18 Tidal/Wave/OTEC

19 Wave Energy Convertor: The energy generated from waves is harnessed by deploying wave energy convertors on the surface of the ocean. When a wave hits these convertors, the convertors convert the force of the wave into energy and feed it into a generator.

20 Wave Energy Pelamis Wave GeneratorPelamis Wave Generator : 53 seconds

21 Tidal/Wave/OTEC OTEC = Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: ammonia boils at -28°F

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