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Enjoy your meals! Урок по кулинарии. Подготовила и провела Тягло Наталья Фроловна, учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №3 поселка Эльбан, Амурского района.

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Presentation on theme: "Enjoy your meals! Урок по кулинарии. Подготовила и провела Тягло Наталья Фроловна, учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №3 поселка Эльбан, Амурского района."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enjoy your meals! Урок по кулинарии. Подготовила и провела Тягло Наталья Фроловна, учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №3 поселка Эльбан, Амурского района Хабаровского края.

2 Цель урока: Повторить лексику по теме «Еда» и использовать её в реальной ситуации; Повторить лексику по теме «Еда» и использовать её в реальной ситуации; Напомнить про столовый этикет; Напомнить про столовый этикет; Практиковать в умении читать и пользоваться инструкциями и рецептами; Практиковать в умении читать и пользоваться инструкциями и рецептами; Получить положительные эмоции. Получить положительные эмоции.

3 Оснащение урока: Набор продуктов Набор продуктов Посуда Посуда Фартуки, салфетки, скатерть Фартуки, салфетки, скатерть Духовка, микроволновая печь, плита Духовка, микроволновая печь, плита Урок проводить в кабинете домоводства(технологии) Урок проводить в кабинете домоводства(технологии)

4 Подготовка к уроку: Класс поделить заранее на 3 группы, которые будут готовить : Класс поделить заранее на 3 группы, которые будут готовить : Пиццу Пиццу Яблочный пирог Яблочный пирог Оладьи Оладьи Раздать инструкции, каждая группа отвечает за свой набор продуктов. Раздать инструкции, каждая группа отвечает за свой набор продуктов.

5 Ход урока: Dear friends, are you ready to start? Then, listen and repeat the words which are essential now: oil, flour, yogurt, salt, sugar, eggs, apples, tomatoes, cheese, sausage, dough, ketchup, mayonnaise, ham, tea, glass, bowl, stove, microwave oven frying pan, plate, forks, knives, teaspoons, napkins, table cloth, aprons, recipe, ingredients, baking powder, raisins. Dear friends, are you ready to start? Then, listen and repeat the words which are essential now: oil, flour, yogurt, salt, sugar, eggs, apples, tomatoes, cheese, sausage, dough, ketchup, mayonnaise, ham, tea, glass, bowl, stove, microwave oven frying pan, plate, forks, knives, teaspoons, napkins, table cloth, aprons, recipe, ingredients, baking powder, raisins. Now each group will get an instruction to do the task. Ask your teacher if you need help. Good luck! Now each group will get an instruction to do the task. Ask your teacher if you need help. Good luck! Lay the table and enjoy your meals! Lay the table and enjoy your meals! Share your opinions. Share your opinions.

6 Don’t forget to wash your hands before cooking!

7 Apple pie. For group 1 You’ll need a glass of sugar, 2 apples, 4 eggs, a glass of flour. Recipe: break 4 eggs into a bowl, mix them carefully, add a glass of sugar, mix, add a glass of flour and mix again. The mixture is ready. Recipe: break 4 eggs into a bowl, mix them carefully, add a glass of sugar, mix, add a glass of flour and mix again. The mixture is ready. Peel the apples and cut them into slices, put them on a roasting pan, cover them with the mixture and bake for about 15-20 minutes in an oven. Peel the apples and cut them into slices, put them on a roasting pan, cover them with the mixture and bake for about 15-20 minutes in an oven. Enjoy the pie! Enjoy the pie!

8 Thick pancakes. For group 2 Pour 2 packets of yoghurt into a bowl, add some water, a little salt, baking powder, raisins and some flour. Everything should be carefully mixed. Pour 2 packets of yoghurt into a bowl, add some water, a little salt, baking powder, raisins and some flour. Everything should be carefully mixed. Heat the frying pan and pour some oil on it and make the thick pancakes tossing them. Heat the frying pan and pour some oil on it and make the thick pancakes tossing them.


10 Pizza for group 3 Ingredients: dough, tomatoes, cheese, sausage, ham, ketchup, mayonnaise. Put the dough on the roasting pan; Put the dough on the roasting pan; Cut the ham and sausage into pieces, put them on the dough; Cut the ham and sausage into pieces, put them on the dough; Add some pieces of tomatoes and cheese flakes; Add some pieces of tomatoes and cheese flakes; Use ketchup and mayonnaise to your taste; Use ketchup and mayonnaise to your taste; Bake in a microwave or in a stove for about 15 minutes. Bake in a microwave or in a stove for about 15 minutes. It’s yummy! It’s yummy!



13 Are you sure about your table manners? Don’t speak with your mouth full Don’t speak with your mouth full Put the napkin on your knees Put the napkin on your knees Don’t reach across for the salt Don’t reach across for the salt Don’t put your elbows on the table Don’t put your elbows on the table Mix sugar and tea noiselessly Mix sugar and tea noiselessly Use the fork and knife properly Use the fork and knife properly Don’t forget to say: Don’t forget to say: Would you like some (more) tea? Help yourself. Enjoy your meal! Thanks. It was tasty. Just fantastic! Would you like some (more) tea? Help yourself. Enjoy your meal! Thanks. It was tasty. Just fantastic!



16 Share your opinions How do you find the dishes? How do you find the dishes? Who’s an experienced cook? Who’s an experienced cook? Is the lesson useful? Is the lesson useful?

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