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Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Since 1988 it has been the LA’s duty to establish a SACRE RE is a statutory part of the basic.

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Presentation on theme: "Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Since 1988 it has been the LA’s duty to establish a SACRE RE is a statutory part of the basic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) Since 1988 it has been the LA’s duty to establish a SACRE RE is a statutory part of the basic curriculum, but it is not a national curriculum subject The agreed syllabus for RE is the responsibility of the Local Authority through its SACRE

2 Who are the four groups who sit on SACRE? Group A: Christian denominations and other religions and religious denominations. For example representatives from the Muslim, Buddhist, Free Churches, Roman Catholic, Sikh and Hindu communities Group B: Church of England representatives – including The Bristol and Salisbury Dioceses

3 Group C: Teacher representatives – including headteachers from primary, secondary and special schools Group D: The Local Authority – for example, councillors, Fred Angus (Interim Manager for Learning Teaching & Partnerships) and Manager for Equality and Diversity. And SACRE officers (non voting) Clerk to SACRE (Simone Kermode) Adviser to SACRE and RE Adviser to Schools

4 Councillor Mary Douglas is the Chair of SACRE SACRE meets three times a year at venues across Wiltshire, mostly at schools and places of worship

5 SACRE’s responsibilities SACRE advises the LA on matters relating to collective worship in community schools and on collective worship and religious education given in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus

6 SACRE’s 4 main areas of responsibility: 1. SACRE monitors the effectiveness and appropriateness of the agreed syllabus, which is formally reviewed every five years.

7 2. SACRE advises on: the provision of INSET, methods of teaching and choice of materials the consideration of complaints (should the LA so require)

8 3. To receive, and determine whether an application from a Head Teacher to vary the requirement for worship of a broadly or mainly Christian character, is appropriate for the whole school or for groups of pupils.

9 4. To publish an annual report /action plan outlining the advice given by SACRE to the LA - the report broadly describes the nature of advice provide.

10 You are welcome to join as an ‘observer’ at any SACRE meeting. For further details contact - Come and join us on SACRE!

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