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MASBO 2016 INSTITUTE February 24, 2016 Presenters - Derrick Agate – Hopkins Public Schools - Transportation Director - Julie Belisle – MDE - Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "MASBO 2016 INSTITUTE February 24, 2016 Presenters - Derrick Agate – Hopkins Public Schools - Transportation Director - Julie Belisle – MDE - Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASBO 2016 INSTITUTE February 24, 2016 Presenters - Derrick Agate – Hopkins Public Schools - Transportation Director - Julie Belisle – MDE - Transportation School Finance - Kelly Wosika – MDE - Student Accounting School Finance February 24, 2016 Transportation1

2 February 24, 2016 Transportation2 Introduction School Transportation – Side Issue Caveat Overview of School Transportation Your district’s responsibility Area’s of interest? Inquiring minds want to know Email – Derrick Agate or Julie Belisle

3 February 24, 2016 Transportation3 Priorities Safety is what matters. Efficiency – Cost Control Fairness Length of ride

4 February 24, 2016 Transportation4 These are buses (and kids)

5 February 24, 2016 Transportation5 These are also buses

6 February 24, 2016 Transportation6 MN Statute 123B.88 123B.88 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS; TRANSPORTATION In any district – - Two miles or more - Exceptions - Subd. 2 – Voluntarily surrendered - Revoke privileges (123B.91, subd.1 (6) and 123B.90, subd.2)

7 February 24, 2016 Transportation7 School Board Policies Transported students  Busing areas  Ages  Criteria How distances are measured – traveled roadway Hazardous conditions Fee amounts and how applied (free reduced)

8 February 24, 2016 Transportation8 Basic Methods of Providing School Transportation District Owned Busing District own buses Employ your drivers Operate your service Contracted Busing – Contract for services Bids or quotes are allowed 123B.52 subd 1b

9 Basic Methods of Providing School Transportation Blend of district and contracted busing Pros and Cons of either February 24, 2016 Transportation9

10 February 24, 2016 Transportation10 How Districts Manage Transportation School district employs transportation staff and controls transportation School district delegates transportation management to contractor Management contract by a third party Larger districts usually manage, smaller ones often delegate (contract). Fuel Cost controls – two strategies – Contract to buy fuel at a set price – go in with larger group Contract - set a fuel cap clause

11 How To Control Costs Operationally Contracted – Go out for quotes or bids regularly – or know your market prices when negotiating Control your bus routes Monitor your bus service February 24, 2016 Transportation11

12 How To Control Costs Operationally District Owned or contracted Analyze your system every year Revise your bus routes regularly – larger districts 1/3 per year Don’t keep the same runs because the drivers like it. February 24, 2016 Transportation12

13 Routing Software February 24, 2016 Transportation13

14 February 24, 2016 Transportation14 Transportation Communication/ Management Strategy Communication strategy for transportation. Bus Company or Staff member first responder Consult with Superintendent School board involvement Clear policies and procedures

15 February 24, 2016 Transportation15 Type III and Multifunction Activity Buses Operational Criteria Type III buses operate like automobiles on the road – Do not stop at railroad crossings Type III buses may carry students to and from their home. Inspect daily & carry school bus equipment First Aid Kit Safety triangles Fire extinguisher Both are limited by either weight or carrying capacity. A type III may carry up to 10 passengers including the driver – based on carrying capacity of vehicle

16 Type III and Multifunction Activity Buses Operational Criteria Multifunction Activity buses may only transport students from point to point (building to building). Activity bus may carry up to 14 passengers Built to school bus standards. Under the authority of MN Department of Public Safety. February 24, 2016 Transportation16

17 February 24, 2016 Transportation17 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Data Collection Pupil Transportation Annual Report MARSS (Student Accounting System) UFARS (Financial Accounting System)

18 February 24, 2016 Transportation18 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Data Collection MARSS (Student Accounting System) Transportation Category Only collect the number of public school students transported to and from school during the regular school term To and from school – definition.

19 February 24, 2016 Transportation19 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Data Collection Seven possible MARSS codes are: 00 – Walkers or Transportation Field Does Not Apply 01 – Regular 02 – Excess 03 – Disabled 04 – Desegregation 05 – Ineligible 06 – Special

20 February 24, 2016 Transportation20 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Included in the General Education Revenue 4.66 percent of General Education Basic Revenue is considered the transportation portion  4.66 % X $ 5,948 = $277.18 (for 2015-16)  Transportation sparsity Districts are not required to spend this amount on transportation, nor are they limited to this amount

21 February 24, 2016 Transportation21 Transportation Management and Funding Cost Allocation provided in statute Salary and Fringe Benefit Limitations Standard basis for both district and contract bus service – miles, hours, routes. Districts may report based on rates as long as they are reasonable - for both contracted and district owned. Some expenditures are not allocated Further allocation on a cost per student may need to be done

22 February 24, 2016 Transportation22 Transporting Nonpublic Students Nonpublic School Students Districts provide an equal level of service within the district for nonpublic school students School District sets times/attendance areas If there is not an appropriate nonpublic school within the district, the public school is responsible for transportation to the border Contract with parent if parents are willing Safe transfer point (stop short of the border an or drive beyond the border Nonresident district not required to transport nonresident, nonpublic school students.

23 February 24, 2016 Transportation23 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Nonpublic School Pupils Second prior year average cost of transporting public and nonpublic regular and excess category students (Finance Dimension 720)  Times Current year nonpublic regular and excess category students Nonpublic nonregular is based on second prior year costs (Finance Dimension 726)

24 February 24, 2016 Transportation24 Transportation Students with Disabilities Students With Disabilities Resources National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures Driver and aide must receive training in: First aid Dealing with specific needs of students Buses – two-way communication system

25 February 24, 2016 Transportation25 Transportation Students Experiencing Homelessness Homeless Students Transportation responsibility- Enrolling district provides the transportation Transportation funding – through the Special Education Aid Entitlement Formula Important points on transporting homeless students

26 February 24, 2016 Transportation26 Care and Treatment Programs and 504 Accommodation Plans Students that attend Care and Treatment Programs Residential – where facility is located Day Treatment Centers Transportation Responsibility – resident district Students that have a 504 Accommodation Plan Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal civil rights statute that assures individuals will not be discriminated against based on their disability

27 February 24, 2016 Transportation27 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Special Needs Transportation Revenue is based on current year expenditures. (2015-16 expenditures in Finance Dimension 723 and 728 are used to determine funding for 2015-16)

28 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Special Needs Transportation (cont.) Excess special education revenue provides additional funding for districts that have high levels of unreimbursed cost. Aid is determined by a revenue capped reimbursement formula set at fixed dollar amount. February 24, 2016 Transportation28

29 February 24, 2016 Transportation29 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Special Needs Transportation For FY 2015 Special Education Transportation is paid at 100% less state- wide adjustment and proration factor. For FY 2016 Special Education Transportation is paid at 100% less proration factor. No statewide adjustment factor.

30 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Tuition Billing Tuition Billing occurs when a district other than the resident district (where a student’s parents reside) provides education to a special education student. The district serving the student provides the special education services. February 24, 2016 Transportation30

31 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Tuition Billing MDE - Tuition Billing Calculate rates from data submitted by districts - UFARS (Uniform Financial Accounting and Reporting System) MARSS (Minnesota Automated Reporting Student System) EDRS (Electronic Data Reporting System) The system will calculate tuition invoices for all non-resident students with Individual Education Programs (IEPs). February 24, 2016 Transportation31

32 February 24, 2016 Transportation32 Transportation Management and Funding Transportation Funding Interdistrict Desegregation/Integration Transportation Funding State determines the amount of funding already received for to-and-from school transportation services for students coded 04-Deseg ($277.18 plus sparsity) and subtracts it from the district’s cost for this service. Funding covers additional costs

33 February 24, 2016 Transportation33 Transportation Open Enrolled Public School Enrollment Options Student’s choice Responsibilities of resident district Responsibilities of serving district Mileage reimbursement available to low-income families.

34 February 24, 2016 Transportation34 Transportation Charter School Students Charter School Students Notify MDE and district where located each year by March 1, new charter schools - July 1 4.66% of GER goes to district or charter Selecting a site District provided transportation – district determines the days and times Charter school provided transportation – charter school determines days and times

35 February 24, 2016 Transportation35 Program Audit on Student Transportation Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) Program Audit on Student Transportation Best Practices – check off list for transportation program Model Contract – template for contracting - not required in statute

36 February 24, 2016 Transportation36 Transportation Purchases and Leases State School Bus Purchase Program – member of the Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) Leasing School Buses - Operating vs. Capital Inter district programs are the new idea in saving transportation costs 916, 287 and 917 have each undertaken studies recently on how to consolidate bus services.

37 Contracting for Transportation MS 123B.52 – Bids 123B.52 CONTRACTS. Subdivision 1 123B.52 QUOTES Subdivision 3 February 24, 2016 Transportation37

38 February 24, 2016 Transportation38 Transportation Legal Requirements Diesel Exhaust – MN Statute 123B.885 Student School Bus Safety Training Stopping for a School Bus Inspections

39 February 24, 2016 Transportation39 Transportation Contacts and Information Legislature MN State Legislator Transportation Contacts Department of Education Department of Public Safety safety.aspx safety.aspx Minnesota Association of Pupil Transportation (MAPT)

40 February 24, 2016 Transportation40 Transportation Contacts and Information Web Sites Weather information DPS, Homeland Security Emergency Management (HSEM) Sites with safety information Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) - AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAA) - Minnesota School Bus Operators Association (MSBOA) -

41 February 24, 2016 Transportation41 Transportation Contacts Derrick Agate, Sr. Hopkins Public Schools, Manager of Transportation 952-988-4115 Julie Belisle Department of Education, Pupil Transportation Specialist 651-582-8265 Kelly Wosika Department of Education, Student Accounting Specialist 651-582-8855

42 February 24, 2016 Transportation42 Safe at the stop

43 February 24, 2016 Transportation43 Safe at the school

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