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Singapore Zoo Reg1_ChiaJiaHui_1N2 2_ChongYunShi_1N2.

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Presentation on theme: "Singapore Zoo Reg1_ChiaJiaHui_1N2 2_ChongYunShi_1N2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singapore Zoo Reg1_ChiaJiaHui_1N2 2_ChongYunShi_1N2

2 Immerse Yourself in the Zones Fragile Forest Treetops Trail Gibbon island Frozen Tundra

3 Fragile Forest Fragile Forest invites visitors to journey through the various stratas of a rainforest – starting with getting to know the invertebrates and other creatures typically found on the forest floor like the Madagascan hissing cockroaches, rhinoceros beetles and the many colourful varieties of frogs and toads.

4 Treetops Trail The sun-drenched recreation of a clearing in the depths of a rainforest, the lush plantings of trees, a cascading waterfall as well as a jungle pond are home to a group of rainforest animals. You may not spot them right away, so take your time as you make your way to the Treetops Trail ahead

5 The primates along Gibbon Island are vocalists extraordinaires! Come listen to their cacophony of cries, in response to pre-recorded calls during the token feeding session at 1.40pm daily. There are the black howler monkeys, with their deep throaty cries, gibbons with their territorial whoops and red-ruffed lemurs with their signature ‘barks Gibbon island

6 Frozen Tundra Built to resemble the arctic habitat, the Frozen Tundra has a cool temperature, an ice cave with a waterfall, and a large pool filled with giant ice blocks. Inuka, our locally-born polar bear, is the star of the Frozen Tundra. From the viewing gallery in the frozen tunnel, check out how our playful Inuka swim in the cool pool, or even chill in the ice-cold cave!

7 Click HERE for more InformationHERE

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