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2016/17 – 2018/19 Healthy Canberra Grants Information session 1 March 2016 Healthy Canberra Grants The ACT Health Promotion Grants Program Expressions.

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Presentation on theme: "2016/17 – 2018/19 Healthy Canberra Grants Information session 1 March 2016 Healthy Canberra Grants The ACT Health Promotion Grants Program Expressions."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016/17 – 2018/19 Healthy Canberra Grants Information session 1 March 2016 Healthy Canberra Grants The ACT Health Promotion Grants Program Expressions of Interest close 4pm Friday 18 March 2016

2 Today’s session Introduction and background Details of funding opportunities Funding priorities Eligibility and administrative requirements Improving your chance of success when applying Important dates and key points to remember


4 Healthy Canberra Grants Three funding rounds offered since 2013 166 applications received Value of applications received: $39.45m Outcome: $6.7m awarded across 19 Grants (average $352k) Of these: 17 x 3 year grants, 2 x 2 year grant

5 This funding opportunity Up to $1.98m over three years from July 2016 Focus is on our funding priorities listed in the funding guidelines Larger scale, multi-year programs are encouraged Programs up to three years duration from July 2016

6 Our strategic priorities:

7 Reducing the burden of chronic disease Eighty per cent of the burden of the disease and injury in the ACT is caused by chronic conditions Overweight and obesity, alcohol and smoking related harm are significant contributors As is an ageing population Much of it is preventable

8 Supporting healthy active ageing Population demographics mean that there will be an increase in age-related chronic disease A physical activity and healthy eating focus Applications welcomed for innovative programs that support these focus areas

9 Supporting healthy active ageing Success leads to prevention of overweight and obesity, assists in the prevention of falls Evidence that physical activity improves cognitive health Falls and cognitive issues are a significant health system burden

10 Reducing smoking-related harm ACT has done well, but there is more to be done Programs that prevent and reduce smoking in high-risk groups such as in young women, pregnant women or people with a mental illness, for example, are particularly encouraged to apply Applications should consider the National Tobacco Strategy 2012-2018 when applying for funding

11 Reducing alcohol-related harm CHO report states that in 2011-12, 21.0% of ACT adults drank alcohol at risky/high risk levels (Australia: 19.5%). ACT males (31.4%) drank at risky levels significantly more than ACT females (10.9%). Applications are welcomed to address this. Programs should be consistent with the aims of the Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol.

12 Improving overweight and obesity Applications welcomed that can improve overweight and obesity outcomes at a population level Applications that focus on the food environment, rather than individual behaviour change are encouraged to apply

13 Improving overweight and obesity Applications for programs that enable children and families to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles through increased physical activity and healthy eating habits are encouraged Applications should consider the Australian Dietary Guidelines when applying for funding Funded program examples: check out our website for currently funded programs in these areas

14 Health Improvement Branch Programs ACT Health priorities - Applications that align with the Good Habits for Life campaign and the Healthy Children’s supporting programs are encouraged. These programs include: Aligning your programs with these initiatives can add value to your work by providing useful supporting resources.

15 Funding – dates, processes EOI to be submitted by 4pm Friday 18 March 2016 Health Promotion Innovation Fund next cut off date Monday 20 June 2016

16 Assessment criteria: what your application will be judged on Potential for improvement in health and wellbeing - outcomes Need – local context, not restating health stats Value for money – your budget links to your proposed health outcomes Population health approach rather than one on one direct health service delivery

17 Funding provided Once Deed of Grant is executed and Program Plan approve d Decision advised Expected - July 2016 (subject to Ministerial approval) Second stage closes Expected - week commencing 1 June 2016 Invitation to second stage Expected - week commencing 9 May 2016 Expression of interest stage closes 18 March 2016 Expression of Interest stage opens 22 February 2016 Healthy Canberra Grants key dates

18 Will focus on the same priorities as Healthy Canberra Grants Aims to encourage innovative approaches, new ways or working $210k per annum available in several separate opportunities Continuously open for applications Health Promotion Innovation Fund

19 Smaller value grants up to $15,000 Single year projects only Applications can be submitted at any time Applications will be assessed, and funding released, several times per year

20 Eligibility requirements Applicants must meet all of the eligibility requirements (see funding guidelines) Organisation type specified in guidelines Current public liability insurance (or quote) Deliver funded activities in the ACT No overdue reporting requirements Must be a viable legal entity/have an ABN Must not be a political party May need to provide copies of recent AFS Application must be signed by CEO

21 Funding exclusions - we cannot fund: Applications for equipment only - applications with program budgets solely or largely for equipment items will not be assessed for funding. Applications for capital works/capital infrastructure Overseas/interstate travel and accommodation and attendance at conferences and trade exhibitions

22 Funding exclusions - we cannot fund: Programs that do not contribute to the strategic intent of the ACT Health Promotion Grants Program Programs which are primarily research- based Programs which are primarily training-based Programs that are primarily directed to fundraising, prizes, competitions, awards or conducting conferences and events

23 Funding exclusions - we cannot fund: Applications for food skills or nutrition education programs that do not contain evidence of the consultation of an appropriately qualified nutritionist or dietitian The purchase of food not associated with a nutrition education program, food for breakfast programs or catering Costs associated with programs that have already taken place

24 Funding exclusions - we cannot fund: Costs of products or activities which are core business of the organisation e.g. employment of core staff, leasing Applications seeking repeated funding for programs previously funded under Healthy Canberra Grants Please note: applications seeking substantial amounts for excluded activities and items will not be assessed.

25 Online applications Applications are submitted online through SmartyGrants at: You can also access the link via the ACT Health Promotion Grants Program website at:

26 SmartyGrants


28 Administrative requirements: successful applicants Will be required to submit a program and evaluation plan (requirements will be scaled according to the funding opportunity) Enter into a Deed of Grant (MoU if an ACT Govt entity) Reporting and acquittal within specified timeframes Acknowledge the ACT Government for the assistance provided for the program in all promotional material

29 Key points Read the Funding Guidelines before you start Read them again Always refer back to the assessment criteria The process is highly competitive Assume the assessment panel has no prior knowledge of your project Remember it is an advantage where appropriate to strategically align with HIB Programs

30 Key points Ensure you explain your program or project activities and outcomes specifically, not just the general concepts about why the idea is a good one. Your program objectives need to be S.M.A.R.T because we need to be able to measure success! Word limits apply in application forms. Check word counts! (SmartyGrants will only tell you if you are over word count at submission stage).

31 Important Dates: Healthy Canberra Grants EOI closes 18 March 2016 Second stage closes Expected week commencing 1 June 2016 Decision advised Expected July 2016* Funding provided After program plan approved and Deed of Grant is signed

32 Important dates: the Health Promotion Innovation Fund Next funding opportunity closes Monday 20 June 2016 Following funding opportunity closes Monday 17 October 2016 Decision advised By 60 days after each opportunity closes Funding provided After project plan approved and Deed of Grant is signed

33 Improve your application? ACTHPGP staff are very happy to answer your questions about the Grant application process, or how best to strategically align with Health Improvement Branch programs. Contact us if you need – 6205 1325 Other staff within Health Improvement Branch can also discuss strategic alignment with their programs See contact details for each specific program in the funding guidelines

34 Contact details A/g Senior Manager: Emma Spicer - 6205 1213 A/g Senior Officer: Patricia Byrne – 6205 1325 Website: Email: Phone: 6205 1325

35 Questions?

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