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On a new warm-up sheet: What has changed over the last 50- 100 years? (it can be anything)

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Presentation on theme: "On a new warm-up sheet: What has changed over the last 50- 100 years? (it can be anything)"— Presentation transcript:

1 On a new warm-up sheet: What has changed over the last 50- 100 years? (it can be anything)


3 In 1925 –A school teacher, John Scopes, was charged for teaching evolution in school and was found guilty.

4 A process that describes species changing over time Explains how modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms

5 1) There are many different creatures on Earth


7 4.5 billion years old!


9 1801 – Lamarck  Proposed that organisms went from simple to complex to form new species  Died in 1829 in poverty, rejected, and alone

10 1. Charles Darwin a. 1809: English born naturalist b. Went on a 5 year voyage on the HMS Beagle as an unpaid scholar  Collected plants & animals during journey c. Darwin did not set out to develop a theory of evolution d. Observations and specimens collected helped Darwin formulate his theory of evolution. Charles Darwin Slide # 8

11 Video

12 Slide # 9 Darwin spent a lot of time and collected a lot of specimens from the Galapagos Islands. Galapagos Islands

13 1. Animals on Galapagos were similar but not the same as those on mainland S. America & Antarctica 2. Fewer types of organisms on the islands 3. Island species differ from mainland species & from island to island Ex. Finches on Galapagos resemble mainland finch, but there were more types on the islands Slide # 11

14 Pinta Island Intermediate shell Pinta Isabela Island Dome-shaped shell Hood Island Saddle-backed shell Hood Floreana Santa Fe Santa Cruz James Marchena Fernandina Isabela Tower Each island had a variation of tortoise; long & short neck corresponded to type of vegetation. Slide # 12



17 -Established by Darwin -Describes how organisms change over time -5 evidences: -Fossil Record -Biochemical (DNA similarities) -Biogeography -Embryo Development -Comparative Anatomy -Homologous Structures -Analogous Structures -Vestigial Organs

18 What is it? Fossils show preserved organisms found in rock They can tell you many things: What are some examples? 1) an estimate of how old the fossils are 2) how organisms have changed over time into different species 3) How the environment has changed in that area

19 Which rock layer is the oldest? Which fossil is older: a fossil in layer 4 or a fossil in layer 2? What observations did you make about the organisms in layers 1-3 and 4-5? What does this tell you about the type of environment? 5 4 3 2 1

20 Although scientists have a found a lot of fossils (and still continue to find them!), they still have missing pieces in the fossil records of species. The camel however, has a nearly complete fossil record of it’s evolution

21 What is it? -Bio = life -Geography = layout of land  The study of life across Geographical areas How is this evidence for Evolution? (again…what is evolution?)

22 What is it? every living thing has DNA, it’s the universal genetic code (A,T,G,C) The DNA sequences of closely related species are very similar If they’re closely related = they shared a common ancestor! Which species is more closely related to the human? Why? Which species is the least related to the human? Why? How is this evidence for evolution?

23 What is it? Embryo is the earliest form in the development of an organism Embryos of organisms are very similar during this time which suggests a common ancestor! This shows the embryos of a salamander, human, rabbit, turtle, and chick. Can you tell which is which??

24 What is it? body parts that have a similar skeletal layout, but different functions SIMILARITY: the layout; how bones are organized DIFFERENCE: the function What is the picture showing?


26 Question: Do you think a snake has leg bones? Why or why not? How about a whale having hip bones? Why or why not? The organs or structures that no longer have a purpose in a species, but are still there are called vestigial organs. These structures once served a purpose, but through evolution have become less functional and will eventually (over years and years and obviously years) disappear!


28 They HAVE different color FUR! This is called VARIATION.

29 What is the environment like in the north pole? Given these environmental characteristics, which rabbit would be most likely to survive? Why?

30 The white fur color would help the rabbit hide from predators!

31 Variation: difference of traits (characteristics) in a population

32 1. Mutations - Mutations lead to changes! 2. Sexual Reproduction - Remember, sexual reproduction produces variation through crossing over!

33 Adaptation: any trait that helps the chances of survival and reproduction

34 What is the variation? What caused this variation? What is the ADAPTATION? Differences in neck length Genetic Mutation Longer necks to reach the food in trees Giraffes originally had short necks. A random mutation caused some giraffes to be born with long necks. The food for giraffes is located high up in the trees, giving long-necked giraffes an advantage for finding and reaching food.

35 PREDICT: what will happen OVER TIME to the giraffe population? BIG IDEA: Long-necked giraffes survived and reproduced! Long-necked giraffes were better able to survive. Long-necked giraffes were therefore able to live long and reproduce to pass on their genes to their offspring. We now only see long- necked giraffes on earth today

36 How does evolution occur?

37 Discussion: What was the evidence for variation in the finch population? Review: How did this variation result? Sexual reproduction and/or mutation

38 These “better” traits are called ADAPTATIONS.


40 Discuss: Over time, which population will “grow” and which will not?

41 Natural Selection : the process where individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other members of the same species. This is also called survival of the fittest The organisms with the favorable trait are “fit” and able to survive and pass on the trait

42 This means…… The species is evolving.

43 Write T/F for the following questions. If FALSE, correct it. 1)Evolution is about the origin of life. 2)Darwin formed the theory of evolution. 3)Natural Selection describes how the organism with the favorable trait is better adapted and survives/reproduces. 4)A hypothesis is written based on evidence.

44 What theory did Darwin form? Explain what that theory is. What is natural selection? How is it related to the theory of evolution? What are the 5 steps that leads to a species evolving ?

45 A HYPOTHESIS: is a testable explanation of a situation A THEORY: the explanation of a situation BASED on many observations and evidence

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