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ICT19 - 2015 Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos, Ph.D. – Institute Director & Head of Integrated Systems Laboratory National Center for Scientific.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT19 - 2015 Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos, Ph.D. – Institute Director & Head of Integrated Systems Laboratory National Center for Scientific."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT19 - 2015 Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos, Ph.D. – Institute Director & Head of Integrated Systems Laboratory National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” Institute of Informatics and Telecommunication Integrated Systems Laboratory Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence

2 First Person Shooter games: Immersive world Realistic experience Collaborative gameplay Almost total freedom to explore T HE I DEA - I NSPIRATION T HE I DEA Computer Aided Design (today): Unintuitive / Hard to use Extremely complicated interface used to draw lines and shapes Leaves a lot to the imagination Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

3 First Person Computer Aided Design or: FPCAD T HE I DEA A Computer Aided Design program that immerses its user into the design itself allowing him/her, instead of blowing stuff up, to refine or alter the design itself Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

4 1.Immersive experience 2.Designer collaboration – many designers at once 3.Simulated Reality a.People and crowds. b.Lighting conditions throughout the day c.Temperature conditions 4.Automatic fundamental structural alterations based on user’s “surface” modifications 5.Hand-tools as plugins: parallel to different weapons in FPS. These can form the basis of a collaborative market FPCAD - B ENEFITS Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

5 1.Is design possible in 3D altogether? We say: gather the best of the best in CAD, go beyond the SOA. Collaborate with content creators, designers and engineers. Perfect their workflow instead of disrupting it 2.Intuitive design in 3D/VR: is current hardware adequate? We say: gather the best of the best in VR and Human Interfaces 3.Adoption. Will professionals be convinced? We say: get them involved! Refine the end-result based on their input C HALLENGES Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

6 1.Geo-locate the area the house is going to be built. FPCAD retrieves information on surroundings and loads it up in the simulation 2.User immerses himself into the first person designer environment, starts using his “hands” or any available “tools” to create, split, move, curve and in general alter walls, staircases, doors, etc 3.For any change he makes, the program can compensate by altering the structural configuration of the house to accommodate the new change 4.Upon completion, analytical diagrams can be exported to be used as engineering schematics E XAMPLE 1: H OUSE D ESIGN Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

7 1.Geo-locate the area the 3d model is going to be built. FPCAD retrieves information on surroundings and loads it up in the simulation. 2.Multiple designers immerse themselves into the system, the same way that many players can log-in and play a co-op FPS game. 3.Simulated people can be made to navigate / explore / stroll through the area so that designers can have a first hand experience of what it will look like. E XAMPLE 2: C OMPLEX D ESIGN - C OLLABORATION Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

8 1.Geo-locate the area the advertisement is going to be placed. FPCAD retrieves information on surroundings and loads it up in the simulation 2.Designers with focus groups can collaboratively participate and cooperate on the final design. The focus group supplies ideas and thoughts on the end result, validating it 3.Crowds can be generated and their behavior carefully monitored, with highly complex emergent behavior based on perceptive and cognitive models E XAMPLE 3: A DVERTISING Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

9 Graphics / immersive 3d engine VR Crowd generation with complex emergent behavior W HAT W E P ROVIDE Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

10 Next-gen input interface experts Human senses simulation experts CAD/3D modeling experts Content Creators, Designers, Engineers to provide feedback on common operations within 3d models of buildings/areas and their structural configurations Advertisers to provide feedback and insights on advertising operations and needs W E A RE L OOKING F OR Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email:

11 Stelios C.A. Thomopoulos, Ph.D. Director of Research NSCR “Demokritos” Mobile: +30 6944 98 66 99 C ONTACT I NFORMATION Vassilios Kountouriotis, Ph.D. Research Associate NSCR “Demokritos” Tassos Kanellos, MSc. Research Associate NSCR “Demokritos” Betty Evangelinou Research Associate NSCR “Demokritos” Eftichia Georgiou Research Associate NSCR “Demokritos” Contact: Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos Email: For more information:

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