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Chapter 3 “A Case Study of Effectively Implemented Information Systems Security Policy[1]” John Doran, CST554, Spring 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 “A Case Study of Effectively Implemented Information Systems Security Policy[1]” John Doran, CST554, Spring 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 “A Case Study of Effectively Implemented Information Systems Security Policy[1]” John Doran, CST554, Spring 2008

2 Security Policy Effectiveness  “Documented policies are the foundation upon which the security architecture is built.[1]”  “Security policy should be consistently reviewed and refined.[1]”  Employees must receive education and training for the policy to be effective.

3 Questions [1]  What services are required? (ex Web Portal)  Does business require everyone to access the web?  Do users need remote access?  What are the risks and priorities with a security policy?

4 Sections of a Security Policy Sections That Should Be Refined Early:  Purpose –define goals/ objectives “The purpose of this policy is to establish a standard for creation of strong passwords, the protection of those passwords, and the frequency of change.[2]”  Scope – the divisions or employees that are required to follow the policy. “The scope of this policy includes all personnel who have or are responsible for an account.[2]”  Policy Statement –specific rule that defines who, what, and when “All user-level passwords (e.g., email, web, desktop computer, etc.) must be changed at least every six months.[2]”

5 Sections of a Security Policy Sections That Change Periodically:  Standards – what is expected of employees “Don't reveal a password over the phone ANYONE.[2]”  Actions “Any employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment [2].”  Responsibilities – specifically assign actions to a team of employees

6 Sections of a Security Policy  Frequency of Review (ex: every 6 months)  Ways to Request Policy Changes (fill out a form)  List of Assets Includes servers, desktops, laptops, routers Includes servers, desktops, laptops, routers Describe the assets Describe the assets Who administers? Who administers? Who uses? Who uses? How important is the asset to business goals? How important is the asset to business goals?

7 Sections of a Security Policy  Incident Response /Disaster Recovery List Who and When to Call when there is a security breach. List Who and When to Call when there is a security breach. Who is accountable for recovery from breach? Who is accountable for recovery from breach?

8 Educating Employees  User must know that a security policy exists  When changes are made, users must be informed  Social Engineering

9 Revising Security Policy  There are always new threats  Sometimes the business needs change  The team responsible for implementing policy must always be proactive

10 Security Policy Effectiveness  “Documented policies are the foundation upon which the security architecture is built.[1]”  “Security policy should be consistently reviewed and refined.[1]”  Employees must receive education and training for the policy to be effective.

11 References  1. Warkentin & Vaughn Enterprise Information Systems Assurance and System Security Idea Publishing Group, Hershey, 2006  2. Systems Administration and Networking Security Institute (SANS) 3/23/ 3/23/2008 (good examples) 3/23/2008  3. Network Security Journal 102307/ 3/23/2008 102307/ 102307/  4. ISO17799 3/23/2008 (industry standards)

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