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Suffolk Strategic Partnership Safer Suffolk Delivery Partnership Board Babergh Community Safety Partnership Safer Suffolk Delivery Partnership Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "Suffolk Strategic Partnership Safer Suffolk Delivery Partnership Board Babergh Community Safety Partnership Safer Suffolk Delivery Partnership Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suffolk Strategic Partnership Safer Suffolk Delivery Partnership Board Babergh Community Safety Partnership Safer Suffolk Delivery Partnership Executive Ipswich Community Safety Partnership Suffolk Coastal Community Safety Partnership Waveney Community Safety Partnership Western Suffolk Community Safety Partnership Strategic Direction Officer support to the Board Local implementation

2 Delivery Partnership Terms of Reference To be responsible for delivery of safer LAA indicators, and outcomes from Transforming Suffolk. To be responsible for the use of all delegated financial resources and identifying any potential to pool or align resources. Statutory partnership (Police Act 2006) To act as the County [Community Safety] Strategy Group

3 Local Area Agreement 2 Targets Local Target 6: Progressively increase the number of older people reporting that they feel their home is a safe environment: 2010/11 target – at least 90% feeling safe and secure in their own home. Current performance 93% Local Target 7: Reduce the number of serious violent crimes committed in a public place where alcohol and substance misuse was a contributory factor: 2010/11 target – no more than 1256 offences (7% reduction). Current performance 9% increase National Indicator 30: Re-offending rate of prolific and other priority offenders: 2008/9 target - 18% reduction. 2009/10 target - 18% reduction. Current performance 13% reduction National Indicator 32: Repeat incidents of domestic violence: 2010/11 target – no more than 28% of cases to be repeat cases. Current performance 14.5% are repeats

4 Transforming Suffolk Community Strategy Outcomes Reduced Incidents of Arson –Action: Arson Reduction Forum & Strategy Reduced Organised Crime –Action: Multi-agency Proceeds Of Crime Act steering group –Action: Joint (Trading Standards and Suffolk Constabulary) Counterfeiting Operations Reduced Levels of Criminal Damage –Action: County Criminal Damage Group –Action: IMPACT events in every CSP in Suffolk during 2009 Maintain low levels of knife crime in Ipswich –Action: Knife amnesty proposed subject to identification of appropriate intelligence Reduced anti-social behaviour in the worst affected areas –Action: Addressed as a core element of all Community Safety Partnership Action Plans Reduced Drug and Alcohol crime and harm in the worst affected areas –Action: Awareness work and enforcement operations during National Tackling Drugs Week Increase in Drug and Alcohol Treatment –Action: Drug And Alcohol Team Young People and Adult Treatment Plans Reduced number of accidental deaths and injuries on the road –Action: Suffolk Roadsafe Partnership initiatives

5 CSP Strategic Assessment Thematic Recommendations Countywide: Creating a Safer Night-time Economy Protecting Young People A Focus On Priority Neighbourhoods Helping Vulnerable Families Protecting Property (relating to various acquisitive crimes – which differ across the county) CSP Specific: Tackling Drug Use (Ipswich, Western Suffolk and Waveney CSPs) Improving Road Safety (Western Suffolk CSP) Tackling Anti-Social Vehicle Use (Suffolk Coastal CSP) Although not all areas were specifically adopted in these terms in the individual CSP action plans the most significant themes were all addressed




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