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MA4266 Topology Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics S17-08-17, 65162749

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1 MA4266 Topology Wayne Lawton Department of Mathematics S17-08-17, 65162749 Lecture 5.

2 Completeness Definition A metric space (X,d) is complete if every Be a CS and define sequences and that the sequence of Cauchy sequence in X converges to a point in X. Example 3.7.1 (a) R is complete. Proof Let Show that Verify ALL the examples on page 87 in Example 3.7.1 intervalsis nested and Cantor’s nested interval theorem implies that there existssuch that Show Corollary

3 Function Spaces Example 3.7.6 bounded, real-valued functions on a metric space is a complete metric space with metric Proof. Letbe a CS inSince for every is a CS inhence there exists such that Letand choose and set of continuous, for every such that sois continuous. Show that it is also bounded.

4 Proof of the Baire Category Theorem Lemma A subset A of a metric space X is nowhere Proof  we assume that A is nowhere dense in X dense in X iff each non-empty open set in X contains an open ball whose closure is disjoint from A. it follows that and thatis nonempty and open. Since and hence Sinceis open there exists such that Then  ifthen there exists an open ball with  a contradiction

5 Proof of the Baire Category Theorem Thm 3.18 Baire Category Theorem. Every complete metric space is of second category. Proof. Let X is a complete metric space. Assume to the contrary that X is not of the second category. Then X is of the first category. This means that there exists a sequenceof nowhere dense sets with such that Since X is open, the lemma implies there exists a open ball We may assume that the radius of isSince is open it contains an open ballwith andContinuing gives a nested sequence whose centres form a Cauchy sequence whose limitfor allcontradicting

6 Contractions Definition Let is a contraction (with respect to d) if be a metric space. A function there exists a number such that Theorem 3.18 (The Contraction Lemma) If X is complete and such that Proof. Chooseand define Then hence a unique is a contraction then there exists is Cauchy sequence. Since X is complete there existssuch that Corollary

7 Hyperspace Hausdorff distance between closed subsets a metric space,

8 Iterated Function Systems See problem 6 in: >> S = [3 -2 1]; >> for k = 1:10 L = (1/3)*S; R = L + (2/3); S = [L R]; end >> plot(S,0*S,'b.')

9 Iterated Fractal Question What set is obtained as the limit of these iterations ?

10 Picard–Lindelöf Theorem

11 Completion of Metric Spaces Theorem 3.19 Let (X,d) be a metric space. Then there exits a complete metric space (Y,d’) and an isometric embedding e : X  Y for which e(X) is a dense subset of Y. Furthermore, (Y,d’) is unique up to metric equivalence. Proof pages 91-92 (here is one part of the proof)

12 Assignment 5 Read pages 99-108 in Chapter 4 Study problems in Exercises on p.102 and p. 108-109

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