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Bellwork: 09/09/2011 Collect the following data: Salt Water Tanks Only: DO- Phosphate Turbidity- Salinity Nitrate- Calcium Nitrite- Water Hardness Ammonia.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: 09/09/2011 Collect the following data: Salt Water Tanks Only: DO- Phosphate Turbidity- Salinity Nitrate- Calcium Nitrite- Water Hardness Ammonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: 09/09/2011 Collect the following data: Salt Water Tanks Only: DO- Phosphate Turbidity- Salinity Nitrate- Calcium Nitrite- Water Hardness Ammonia pH Temperature Make sure to clean out any excess food from your filter and gravel/sand. Scrub off the inside of the glass & clean the outside with Windex once you are finished.

2 Ecology

3 Define Ecology

4 study of the interactions that take place among organisms and their environment

5 Describe each of the following terms: Biosphere Biotic Abiotic

6 Describe each of the following terms: Biosphere - part of Earth that supports life, including the top portion of Earth's crust, the atmosphere, and all the water on Earth's surface Biotic - living Abiotic – non-living

7 Describe each of the following terms: Biome

8 Describe each of the following terms: Biome - large geographic areas with similar climates and ecosystems Includes: –TUNDRA –TAIGA –DESERT –TROPICAL RAINFOREST –TEMPERATE RAINFOREST –DECIDUOUS FOREST –DESERT –GRASSLAND

9 Describe each of the following terms: Organism Population Community

10 Describe each of the following terms: Organism – one of any living thing Population - all the organisms that belong to the same species living in a community Community - all the populations of different species that live in an ecosystem

11 Describe each of the following terms: Ecosystem Habitat Niche

12 Describe each of the following terms: Ecosystem - all the living organisms that live in an area and the nonliving features of their environment Habitat - place where an organism lives and that provides the types of food, shelter, moisture, and temperature needed for survival Niche - in an ecosystem, refers to the unique ways an organism survives, obtains food and shelter, and avoids danger

13 Levels of Biological Organization Organism - Population - Community - Ecosystem - Biome - Biosphere

14 Describe each of the following terms: Limiting factor Carrying capacity

15 Describe each of the following terms: Limiting factor - anything that can restrict the size of a population, including living and nonliving features of an ecosystem, such as predators or drought Carrying capacity - largest number of individuals of a particular species that an ecosystem can support over time

16 Describe each of the following terms: Producer Consumer Decomposer

17 Describe each of the following terms: Producer - organism, such as a green plant or alga, that uses an outside source of energy like the Sun to create energy- rich food molecules Consumer - organism that cannot create energy-rich molecules but obtains its food by eating other organisms Decomposer – consume wastes and dead organisms

18 Describe each of the following terms: Predator Prey

19 Describe each of the following terms: Predator – an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food. A predator is a consumer [carnivore or omnivore] Prey – an animal that is hunted and caught for food. Prey is a consumer; it may be a herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore.

20 Describe each of the following terms: Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore

21 Describe each of the following terms: Carnivore – eat omnivores or other carnivores [other consumers] Herbivore – eat producers Omnivore – eat producers and consumers

22 Describe each of the following terms: Adaptations of consumers: –Carnivore - meat-eating animal with sharp canine teeth specialized to rip and tear flesh –Herbivore - plant-eating mammal with incisors specialized to cut vegetation and large, flat molars to grind it –Omnivore - plant- and meat-eating animal with incisors specialized to cut vegetables, premolars to chew meat, and molars to grind food

23 Describe each of the following terms: Energy flow through an ecosystem

24 Describe each of the following terms: Energy flow through an ecosystem - the movement of energy through an ecosystem through food webs. The transfer of energy from one organism to another.

25 Describe each of the following terms: Food chain Food web

26 Describe each of the following terms: Food chain - chain of organisms along which energy, in the form of food passes. An organism feeds on the link before it and is in turn prey for the link after it. Food web - Complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships; a group of interconnecting food chains

27 Describe each of the following terms: Energy pyramid

28 Describe each of the following terms: Energy pyramid – a way of showing energy flow. As the amount of available energy decreases, the pyramid gets smaller. Each layer on a pyramid is called a trophic level.

29 Describe each of the following terms:

30 Mutualism Commensalism Symbiosis Parasitism

31 Describe each of the following terms: Symbiosis - any close relationship between species, including mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism

32 Describe each of the following terms: Mutualism - a type of symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit

33 Describe each of the following terms: Commensalism - a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other organism is not affected

34 Describe each of the following terms: Parasitism -a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other organism is harmed Cerathotoa italica

35 Describe each of the following terms: Pioneer species Climax community

36 Describe each of the following terms: Pioneer species - a group of hardy organisms, such as lichens, found in the primary stage of succession and that begin an area's soil-building process Climax community - stable, end stage of ecological succession in which the plants and animals of a community use resources efficiently and balance is maintained by disturbances such as fire.

37 Describe each biome Freshwater - flowing water such as rivers and streams and standing water such as lakes, ponds, and wetlands

38 Describe each biome Saltwater - oceans, seas, a few inland lakes, such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah, coastal inlets and estuaries

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