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Housing Workstream National Prevention Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Workstream National Prevention Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Workstream National Prevention Committee

2 Background & Objectives Establish circumstances of recent incidents – building behaviour & Occupant behaviour Examine appropriateness of safety advice for fires Review the issue of Risk Assessments – scale and scope

3 Background & Objectives Clarify, confirm & inform all relevant parties of Enforcement Principles of RR(FSO) To develop a LACORS style enforcement protocol and sponsor it through to adoption by housing associations etc

4 Initial Actions Working group established Legislative Fire Safety, Community Fire Safety and Regional Fire & Rescue Service Lead Officer engaging nationally with Tenants Services Authority (TSA), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and Homes and Communities Agency (HCA)

5 Where Are We Now? CFOA National Prevention Committee has been given the national lead Engagement taken place with; –TSA –HCA –CIH

6 Response to Discussion Paper Fire safety management as a priority with other essential utilities and physical security Requirement for clear responsibility on the tenant to maintain safety measures and standards both within their home and their neighbourhood

7 Response to Discussion Paper Clear obligation on the landlord to inform and ensure an understanding of passive and active fire protection and other safety measures Landlords need to appreciate requirements for special provisions to protect vulnerable tenants with an understanding that they have a duty to care beyond common and communal areas

8 Response to Discussion Paper We seek clarity and recommend a system on how tenants can be empowered and supported in influencing and monitoring safety measures and standards both in their home and neighbourhood.


10 Further Engagement With TSA Consultation on the new regulatory framework Three national seminars to support the consultation

11 Involvement with HCA Identified common ground where work could be progressed through partnership Made aware that they are working towards a set of harmonised set of core standards Recommended that our concerns, thoughts and recommendations be put forward regionally and nationally to the HCA

12 Further Involvement with HCA Develop a strategy that goes beyond statutory requirements, in order to reduce the likelihood of death or serious injury in the home by fire or smoke related incidents, supported by the recommendation for sprinklers or other fire suppression systems in the home

13 Involvement with CIH Engaged in producing a national fire safety supplement with regards to social housing Promoting fire safety to ensure support through the TSA consultation on the new regulatory framework

14 Further work Inside Housing campaign. Builders to hardwire CO2 detectors into all new houses with gas appliances. Emergency procedure notices in every corridor of high rises. A national database of all UK tower blocks.


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