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Why is it important to know how we learn? Mrs. Pessaro BLDP High School 09/02/11.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is it important to know how we learn? Mrs. Pessaro BLDP High School 09/02/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is it important to know how we learn? Mrs. Pessaro BLDP High School 09/02/11

2  Theory of Multiple Intelligences ◦ Howard Gardner  Lifespan Career Development Theory ◦ Donald Super  Holland’s Hexagon ◦ John Holland

3  Developed by Howard Gardner  Developed in 1983  We all learn differently ◦ No one way is better than another ◦ No one way makes a person “smarter” than another

4  Spatial  Linguistic  Logical-Mathematical  Bodily-Kinesthetic  Musical  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal  Naturalistic  Existential Picture it Say it Count it Move it Play it Lead it Think about it Investigate it Reflect on it

5  Introduced by Donald Super  Introduced in 1950s  Based on personal development stages

6  Find steps and label each one with the following: ◦ Growth ◦ Exploration ◦ Establishment ◦ Maintenance ◦ Decline Birth to 14 30-64 14-24 24-30 64 and beyond

7  Introduced by John Holland  Introduced in late 1980  Career satisfaction depends on correct “mix” of personality and work environment  6 personalities ◦ Known as RAISEC

8  Realistic  Investigative  Artistic  Social  Enterprising  Conventional Doer Thinker Creators Helpers Persuaders Organizers

9  Circle which personality most closely matches you on the graph  Answer the questions the Inventory (circle 0, 1, or 2)  “Grade your Inventory”(for each questions put your response in the “gray” square)  Add your score totals (you may use a calculator)  Map your scores on the graph by putting a dot on the line it matches.  Connect the dots you drew so there is a polygon in the center of the chart.

10 R A I S E C

11  Draw a hexagon and label it like the prior slide  Circle the personality you think you are  Go to the follow web site and complete the Holland Code Quiz ◦ s/test.asp  When you are done, put a square around your highest characteristic and the second highest characteristic.  Look at the graph from the Multiple Intelligence survey and then Holland’s Hexagon. Write 1 paragraph explaining how they are similar or different. If they are different, give an opinion on why you think this may have happened.

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