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The EU & DG Enterprise & Industry / 1 Steve Rogers, Győr, 16 January 2007 The European Union and DG Enterprise & Industry Steve Rogers DG Enterprise &

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1 The EU & DG Enterprise & Industry / 1 Steve Rogers, Győr, 16 January 2007 The European Union and DG Enterprise & Industry Steve Rogers DG Enterprise & Industry Innovation Policy Directorate ICT Industries

2 The EU & DG Enterprise & Industry / 2 Steve Rogers, Győr, 16 January 2007 European Union (EU) nearly half a billion people in 27 countries: “United in Diversity” European Parliament: representing the people of the EU Council of the European Union: representing national governments European Commission: representing the common EU interest Court of Justice — Court of Auditors Economic & Social Committee — Committee of the Regions European Central Bank — European Investment Bank Az Európai Unió portálja – “Egység a sokféleségben”

3 The EU & DG Enterprise & Industry / 3 Steve Rogers, Győr, 16 January 2007 DG Enterprise & Industry One of the Commission’s departments (Directorates-General) Ensures EU policies help support enterprises, jobs, growth Focused on manufacturing industry and SMEs Ensures EU legislation takes proper account of their concerns Responsible for overseeing the Single Market for goods Ensures legislation is clear, effective, imposes minimum burden Manages programmes on entrepreneurship and innovation

4 The EU & DG Enterprise & Industry / 4 Steve Rogers, Győr, 16 January 2007 Policy areas of DG Enterprise & Industry  Enterprise policy  Industrial policy  Innovation policy  SMEs, Crafts, Entrepreneurship  Access to finance  ICT industries – e-Business  Tourism  Space policy  Corporate Social Responsibility  Better Regulation  Single Market and Free Movement of Goods  Enterprise / environment policy; Sustainable development

5 Definition: less than 250 employees, annual turnover max € 50 Million or balance sheet total of max € 43 Million 99 % of enterprises 2/3 of total private employment  key for growth and jobs = Lisbon strategy SMEs

6 Main challenge for SME policy Get more entrepreneurs in Europe

7 Other challenges Reduce stigma of failure Encourage take-overs of business Stimulate growth of enterprises Improve access to capital Make business environment attractive

8 Role of Commission Coordinate actions of Member States Provide support to SMEs Ensure EU policies / programmes are SME-friendly

9 EU policy framework ENTREPRENEURSHIP and COMPETITIVENESS Competition policy Internal Market Environmental Policy Education Policy Consumer & health protection policies Trade policy Regional policy Employment and social policy Fiscal policy R&D

10 What does the EU do for SMEs? Improves access to finance - Over 1 Billion Euros will be provided in 2007-2013 for venture capital and loan guarantees for SMEs -Operated via European Investment Fund -Already over 250 000 SMEs have benefited, including Skype -Influence banks and investors

11 Improve regulatory environment Reduce red tape! Goal: cut administrative burdens on companies by 25%, together with MS Reduce regulation, improve it and introduce impact assessments SME Envoy

12 Help SMEs go international Help SMEs to benefit from single market 63 % of SMEs operate only in their home country YourEurope database (Europa website) Beyond Europe – market access database Euro Info Centres (EICs) and Innovation Relay Centres (IRCs)

13 Euro Info Centres (EICs) 308 Centres all over Europe What do the EICs do? Information about European public tenders or programmes, help businesses apply for European Commission funding or projects Advice on European Directives, regulations and legislation Accurate market or country analysis, assist companies to export within Europe and internationally Help businesses find trade partners, investment opportunities or suppliers

14 Ensure fair competition EU competition policy protects small firms -Against abuse of dominant position -Against price fixing (cartels) -And directs state aid from national champions to support start-ups, innovation, research etc.

15 Support research and innovation Provide funding from the 7 th research framework programme (FP7) ~€ 8 Billion for SMEs annually Application process simplified Co-funding rate increased to max 75% Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) includes over € 3.6 Billion of funding for initiatives

16 The EU is important for SMEs … We aim at creating a business environment conducive for business, with business-friendly EU legislation Provide funding to SMEs through financial instruments (via EIF) Provide research funding (7 th framework programme) Assist SMEs in European issues via Euro Info Centres

17 For more info DG Enterprise & Industry: Euro Info Centres Euro Info Centres: SME Envoy: envoy

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