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In Preparation for HLC Accreditation September 18, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "In Preparation for HLC Accreditation September 18, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Preparation for HLC Accreditation September 18, 2015 1

2  About Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Accreditation  EMU Self-Study Structure  Plan and Timeline  Roles and Responsibilities  Communication Strategies  Q&A 2

3 Significance and Importance  Evaluate the overall quality of an institution  Serve as a/the requirement to receive federal financial support  Provide an opportunity for an institute to reflect on itself through a deep-thinking and comprehensive approach  Identify strengths and opportunities for future improvement 3

4  Official Name of the Accreditation Process: Open Pathway ◦ 4 th year and 10 th year review with site visit  Accreditation Criteria  Other Areas of Accreditation ◦ Federal Compliances ◦ Quality Initiative 4

5  Structure of Accreditation Criteria ◦ Five overarching Criteria (level 1)  Each criterion contains 3-5 Core Components (Level 2)  Each Core Component has multiple Subcomponents (Level 3) 5

6 Overall, what do we need to prepare?  Gather critical documents and data around each of the five criteria (a total of 21 components)  Cover the history between 2010-2017  Write an assurance argument (a total of 35,000 words or fewer)  Host a 2-day site visit by HLC peer reviewers in 2017/2018  Complete Quality Initiative (separate process)  Complete Federal Compliance Review (separate process) 6

7 Interrelated Process: Strategic Planning Steering Committee Criterion 1 TeamCriterion 2 TeamCriterion 3 TeamCriterion 4 TeamCriterion 5 Team Other Process: Federal Compliances Other Process: HLC Quality Initiative Interrelated Process: Assessment 7

8 Team LeadersArea of Focus Decky AlexanderCriterion 1: Mission Chiara HensleyCriterion 2: Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct Caryn Charter, Peggy Liggit Criterion 3: Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support Doug Baker, Ellen Gold Criterion 4: Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement Todd Ohmer, Jim Carroll Criterion 5: Resources, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness Bin Ning Steering Committee Convener and Adviser: HLC policies and Federal Compliance EMU Self-Study Steering Committee 8

9 Team Leader  Decky Alexander, Faculty, CMTA Members  Lynn Nybell, DH, Social Work  Geoff Larcom, Communications  Mary Larkin, LGBT Resource Center  John Koolage, Faculty, Philosophy 9

10 Team Leader  Chiara Hensley, University Ombudswoman Members  Lauren London, Legal Office  Melody Werner, Title IX Coordinator  Stephanie Robinson, HR  Sonia Chawla Wright, Research Compliance  Margaret Crouch, Faculty, History and Philosophy 10

11 Team Leaders  Caryn Charter, ORDA  Peggy Liggit, FDC Members  David Anderson, Faculty, Ed Leadership  Calvin McFarland, Advising and QI  Chris Foreman, Gen Ed  Chris Herman, SD, HPHP  Kate Mehuron, Associate Dean, CAS 11

12 Team Leaders  Doug Baker, Faculty, English  Ellen Gold, Student Affairs Members  Mary Brake, Interim Associate Dean, COT  Diane Fox, Faculty, Nursing  Anne Fox, IRIM-Retention and Completion  Steven Pernecky, Associate Dean, CAS  Joe Scazzero, Faculty, Accounting and Finance  Beth Kubitskey, Associate Dean, COE  James Berry, Faculty, Ed Leadership 12

13 Team Leaders  Todd Ohmer, Budget  Jim Carroll, Academic Affairs Members  Calvin Phillips, Student Affairs  Brian Kulpa, Business Operations/Student Services  Ron Woody, IT  Bill Jones, EMU Online  Anita Schnars, HR  Patrick Koehn, Faculty 13

14  Steering Committee Convener/Advisor: Bin Ning  Marketing/Communication: Ted Coutilish  Strategic Planning (ISPC): Leigh Greden/Casey Wooster  Assessment of Student Learning: University Assessment Committee  HLC Quality Initiative: Rhonda Kinney-Longworth/Calvin McFarland  Graduate Assistant: Jessica Kijek  …… 14

15 TimelineQuality Assurance ActivitiesNotes Fall 2015 Self-Study begins Criterion Teams meet regularly Steering Committee meets regularly Establish communication protocols Self-Study Kick-Off Event Spring 2016Check Point #1: Progress, Directions, RecommendationsMarch-April October/November 2016 Preliminary visit (as needed, invite two HLC peer reviewers for a 1-day visit) Possible dates: Oct 20 th, 27 th, or Nov 10 th of 2016 Spring 2017Check Point #2: Feedback from mock visit Summer 2017Establish a team to coordinate site visit logistics October 2017Check Point #3: Campus review of Assurance Argument begins Quality Assurance Report in place November 2017All documents in place; submit to HLC November 2017- March 2018 Preparing for site visit; final touch-ups 2 days between Late 2017-Early 2018 HLC Site Visitmost likely in early 2018 but I have a dream… 15

16  Steering Committee ◦ Lead self-study ◦ Serve as a communication hub among teams ◦ Coordinate activities (e.g., preliminary visit) ◦ Work with other committees/processes ◦ Ensure even progress among criterion teams 16

17  Criterion Team Leaders ◦ Convene team meetings ◦ Gather documents and data via proper venue to support corresponding criterion ◦ Lead the drafting of assurance argument for respective criterion ◦ Serve as the point of access for each team to the HLC portal ◦ Follow communication protocols (document gathering through organizational hierarchy, file nomenclature, notification of file upload…) 17

18  Criterion Team Members ◦ Participate in team activities (e.g., meetings, discussions) ◦ Assist in identifying and gathering documents and data ◦ Assist in drafting criterion assurance argument ◦ Complete tasks delegated by team leaders 18

19  Convene Steering Committee meetings  Provide advice and recommendations to overall self-study processes  Serve as liaison between EMU and HLC  Serve as a bridge with Assessment Committee and QI Team  Serve as the university administrator to the HLC portal  Work with other units to review and conform the requirements on Federal Compliances 19

20  Marketing and Communication  ISPC-–implementation and outcomes  Assessment of Student Learning  Budgeting processes  Final compilation and editing of assurance argument  Logistics for site visit  …… 20

21  Within Each Criterion Team ◦ Regular team meetings ◦ Group email discussions ◦ Team defined methods 21

22  Among Criterion Teams ◦ Steering Committee meetings ◦ Regular progress updates (monitor and update documents and data gathered by each team)—Jessica Kijek ◦ HLC Assurance System (aka, HLC portal)HLC portal ◦ Self-Study website (see next slide)—Bin Ning ◦ Other methods…… 22

23  Between Self-Study Process and EMU Community ◦ Regular progress updates to key stakeholders (e.g., BOR, Provost, Cabinet, Deans’ Council, Faculty Senate, ISPC, Student organization leaders…) ◦ Press releases ◦ Special columns in newsletters ◦ Self-Study website ( 23

24  Q&A 24

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