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Conversation with the SLOA&C March 20, 2015 Professional Development Day SJCC Presenters: C. Cruz-Johnson, S. Datta, and R. Gamez Paving the Way for Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Conversation with the SLOA&C March 20, 2015 Professional Development Day SJCC Presenters: C. Cruz-Johnson, S. Datta, and R. Gamez Paving the Way for Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversation with the SLOA&C March 20, 2015 Professional Development Day SJCC Presenters: C. Cruz-Johnson, S. Datta, and R. Gamez Paving the Way for Student Success … 1

2 TracDat  Is a repository for the SLO (ISLO, CSLO, PSLO, & SAO) reports URL : Paving the Way for Student Success … 2

3 TracDat Log In Username: tpuente Password: Assigned Paving the Way for Student Success … Log In to TracDat 3

4 Reporting Paving the Way for Student Success … 4

5 Complete Reports  Complete reports include:  Matching SLO Assessment Cycle & Reporting Period  Assessment Methods -describe what tool was used  Criteria for Success -the benchmark set by dept?  Results- should include data,  Analysis of Findings- express what the data shows the department  Communication and Lead- describe how data results were shared (email, dept or division meetings)  Related Documents- Optional-can included spreadsheets, but actual data needs to be included in Results Paving the Way for Student Success … 5

6 Reporting Samples  We reviewed the fall 2014 reports and selected a few to highlight.  The identities have been changed. Paving the Way for Student Success … 6

7 Example of a complete SLO assessment report Paving the Way for Student Success … 7

8 Example of a good SLO assessment report … contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 8

9 Example of a good SLO assessment report … contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 9

10 Example of a good SLO assessment report … contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 10

11 Even though criteria was met, it is a good idea to include a recommendation saying that the faculty need to carry on as usual. Example of a good SLO assessment report … contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 11

12 Samples of Reporting the Have Room for Improvement Paving the Way for Student Success … 12

13 Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement Paving the Way for Student Success … 13

14 Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 14

15 Need a brief description of the assessment methods here. How many questions did the test have? Was it multiple choice? Three question quiz? Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 15

16 This should be in the recommendation section Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 16

17 Even though criteria was met, it is a good idea to include a recommendation saying that the faculty need to carry on as usual. You can also state, “There are not any recommendations at this moment.” Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 17

18 Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement Paving the Way for Student Success … 18

19 Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 19

20 Need a brief description of the assessment methods here. How many questions did the test have? Was it multiple choice? Three question quiz? Having an attachment is not enough. Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 20

21 Not clear what this means. Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 21

22 Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement Paving the Way for Student Success … 22

23 Need a brief description of the assessment methods here. How many questions did the test have? Was it multiple choice? Three question quiz? Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … 23

24 Example of an SLO assessment report that needs improvement ….contd. Paving the Way for Student Success … Need a brief description of the results. The details and the spreadsheet can be in an attachment 24

25 Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) Paving the Way for Student Success … 25

26 Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs)  Communication  Students will communicate effectively including reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Critical and Analytical Thinking  Students will analyze problems using evidence and sound reasoning to make decisions.  Global Awareness and Social Justice  Students will demonstrate an awareness of social, economic, ecological, historical, and cultural differences and their implications.  Personal Responsibility, Ethics and Civility  Students will demonstrate personal and civic responsibility and professional integrity.  Technology  Students will utilize technology effectively for informational, academic, personal, and professional needs.  Aesthetics and Creativity  Students will develop an appreciation of the arts and engage in the creative process. Paving the Way for Student Success … 26

27 ISLO Assessment Timeline  Communication (Fall 2012 & Spring 2013)  Critical and Analytical Thinking (Spring 2013 & Fall 2014)  Global Awareness and Social Justice (Fall 2014 & Spring 2015)  Personal Responsibility, Ethics and Civility (Fall 2010 & Spring 2011)  Technology (Fall 2011 & Spring 2012)  Aesthetics and Creativity (Spring 2012 & Fall 2012) Paving the Way for Student Success … 27

28 Email Sent to SJCC Employees  March 9, 2015   Dear SJCC Community,  Greetings from the Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee.  As you know, the college needs to continuously assess the Institutional Student Learning Outcomes. We are scheduled to assess our ISLO #3, Global Awareness and Social Justice, which states that students will demonstrate an awareness of social, economic, ecological, historical, and cultural differences and their implications.  The SLOAC has developed a brief survey as the assessment instrument, and the sample population for the assessment will be the students who have petitioned for graduation. This sample population will include students who submitted graduation petitions for Summer 2014, Fall 2014, and Spring 2015. Paving the Way for Student Success … 28

29 Service Area Outcomes  Service Area SLOs and/or Administrative Area Outcomes  To fulfill accreditation standards and with the end goal of increased student success, institutions are expected to systematically and continually assess student support services and/or administrative units. Just like our course and program SLOs, these outcomes should also:  reflect our Institutional SLOs,  be statements that can be measured,  be assessed regularly, using the results to improve services. Paving the Way for Student Success … 29

30 Service Area Outcomes Paving the Way for Student Success … 30

31 Service Area Outcomes  Several college websites (e.g. Foothill, Los Angeles Mission) cite the following definition:  Service Area Student Learning Outcomes and/or Administrative Area Outcomes include structured events that occur outside of the classroom, complement the academic programs, and enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in social, cultural, intellectual, recreational and governance programs by:  Encouraging involvement in the campus and society  Encouraging exploration of activities that provide opportunities for growth in individual and group settings  Exposing students to various cultures and experiences, ideas and issues, art and musical forms, and styles of life  Informing students regarding college policies and procedures and how these relate to their lives and activities  Aiding in the awareness and utilization of college facilities and resources  Assisting with developing leadership, decision-making and related skills  Source: Student Life/Leadership, Maricopa Community Colleges, Arizona (, 7/23/07) Paving the Way for Student Success … 31

32 Service Area Outcomes  Here at SJCC, these areas would include the offices of:  Financial Aid  Academic Division Deans  The Library  Admissions and Records  The VP of Academic Affairs  The Office of the President  The Office of VP of Administrative Services  The Office of VP of Student Affairs  The Counseling Department  Student Support Services (various programs) Paving the Way for Student Success … 32

33 Mapping ISLO to PSLOs to CSLO Mapping Paving the Way for Student Success … 33

34 #1 Communi- cation #2 Critical & Analytical Thinking #3 Global Awareness & Social Justice #4 Personal Responsibility, Ethics, & Civility #5 Technology #6 Aesthetics & Creativity ISLOs #1 Express and convey messages clearly for effective oral communication. #5 Apply interpersonal skills to create and maintain successful and beneficial social and civic relationships. #3 Demonstrate knowledge of communication technology and its impact on human communication practices. Effectively utilize technology for research and during debates as media aids. Compare and contrast the basic research methods used for the evaluation of human communication phenomena. Participate in civic engagement and advocate for positive change. Cooperatively work in a group and demonstrate personal responsibility, ethics, and civility in communication PSLOs CSLOs Com 18, SLO # 2 Com 40, SLO #3 Com 20, SLO# 3 Com 45, SLO #4 CSLOs must map to 1 or more PSLOs. PSLOs must map to 1 or more ISLOs Paving the Way for Student Success … 34

35 Thank you for joining us.  Please contacts any of the 2015 SLO&AC Members:        Paving the Way for Student Success … 35

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