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Published byDarcy Oliver Modified over 8 years ago
This training session does not eliminate your requirement to read the appropriate Test Administrator Manuals. Make sure you have signed in on the training sign in sheet. Please sign an oath (stack signed oaths in the middle of the table) Make sure you have a test administrator packet or monitor packet based on your assigned role If you are a test administrator, ensure you have received your STAAR manual.
Testing Administrators- Pre Prep Procedures Be sure your room is ready for testing. Cover or remove any instructional displays that will aid students (any instructional content regardless of subject). Only motivation posters can be left uncovered. Read and highlight the directions you will be giving in advance. Have extra pencils available. For 7 th grade Writing, make sure you have dictionaries and thesauruses available. These may be used for all portions of the test. Based on dictionary policy, teachers should have dictionaries available in their classroom at a 1/5 ratio. LEP students can receive extra time. You will receive tickets for those students (if campus decides to use). You will use tickets for both days. Do not discard. For online testing, make sure there is one pair of headphones per student. Ensure you are familiar with small group and sped rosters
Testing Monitor/Test Reliever- Information Make sure you sign in and out when you relieve a teacher. Make sure you actively monitor students while in testing site. If a student has to be moved, make sure they do not carry their test material. Students must be supervised by an authorized person at all times. Students must be supervised if they take a restroom break. Only one student at a time in the restroom unless you step in the restroom. Students may use highlighters to emphasize important information on a subject-area test. During material collection, everyone will be asked to cover a class so that teachers may turn in test material. If you notice instructional material posted inside our outside of classroom, please remove and/or let test administrator know. Review small group locations so that you can assist students in getting their to their. Do not leave the testing area for prolonged periods of times. Please let other monitors know if you are leaving the testing area. Relieve test administrators for breaks as needed. Pay attention to the classrooms you are assigned to. (Need Relief signs will be posted) Always make sure restroom stations are covered.
Materials Distribution Enter school procedures including pick up location and time. Test administrators must verify roster, number of books and answer sheets received Once verified, you must sign the materials control form Once you sign for test booklets it is your responsibility to maintain their security the entire time they are in your possession Return all books to the testing center at the completion of testing
Test Procedures Overview/Schedule TimeTask 8:00-8:30Pick Up Testing Material 9:15-9:30Check attendance/review seating charts. Post seating charts to door. Collect cell phones and read script Have students sign cell phone oath 9:30-9:45Pass out materials Begin reading directions 9:45- 10:00 All testing sites should be able to start no later than 9:15 Lunch Approximate test start time All students will report to their testing site. Please review small group information with your students prior to testing, Be at your testing location before the students arrive, Tape your seating chart to the door once you have verified students are in the correct location. Collect cell phones and have student backpacks placed at the front of the room. Read cell phone script. No personal belongings/books/papers/ect. on student desks. Cell phones should not be returned until all testing is complete. Computers must be off in testing rooms No electronic devices (teacher and student) should be visible during testing. Take attendance using the absentee form provided. All doors should be open. Students may use a highlighter to emphasize important points.
Campus Lunch Procedures TimeTask A Lunch 11:-11:35 6 th graders B Lunch 11:40- 12:00 7 th graders testing. A monitor will notify your class when to come to the cafeteria. Do not come early C Lunch 12:00- 12:20 8 th graders testing. A monitor will notify your class when to come to the cafeteria. Do not come early 12:30All testing should resume Lunch stop and start (resume) times must be recorded on the seating chart. Make sure you collect test materials and store them in a locked location during lunch. Students must be monitored all times even during lunch. Make sure to record stop and start time for lunches when testing resumes.
Calendar of Events Grades 3-5 Administrations Manual pg. 8
Calendar of Events Grades 6-8 Administrations Manual pg. 8
New to Texas Information Manual pg. 12 Districts must identify all students who participate in STAAR, STAAR L, or STAAR A in grades 3–8 and EOC assessments who are enrolled in Texas schools for the first time in the 2015– 2016 school year. In spring 2016, a new field will be used to collect information on students who are new to Texas schools. For all administrations (paper and online), you should mark the “NEW TO TEXAS” field for any student who transferred.
New to Texas Information Manual pg. 12
STAAR Time Limits and Policies and Procedures Students will have 4 hours to complete their test unless they are in a LEP, 504, or Sped classroom (these students may have extended time per their accommodations). The start and stop time must be completed on the seating chart. You must also record your lunch stop and start (resume) times. Communicate orally AND in writing, time remaining. Remind students all answers must be recorded within the allotted time period. The clock does not stop for water breaks, restroom breaks, snack breaks, or short physical or mental breaks. The clock does stop for lunch (make sure to record time) and medical emergencies. You should have 4 total times recorded on your seating chart. Make sure to collect test material if a student leaves the room for any situation. Manual pgs. 10-11
Time to Test Manual pgs. 10-11 Pg. 35 Appendix D Grades 3-5 Appendix C- Grades 6-8 In spring 2016, districts will be required to submit information about the time it takes individual students in grades 3–8 to complete paper administrations of STAAR assessments. Time-to-test information will be collected for all subject areas and must be recorded for all students who participate in any grade 3–8 paper-based STAAR assessment, primary administrations only. The time-to-test information that must be collected by the test administrator is described below. Total testing time: This is the amount of time a student spent from the actual start of testing until completion of testing, including break time that does not stop the clock. Total testing time should be captured in 15-minute increments for students who take more than 60 minutes to finish. Total break time: This is the amount of time a student spent on breaks that did not stop the time clock. Total break time should be captured in 5-minute increments. Time-to-test information will be recorded in the AGENCY USE field of the answer documents. Refer to the information in Appendix C for more detailed instructions and examples.
Effective Monitoring Move around the classroom. Constantly observe the students. Maintain a QUIET testing environment the entire time (even if your class is finished). Follow required accommodations. Check that students have appropriate test booklet. Check for cell phones and electronic devices.
Irregularity Examples Manual pgs. 20-24 Not actively monitoring students during testing Test administrator leaving students alone during testing Material not secure. Test administrator not present in room but test material visible (on desk, ect) Test administrator using cell phone during testing Students using cell phones during testing Student does not record answers on answer document./Test administrator accepts a blank answer document. Ineligible students were tested or given the wrong assessment Incorrect student bubbling on blank scantrons Viewing a test before, during, or after an assessment with authorization Discussing secure test content or student responses Failure to read directions as prescribed in manual Students write the composition for the appropriate writing prompt on the wrong part of the answer document
Ways to Avoid An Irregularity Manual pgs. 20-24 Never leave test material unsupervised. As soon as a student finishes testing, inspect answer document and if student did not bubble all answers say, “You have not recorded all of your answers on the answer document, please do so now.” Actively monitor students at all time, especially with the writing prompts. Ensure students understand there is not free time if they finish early. They may read a book or put their head down. Verbal/Written reminders of time remaining to ensure student has time to record answers or answer sheet. Review small group and sped rosters in advance All Irregularities should be reported to your campus TC immediately, do not wait until testing is over
Seating Charts Manual pg. 28 Complete seating charts in advance. Do not include SPED, 504, LAT, or small group students not testing in your classroom. Only include students who will actually test in your classroom. Make sure to include start and stop times. Test Relievers will sign in on your seating chart indicating when they were in the classroom. Seating charts must include Name, ID, Book #, Total testing time, total break time, and time students finished testing Sample Seating Charts
Student Book Numbers Manual pg. 30 Each test booklets contains a 10-digit security number printed on the back of each booklet. An example is shown below. Ignore the letter “S” before the number. The “S” should not be included only the ten digits after
Online Testing Manual pgs. 32-34 Students testing online will need a student authorization ticket to log in to the ETS system. If a student needs to take a break, you may pause the test. To pause the test, students click the Pause button. The test administrator should provide assistance for students who need help pausing their tests. To resume a test, students should be instructed to click Resume on the Pause screen. If a test is paused for more than 30 minutes the student will automatically be logged out. To resume testing, the student must log back in using the original student test ticket. Students in an online test administration should log out if they take a lunch break. To log out of the test, students click the Logout button.
Extra Time Tickets- given to students with ET based on accommodations. Campus Decision to use
Online Testing Key Pages Submitting the Test- Manual page 37 Marking New to Texas Information in the Assessment Management System- Manual page 37 Entering Student Score Codes Online – Manual Page 37 Entering Student Accommodations Online – Manual Page 38 Online Tools (Secondary pages 70-72; Elementary pages 90-92) **Please note for students taking STAAR L online, it is not necessary to record linguistic accommodations **Please note for students taking STAAR A online, it is not necessary to record oral administration
Directions begin on page 39 of your manual. It is important to read and highlight your directions in advance. Remember, this training does not take the place of reading your manual.
Overview Distribute materials and give directions as described in your manual. Do not deviate from the directions. You will say what appears in bold print. You may repeat directions as many times as needed. Verify that students have put their test booklet number on their answer document. Students should not put the “S”. Verify that students have written their name on their test booklet. Students should use No. 2 pencils, not mechanical pencils. Once students are finished, collect their test material, mark score code, and complete test form information on scantron. DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO SIT WITH MATERIAL ON DESK WHEN THEY ARE FINISHED. Students should sit quietly when finished or put their head down. Actively monitor at all times. All testing irregularities will be reported to State and National Assessment and TEA.
STAAR Dictionary Policy Dictionaries must be available to all students taking STAAR and STAAR A reading assessments at grades 6–8 STAAR and STAAR A writing assessments, including revising and editing, at grade 7 The following types of dictionaries are allowable: Standard dictionaries in English Dictionary/thesaurus combinations Bilingual dictionaries* ESL dictionaries* Sign language dictionaries Both paper and electronic dictionaries are permitted. However, electronic dictionaries that provide access to the Internet or have photographic capabilities are NOT allowed.
STAAR Calculator Policy Calculators are required for the following STAAR assessments: grade 8 mathematics, Algebra I, Algebra II, and biology. Calculators are not permitted for students taking the STAAR grades 3–7 mathematics assessments or the STAAR grades 5 and 8 science assessments unless the student meets the eligibility criteria for an accommodation. This includes STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR A versions of these assessments. Information regarding calculators as an accommodation for students with disabilities can be found on the Accommodation Resources webpage. Requirement for STAAR Grade 8 Mathematics, Algebra I and Algebra II Districts must ensure that each student has a graphing calculator to use when taking the STAAR grade 8 mathematics, Algebra I, or Algebra II assessments (including STAAR L and STAAR A). Students must have a graphing calculator to use throughout the entire test (both paper and online versions).
LEP Accommodations STAAR L will be administered online. There is no STAAR L for Reading and Writing, only Math, Science, and SS. **Dictionary access to be provided for all students in grades 6 and up as a part of STAAR dictionary policy.
Student Accommodations TYPE ONE Doesn’t require TEA approval. It is accommodation that should be routinely used in the class room. Requires TEA approval. TYPE TWO
Supplemental Aids Any student who receives special education services or receives Section 504 services as a student identified with dyslexia or a related disorder per TEC §38.003, may use this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. … routinely, independently, and effectively uses this accommodation… …disability that affects memory retrieval, focus, or organization that is severe enough to prevent him or her from learning and retaining information …despite multiple opportunities to learn...
Basic Transcription Any student (e.g., general ed., special ed., Section 504) may use this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. …routinely and effectively uses this accommodation… Meets one of the following: …impairment in vision that necessitates the use of braille or large print test materials …disabling condition that prevents him or her from independently and effectively recording responses …on the …answer document…
Oral Administration If you are administrating an oral administration test, be sure you have read the Oral Administration Guidelines Manual STAAR Writing Grade 4STAAR Writing Grade 7 Any student may have the prompt read to them. NOTE: There are no required reference materials for the grade 4 writing assessment; however, allowable accommodations may be read aloud to an eligible student Any student may have the prompt read to them. Required reference materials may be read aloud to a student per IEP. Revising and editing passages, test questions, and answer choices may NEVER be read aloud to a student. Remember to: Sign Oath for Oral Administration
Oral Administration If you are administrating an oral administration test, be sure you have read the Oral Administration Guidelines Manual STAAR Reading For reading only the questions and answer choices may be read aloud. The reading selections may NEVER be read aloud to a student. Remember to: Sign Oath for Oral Administration Provide extra test booklet for test administrator
Oral Administration STAAR, STAAR Spanish, and STAAR L mathematics (grades 3–8 and Algebra I) STAAR, STAAR Spanish, and STAAR L science (grades 5 and 8 and biology) STAAR and STAAR L social studies (grade 8 and U.S. history ) Test questions, answer choices, and required reference materials may be read aloud to a student Test questions, answer choices, and required reference materials may be read aloud to a student Test questions, answer choices, and required reference materials may be read aloud to a student
Large Print This accommodation allows for state-provided large-print test materials. Any student (e.g., general ed., special ed., Section 504) may use this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. …routinely and effectively uses this accommodation… Meets one of the following: ◦ …impairment in vision… ◦ …disability that affects… accuracy in tracking … ◦ …physical disability…
Braille This accommodation allows for state-provided braille test materials for a student receiving special education or Section 504 services as a student with a Visual Impairment and who routinely uses braille materials in the classroom. ◦ contracted braille test materials ◦ uncontracted braille test materials 17978
Test Taken Info: Be sure to bubble English or Spanish Score Codes A= absent O= other, illness S= Score Failure to grid correctly may result in a score of zero Score Code Field indicates whether a student’s test should be scored Failure to grid correctly may result in a score of zero Test Booklet Number: **Students should complete based on the number located on their student booklet. Student Accommodation Field For LEP, 504, and Sped Testers Elementary Answer Sheet Sample New to Texas Info Enter student test time per Appendix D
Test Taken Info: Be sure to bubble English or Spanish Score Codes A= absent O= other, illness S= Score Failure to grid correctly may result in a score of zero Score Code Field indicates whether a student’s test should be scored Failure to grid correctly may result in a score of zero Test Booklet Number: **Students should complete based on the number located on their student booklet. Student Accommodation Field For LEP, 504, and Sped Testers Secondary Answer Sheet Sample New to Texas Info Enter student test time per Appendix D
Answer Sheets Continued STAAR Score CodesTest Taken Field Student Accommodations “S” – tested “A” – absent “O” – other (illness, testing irregularity, EOC/above grade level, substitute assessment, etc.) “*” – paper/online (STAAR/STAAR A or STAAR/STAAR L) — information about the language version (English or Spanish) must be recorded in this field. “EN” or “SP” for grades 3, 4, and 5 Do not bubble above grade level unless indicated by TC GA= general accommodation BR= braille administration LP= large print administration OA= oral administration XD= extra day LA= linguistic accommodation Record the accommodation that is documented and made available to a student, even if the student did not use the accommodation during testing.
Test Security and Confidential Integrity -Reminders All test must be administered in strict accordance with the instruction contained in the test administrator manuals. No person may review the student responses during or after the test administration. No person may change any response or instruct a student to do so. Any person who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation of test security or confidential integrity, and any person who fails to report such violation, may be penalized. Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas Teacher Certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term Inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand Revocation or cancellation of a Texas Teacher Certificate without opportunity for reapplication Know Your Responsibilities Remember… There is no substitute for reading the manual. All staff members must sign an oath
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