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14/06/20161 Jean-Pierre MARTINETTI General Manager of « Cité de la Culture et du Tourisme Durable » Associated teacher at University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

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Presentation on theme: "14/06/20161 Jean-Pierre MARTINETTI General Manager of « Cité de la Culture et du Tourisme Durable » Associated teacher at University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne."— Presentation transcript:

1 14/06/20161 Jean-Pierre MARTINETTI General Manager of « Cité de la Culture et du Tourisme Durable » Associated teacher at University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Expert member of Tourism Sustainability Group Olivier MASSMANN R&D NECSTOUR/EUROMED The ERNEST project and the NETJAC tool : a networking opportunity for Universities and Research centers

2 2 1. R&D programme: ERNEST

3 - Regione Toscane, Italy : coordinator - CCTD, Région PACA, France - Basquetour, Spain - Prefecture of Ilia, Greece - Regional Development Agency of North Hungary - South East Romania Development Agency, Romania - Government of Balearic Islands, Spain - SouthWest Tourism, United Kingdom - Danish forest and Nature Agency, North Zealand, Denmark - Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia), Spain - Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine, France -Regione Emilia Romagna, Italy Recently joined by : - Regione Veneto, Italy - Visit Wales, United Kingdom - Agency for the Support of Regional Development, Kosice, Slovakia 1. R&D programme: ERNEST It includes 15 territories among the most known and most frequented European destinations which wants to commit in a common approach of sustainable tourism: 3

4 1. R&D programme: ERNEST The ERNEST "European Research Network on Sustainable Tourism" is an ERA-NET project funded under the Seventh Framework Program. The ERNEST proposal attempts to go beyond the individual regions progress in the field of sustainable tourism, bringing the actors together to coordinate and add value to their individual activities. - Exchange information and knowledge on regional structures and research programs and to define and implement joint research activities on sustainable tourism according to common needs - Identify within the research programs those elements related to social dialogue and measurement of tourism impact - Fund joint interregional research on sustainable tourism through joint calls for funding and to promote efficient regional and interregional cooperation, including public-private partnership - Define common long-term strategies in line with EU policy on the sustainable development of tourism enterprises connected to or operating in tourism 4

5 1. R&D programme: ERNEST Research areas on Sustainable Tourism - Impact of transport- Active conservation of environmental heritage - Residents’ quality of life- Active conservation of distinctive identities of destinations - Quality of work- Reduction and optimization of natural resource use with particular reference to water - Widening the geographical and seasonal tourism offer - Reduction and optimization of energy consumption - Active conservation of cultural heritage- Reduction of waste and better waste management 5

6 1. R&D programme: ERNEST WP1 Consortium Coordination (Toscane region) WP1 Consortium Coordination (Toscane region) WP2 Information exchanges (Basque Tour) WP2 Information exchanges (Basque Tour) WP3 Definition, preparation, implementation of joint activities (CCTD) WP3 Definition, preparation, implementation of joint activities (CCTD) WP4 Trans-national/Regional joint call implementation (all partners) WP4 Trans-national/Regional joint call implementation (all partners) WP7 Project Management (Region Toscane) WP7 Project Management (Region Toscane) WP5 Outreach and communication (South East Romania Development Agency) WP5 Outreach and communication (South East Romania Development Agency) WP6 Identifying and attracting new partners (all partners) WP6 Identifying and attracting new partners (all partners) 630/06/2010

7 City of culture heritage and sustainable tourism (CCTD), is both a platform and a cluster, promoting sustainable tourism development and highlighting national and europeen heritage. Château Laval Gréoux-les-Bains (Alpes de Haute Provence) Gréoux-les-Bains (Alpes de Haute Provence) Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region (France) Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region (France) 2. A innovative plateform 7

8 The «Swiss army knife» of sustainable tourism A versatile platform knowledge - information - training - observation - watch hosting - congress - seminars - incentive - events animation - cultural - development of heritage tourism Support : expertise evaluation cooperation Works for public and private actors of tourism and culture heritage 30/06/20108 2. A innovative plateform

9 Innovative cluster SIMC© Management of knowledge system Centre numérisé de ressources Visiocommunication E-learningOutils d’aides à la décision Information, programmes, knowledge, évaluation, observation, helping… Major cluster area 2. A innovative plateform 9

10 14/06/201610 2. NETJAC (NETworking Tool for Joint Activities) -Collaborative tool elaborate by CCTD in the framework of ERNEST program 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

11 Netjac is a tool elaborated by the CCTD within the framework of a European program of research-development called ERA-NET Ernest. Netjac is a database consultation tool that allows both exchange of experiences or good practices and research programs in sustainable tourism. Online interface of database management Online data capture in a real time of good practices and research programs Both a benchmark and targeted information tool through Ernest- WTO criteria Available on 11

12 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC 12 ◊ Front office : - A login/password box - A multi-criteria search engine - English language - Suggest a GP or RP (questionnaire) ◊ Back office : - We can monitore the level of participation through the number of views and/or the number of contacts done amongst partners.

13 2 exchange themes : - Research programs - Experiences or Good practices Visitors will be able to : - Enter information (GP/RP) or - Search for information A selection through WTO and Ernest criteria A place to share information on a collaborative space between all the partners A tool that allows study visits and joint call projects for the implementation of the workshop in Brussels. 13 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

14 Experience exchange : revival on the action (see good practices board) Indicators/capacity building : exchanges between all the partners to set it up Work on NETJAC : collaborative tool (see later) NETJAC : more collaboration, easier exchange of information NETJAC has been enhanced with a number of features carefully thought of in view of facilitating exchange of information and joint actions. Article’s merits will be rewarded with a lot more visibility Users are able to easily contact articles’ owners Use of unique tools (Virtual visits) to give impact to articles 21/09/201014 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

15 => NETJAC has been developed to integrate an internal collaborative space: It is a place for all the partners to share information directly on the good practices. All the partners are able to ask questions and put comments about a good practice or whatever, and get a direct answer from the relevant item “owner”. The owner of the good practice is informed once a comment has been written. Everyone can consult the comments but only certified users can feed the comments This collaborative space has the objective to facilitate the exchanges as well as to share and obtain additional, practical and concrete information on the implementation. 21/09/201015 NETJAC : more collaborative 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

16 => NETJAC allows both the evaluation and selection of good practices in order to give rise to study visits. Both the evaluation and the selection of the good practices will be made automatically according to the themes fixed by the WTO and ERNEST, divided into three categories represented by the ERNEST leaf: will give rise to the study visits on-site will give rise to the virtual visits consists of the good practices held by the partners 21/09/201016 NETJAC : facilitate joint actions 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

17 21/09/201017 NETJAC : more collaborative Possibility for registered users only to comment/post questions on the article, and read answers from the author of the article. This facilitates exchange of experience and collaboration Each article is given an automatic score depending on its capacity to fulfill several WTO and ERANET objectives. 2-leaves GPs will be drafted to receive a virtual visit that will be published on NetJac 3-leaves GPs will be drafted to receive a visit (post visit report published on NetJac) 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

18 21/09/201018 NETJAC : facilitate joint actions « Contact » allows registered users to contact the author of the article in a variety of ways, directly from the site: -Telephone (skype call) -Chat (skype chat) -Email -Visio conference Allowing an easy call-to- action will facilitate joint actions and exchange of information. 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

19 Since the NECSTouR meeting in Brussels (30 June 2010), NETJAC has been opened to the NECSTouR partners NETJAC is also going to be opened to the EuroMed space in order to feed the database and strengthen its influence area NETJAC is going to widen its activities’ fields (good practices and research programs) to the Training (Universities, …) 21/09/201019 3. A collaborative tool: NETJAC

20 Contact details: Institution’s name : Cité de la Culture et du Tourisme Durable Project representative : Jean-Pierre MARTINETTI Phone : +33 492 765 257 Fax : +33 492 765 305 E-mail address : Project assistant ERA NET/ERNEST : Clémence SOUCHARD E-mail address : R&D NECSTOUR/EUROMED: Olivier MASSMANN E-mail address 21/09/201020

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