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(Angela) Hope Wilbanks All about me…. Professional Background  3 rd year teaching at the Elementary level  Taught 2 years in 3 rd grade (Reading & ELA)

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Presentation on theme: "(Angela) Hope Wilbanks All about me…. Professional Background  3 rd year teaching at the Elementary level  Taught 2 years in 3 rd grade (Reading & ELA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Angela) Hope Wilbanks All about me…

2 Professional Background  3 rd year teaching at the Elementary level  Taught 2 years in 3 rd grade (Reading & ELA)  First year as a 4 th Grade Reading and Language Arts Teacher

3  I attended public schools.  I teach at the same elementary school I attended as a child! Childhood My idea of education is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects. ~Robert Maynard Hutchins

4 Mr. Martel  High school English teacher  Daily journal…for a GRADE!  A lasting impact on my life

5 My Future Goals  Solidify my career as an elementary teacher  Become a “lead” teacher in Reading and ELA  Become known as an “expert” in reading and writing literacy

6 Master’s Degree  Building block for future endeavors and further personal educational development  Evidence of my commitment to the field  Assist in rising to the level of leadership among colleagues

7 Albert Einstein: “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.”

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