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Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller Charles Pillsbury ROBBERBARONS.

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2 Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller Charles Pillsbury ROBBERBARONS



5 Industrial Growth Nation has a wealth of natural resources, i.e. coal, iron, water, oil, land. Explosion of inventions  business & manufacturing efficiency. Urbanization provides workers & markets. Railroad expansion. Big businesses emerge forming Monopolies & Trusts. Workers endure harsh conditions henceforth, Labor Unions.

6 Business strategies Strong management, improved products at cheapest expense, smart talented assistants, encourage inner-competition, control the market. Vertical Integration – Buy out suppliers to control every step of the process. Control prices & expand profits. Horizontal Integration – Buy out competing companies and merge similar industries. Ex. Merger Monopoly – Complete control over production, wages, prices. Holding Company – A corporation that exists to buy out the stock of other companies. (show ex. on word doc.) Trusts – Competing companies who run their businesses together.

7 Government Legislation Grange movement  Populist Party RR abuse of gov’t land grants Price controls 1887 Interstate Commerce Act – Established the ICC, allowing the federal gov’t to Supervise RR activities.  Supreme court decisions undercut authority. 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act – Trusts are illegal to form if interfering with free trade.  Trust was difficult to define & S.C. undercut its authority.

8 LACK OF Government Legislation Social Darwinism – Economic “natural selection”. Charles Darwin / Herbert Spencer Deregulation, laissez faire. Horatio Alger & rags to riches

9 Labor Unions 1869 – Average daily wage.25, 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week Average woman earned $267 yearly Average man earned $498 yearly Dull, repetitive, unskilled(blue collar), easily replaced Workers wanted better pay, safer working conditions & shorter/managable hours Anti-labor union terms = Yellow Dog Contracts, Scabs, Blacklisted, Injunction

10 Labor Unions (post Civil War) National Labor Union – Wm.Sylvis, 8 hour wkday, open to women & Af. Am., grew to 640,000 members. Knights of Labor – Uriah Stephens, 8 hr. wkday AND equal pay, open to all, grew to 700,000 members. *Arbitration* American Federation of Labor – Samuel Gompers, higher wages & shorter wkwks. *Union label on products, Strikes & *Collective Bargaining* American Railway Union – Eugene Debs, higher wages. *founded the Am. Socialist Party 1901 Industrial Workers of the World – “Big Bill” Haywood, strike victory 1912

11 Strikes & NO Results B & O Railroad Strike 1877 – Wage cuts. President Hayes & federal troops halted strike for impeding interstate commerce. Haymarket Square, Chicago 1886 –Employee lost life on job. Turned violent, Police officers & strikers killed in violence. Death sentences followed. Homestead Steel Plant, Penn 1892 –Wage cuts. 9 dead, owners victory. Pullman Company, 1894– Wage cuts, layoffs. Strikebreakers. President Cleveland sent in federal troops.

12 Labor Victories (video clip) Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, NY 1911 - 146 women dead. Mother Jones - 80 deformed & maimed children from mill work. (T.Roosevelt)

13 Carnegie donated estimated $350 million Rockefeller donated estimated $500 million Mark Zuckerberg, 2 nd youngest billionaire. In 2010 donated $100 million to schools in New Jersey

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