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ESSENTIAL WRITING SKILLS Why good writing skills are essential to career and business success.

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Presentation on theme: "ESSENTIAL WRITING SKILLS Why good writing skills are essential to career and business success."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSENTIAL WRITING SKILLS Why good writing skills are essential to career and business success

2 Different Ways and Styles Business correspondence Letter, Memorandum, E-mail, Blog Academic writing Journalism, Reports, Fiction, Poetry 11/1/2015 Application 4-4 2

3 Communication Process  Find your target  Write in formal or informal form  Be legally and ethical correct  Use a positive ‘tone’ 11/1/2015 Application 4-4 3

4 Six C’s of Good Writing  Complete  Clear  Courteous  Concise  Cohesive  Correct 11/1/2015 Application 4-4 4

5 Good Communication is based on:  Content  Vocabulary choice  Use common vocabulary  Understand the context 11/1/2015 Application 4-4 5

6 Edit a Document  Evaluate the content on  Accuracy  Clarity  Consistency  Effectiveness 11/1/2015 Application 4-4 6

7 Proofread your Document Style and Format  Apply standards for the document to look more attractive and be properly aligned Error search  Grammar  Sense difference in word choices and similarities 11/1/2015 Application 4-4 7

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