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Thames Valley Police & Crime Commissioner Commissioning specialist victim support services September 2014 1.

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1 Thames Valley Police & Crime Commissioner Commissioning specialist victim support services September 2014 1

2 Overview Local commissioning 2015/16 o Approx. £2,467,000 Victims’ Grants (to cover full costs of the non specialist referral services, RJ and local specialist services) o Provision will be through contracts in the six priority themes, and contracts will not necessarily be awarded all at the same time Specifications are expected from November 2

3 Six priority themes 1.Practical and emotional support for victims of sexual assault 2.Practical and emotional support for victims of domestic violence 3.Practical and emotional support for children and young victims of crime 4.Psychological counselling for victims in the priority categories and/or victims who have been unable to recover from the impact of the crime 5.Third party reporting mechanism for victims of hate crime 6.Victim-centred restorative justice 3

4 Guiding principles o Thames Valley coverage, needs-led o Single contract/ leader provider or consortia o Quality and consistency of services (clear reporting; evidence of impact) o Enhancing the capacity of local VCSE providers -to provide services where this is in the best interests of victims 4


6 Social Value o Duty on public bodies to consider social value ahead of a procurement (Social Value Act 2012) o Must consider: how what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of the area, and how, in conducting the process of procurement, it might act to secure that improvement 6

7 Social value o Social value is a way of thinking about how scarce resources are allocated and used. It involves looking beyond the price of each individual contract and looking at what the collective benefit to a community is when a public body chooses to award a contract Social value asks the question: ‘If £1 is spent on the delivery of services, can that same £1 be used, to also produce a wider benefit to the community? 7

8 Social value - discussion How can social value be demonstrated by bidders? o Voluntary & Community organisations are part of local communities Local knowledge, networks and connections including for referrals and support Social and local commitment, including through volunteers or involvement as victims Trust built through local relationships As charities with ‘no shareholders’ more of the funding can be spent on victims 8

9 Collaboration 1.Coverage of whole area by connecting local groups which provide similar services 2.Integration of expertise by connecting general providers with specialists 3.Sharing full service coverage to avoid wasteful competition 9

10 The collaboration continuum o Joint working (delivery and/or back office) o 2 or more charities/organisations o Shared decision making and management Joint committee or info sharing Joint management and delivery of a project Joint venture company Full merger

11 Collaboration - discussion o Opportunity – what voluntary & community organisations bring to the table in partnership Range of strategic connections New skills and expertise; sharing ideas A broad referral base -Pathways: identification; referral in; referral out; continuous support 11

12 Collaboration - discussion o Challenges – what stands in the way of voluntary & community organisation partnerships? Capacity of smaller, niche organisations by specialism or locality (smaller community groups) Size of Thames Valley goes beyond individual local authority boundaries where organisations operate -The priority themes cover elements but not all of the overall service; cross local authority boundary funding is not in place for other services -Other providers and organisations are not known, for such a large geographical area -Risk of smaller organisations being discouraged or lost as a stand-alone provider 12

13 Collaboration - lead providers o Understanding and connecting to a wider network of providers and community organisations, for pathways and needs- led support (‘egg white’) 13

14 Guiding principles o Collaboration must be in the interests of your beneficiaries Access to new resources, relationships or networks, information Better quality and coordination of services Cost savings and efficiencies Greater influence on policy; strength together Area of benefit (can work outside but such work must produce a benefit for your beneficiaries ) 14

15 Critical issues 1 o What area does your organisation cover? o Have you developed links with other organisations which complete the coverage? o Who will lead? o What are the arrangements between the partners/consortium members? (MoU; partnership agreement; joint venture company…) o What are the financial arrangements? 15

16 Critical issues 2 o What expertise does your organisation have? o Have you developed links with other organisations which provide full expertise? o Who will lead? o What are the arrangements between the partners/consortium members? (MoU; partnership agreement; joint venture company…) o What are the financial arrangements? 16

17 Critical issues 3 o You could provide full VS services across the whole TVPCC area o Are you willing to share or do you want to compete for the whole pie? o Who will you share with? (and using what arrangements?) o How will sharing the work contribute to building social value? (Evidence) 17

18 Critical issues - all Due diligence on partners What’s in the agreement Risks: complex decision making; additional costs; reputation; liabilities Management – who has power to do what? Accountability, control and sanctions Capacity Costs of taking lead role/delivery role 18

19 Legal agreement o Essential to have a clear agreement between the consortium members reflecting the way you have decided to work o Possible to develop “boiler plate” agreement o Not very expensive… o Potential risks of not having a proper agreement are considerable 19

20 TVPCC procurement o 2015/16 will be contracts for services o Transparent procedures; fair competition for all suppliers; open to all sectors of the community o Most appropriate and cost effective (taking account of whole life costing) o Comply with TVPCC financial and Diversity and Disability regulations; and Quality of Service Commitment o Comply with wider EU and government policy on procurement 20


22 Timeframe First wave Invitation To Tender (ITT) Nov 2014: o RJ, ISVA, Young People’s Services - Open procedure, 3 years +1 +1 o OJEU process – 40 day ITT, evaluation, clarification, award, 10 day standstill. o Evaluation (a) Cost 40% (b) Deliverables 60% Deliverables scored 0 to 10, where: 10 (meets requirement in full) 6 (meets most of the requirement but with at least 1 significant concern) 2 (provides little of the requirement) 22

23 Next steps o Survey and directory, to increase awareness about the range of organisations across the Thames Valley providing support services to victims To be compiled by Reading Voluntary Action with Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action, Community Impact Bucks and Community Action Milton Keynes o Engagement workshops, 13 and 16 October Draft service specifications and procurement o Bid-writing workshop, 5 November Effective tendering and proposals 23

24 For further information http://www.thamesvalley- http://www.thamesvalley- Other inquiries 24

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