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Development of Trade Union Policy and Organising in GSCs and EPZs Turin, 22 September 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Trade Union Policy and Organising in GSCs and EPZs Turin, 22 September 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Trade Union Policy and Organising in GSCs and EPZs Turin, 22 September 2015 1

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4 Building stronger unions Deliver minimum living wages backed by sustainable systems to deliver them Ensure social protection Change corporate behaviour in their supply chains to: ➢ Purge forced and informal labour ➢ Pay a minimum living wage; and ➢ Expand collective bargaining and safe and secure work Goals

5 National Organising - Use the campaign to grow the union at country level. Leverage the campaign to grow union strength. Move governments and corporations by mobilising workers to achieve: ➢ Minimum living wage ➢ Social protection floor; and ➢ Changed behaviour of corporations/supply chains

6 Global Scandal report to expose impoverishment of supply chain model through media/social media Multimedia report with photos, video, case studies and research including public opinion polling Leveraging those who will pay a minimum living wage against those who won't/won't commit through digital and offline tactics Consumer/community solidarity - cost the bosses Workers capital strategies - economic/investment consequences

7 Legislation and litigation Achieve legislation in five countries holding MNEs accountable for due diligence regarding labour rights, minimum living wages, employment relationship and safe work in global supply chains. Use litigation/ legal strategies including: ILO complaints; Domestic courts – not paying wages, abusing employment relationship; OECD guidelines complaints; Trade preference programmes, complaints and international arbitration of benefits; and Procurement laws to put pressure on companies and procurement contracts.

8 Scaffolding Government initiatives G7 G20 EU Compact Ruggie Principles Bangladesh Accord ILO discussion on Supply Chains 2016

9 Next steps: Global Scandal Report Intensive national Planning Country Training for organisers Advanced skills training

10 Informal/formal workforce

11 Union density mapped by country 11

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13 How does it work across the movement? How does your work contribute? What does opposition look like? What are levers for success? How do we know when we have won? Do we need an exit strategy?

14 HOW THIS WORKS ACROSS THE MOVEMENT? CORPORATE GUF leadership on in individual corporate campaigns −Global organising in targeted companies −Mapping/ details for exposure of corporate abuse −Legal challenges ITUC value add through the scaffolding of −national affiliate support for local campaigns −Global scandal report/ exposure of exploitative SC model/companies −Legal mapping and cases in partnership COUNTRY ITUC leadership of national affiliate campaigns under the umbrella of 'end corporate greed for: −Labour laws −minimum wages −secure and safe work −social protection Support for national campaign plans and organiser training Support for research and legal action GUF value add −sectoral campaigns for minimum wages and safe and secure work −cross sectoral partnerships with ITUC to secure a minimum wage base or laws to protect safe and secure work −joined up corporate campaigns national/global GLOBAL The global work requires a partnership across all areas of the movement ITUC 'scandal report' with ongoing contributions from GUFs and national affiliates Legal mapping and advocacy for legislation to mandate due diligence re SC in MNE headquarter nations Legal support for agreed targeted soft and hard law strategies ITUC/TUAC Coordination of; −ILO discussion 2016, −G7 communique follow up with TUAC −G20 priorities −WB protocol

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