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Village of Woodridge, IL ERP System and Implementation Services Vendor Pre-Bid Meeting August 28, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Village of Woodridge, IL ERP System and Implementation Services Vendor Pre-Bid Meeting August 28, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Village of Woodridge, IL ERP System and Implementation Services Vendor Pre-Bid Meeting August 28, 2013

2 1 Agenda 1.Introductions and Opening Comments 2.Purchasing Comments 3.Woodridge Background 4.Technology Background 5.Project Work To Date 6.RFP Review 7.Open Q&A 8.Meeting Wrap-Up

3 2 Purchasing Comments 6 Tina Nakutis to be sole contact for vendors ( 6 No communications with Woodridge staff other than Tina Nakutis 6 RFP posted to Village website and to be official source for any addenda 6 Any verbal responses are for informational purposes only and are not to be considered binding 6 Actual material changes to the RFP will be addressed through written addenda posted to the Village website.

4 3 Purchasing Comments 6 Deadline for questions will be modified as follows: + Deadline for clarification questions: September 18, 2013 by 4:00 pm CDT + Woodridge response to questions: September 27, 2013 by 5:00 pm CDT

5 4 Village Background MetricResult Population32,971 Fiscal YearMay 1 start. Will be switching to a January 1 start on 1/1/2015 Village FTEs122 Organizational Budget (all funds) $47.1 Million

6 5 Technology Background 6 Current Systems: SunGard HTE 6 GIS: ESRI 10.2 platform 6 Document Imaging: Papervision 6 Microsoft Office User 6 Public Safety: MSI and NetRMS

7 6 Technology Background 6 Key Upcoming Projects: + Purchase and Deployment of New Phone and Voicemail System + IT Disaster Recovery + Replace SCADA for water system + Replace squad car laptops and cameras 6 See sections 1.4-1.6 of RFP for more detailed information

8 7 Project Work to Date 6 Hired Plante Moran – to assist in system procurement - 2013 6 Assigned internal project managers to the project 6 Formed project governance structure 6 Developed Issues and Opportunities list 6 Compiled information into an RFP

9 8 RFP Review 6 Key Upcoming Project Dates (page 8): + Deadline for clarification questions – September 18, 2013 + Woodridge distributes response to questions – September 27, 2013 + Vendor proposals due – October 3, 2013 4:00 PM CDT + Anticipated notification of demonstrations – October 2013 + Demonstrations of Solution – October - November 2013 + Site visits and other due diligence – October- November 2013 + Contract negotiations and award – November 2013-January 2014

10 9 RFP Review 6 Project Scope (Section 1.7, page 16) 6 Summary of Key Transaction Volumes (Section 1.8, page 17) 6 Vendor Proposal Guidelines (Section 2, page 22): + Note number of proposal copies, due date and files to be submitted in the response (Page 2 as referenced in Section 2.2, page 22-23 ) + Basis for Award, Evaluation Criteria and Questions (Section 2.11, page 28)

11 10 RFP Review 6 Staffing Plan (Section 3.7, page 37) + 50/50 split in level of effort 6 Functional Requirements (Section 4, page 40) 6 Contract Terms & Conditions (Section 5, page 42) 6 Proposal Forms (Section 6, page 65)- Also separate attachment

12 11 Discussion Questions & Answers

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