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1Grand Valley Housing StudyFocus Groups: December 2-3, 2015 Welcome to the Public Input Meeting Sponsored by the City of Grand Junction In Support of Grand.

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Presentation on theme: "1Grand Valley Housing StudyFocus Groups: December 2-3, 2015 Welcome to the Public Input Meeting Sponsored by the City of Grand Junction In Support of Grand."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Grand Valley Housing StudyFocus Groups: December 2-3, 2015 Welcome to the Public Input Meeting Sponsored by the City of Grand Junction In Support of Grand Valley’s Housing Study

2 2Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Purposes of the Housing Study  Identify housing and housing service needs for current and future Grand Valley residents  Identify strategies to prepare the region to accommodate growth

3 3Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing Study Process  Analysis of quantitative and qualitative data regarding housing need  Solicit public involvement and other agency input about housing need  Development of strategies in response to identified housing needs

4 4Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Grand Valley

5 5Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Demographics: Population Estimates Available Intercensal Estimates for Cities within Mesa County 2000, 2010 Census and 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 Estimates YearGrand JunctionFruitaPalisadeMesa County Census 200041,9866,4782,579116,255 200145,6057,3962,533119,496 200247,0037,9812,547122,440 200348,2518,5392,554124,994 200449,5439,1062,564127,678 200550,7689,6602,570130,194 200652,79310,3592,617134,665 200754,90211,0932,666139,434 200856,61011,7512,695143,155 200958,80512,4882,742147,851 Census 201058,56612,6462,692146,723 201159,58112,6962,643147,380 201259,81712,7122,645147,724 201359,93012,7212,637147,699 201460,21012,7612,645148,255 % Change 10 - 142.80%0.90%-1.70%1.00%

6 6Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Demographics: Total Population Population Communities in the Grand Valley 2000 & 2010 Census SF1 Data Community 2000 Census2010 Census % Change 00–10 2014 Estimates Population % of Total Population % of Total Clifton17,34517.1%19,88915.5%14.7% Fruita6,4786.4%12,6469.8%10.7%12,761 Fruitvale6,9366.8%7,6756.0%10.7% Grand Junction41,98641.4%58,56645.6%39.5%60,210 Orchard Mesa6,4566.4%6,8365.3%5.9% Palisade2,5792.5%2,6922.1%4.4%2,645 Redlands8,0437.9%8,6856.8%8.0% Other Unincorp.11,59811.4%11,4468.9%-1.3% Grand Valley101,421100.00%128,435100.00%26.60%

7 7Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Demographics: Total Population by Race/Ethnicity Population by Race and Ethnicity Grand Valley 2000 & 2010 Census SF1 Data Race 2000 Census2010 Census % Change 00–10 Population % of Total Population % of Total White93,24391.9%113,89688.7%22.1% Black493.5%869.7%76.3% American Indian954.9%1,4061.1%47.4% Asian579.6%1,061.8%83.2% Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander 83.1%144.1%73.5% Other3,9723.9%7,4435.8%87.4% Two or More Races2,0972.1%3,6162.8%72.4% Total101,421100.0%128,435100.0%26.6% Non-Hispanic90,71689.4%110,18185.8%21.5% Hispanic10,70510.6%18,25414.2%70.5%

8 8Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Percent Hispanic Population by Block Group: 2010 Census Demographics:

9 9Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Demographics: Population by Age Grand Valley 2000 & 2010 Census SF1 Data Age 2000 Census2010 Census % Change 00–10 Population% of TotalPopulation% of Total Under 56,4926.4%9,0887.1%40.0% 5 to 1921,87721.6%25,38919.8%16.1% 20 to 246,7026.6%9,2977.2%38.7% 25 to 3411,97211.8%17,71113.8%47.9% 35 to 5429,43729.0%32,15925.0%9.2% 55 to 649,0298.9%15,63712.2%73.2% 65 or Older15,91215.7%19,15414.9% 20.4% Total101,421100.0%128,435100.0%26.6%

10 10Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Demographics: Elderly Population by Age Grand Valley 2000 & 2010 Census SF1 Data Age 2000 Census2010 Census % Change 00–10 Population% of TotalPopulation% of Total 65 to 661,64410.3%2,36912.4%44.1% 67 to 692,42015.2%3,03715.9%25.5% 70 to 744,04125.4%4,31022.5%6.7% 75 to 793,51422.1%3,54018.5%.7% 80 to 842,29714.4%2,95715.4%28.7% 85 or Older1,99612.5%2,94115.4%47.3% Total15,912100.0%19,154100.0%20.4%

11 11Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Demographics: Household Size Households by Household Size Grand Valley 2000 & 2010 Census SF1 Data Size 2000 Census2010 Census % Change 00–10 Households% of TotalHouseholds% of Total One Person10,54926.1%14,06427.5%33.3% Two Persons15,07037.3%18,34135.9%21.7% Three Persons6,27615.5%7,75015.2%23.5% Four Persons5,30313.1%6,31012.4%19.0% Five Persons2,1685.4%2,8435.6%31.1% Six Persons7421.8%1,1352.2%53.0% Seven Persons or More326.8%6241.2%91.4% Total40,434100.0%51,067100.0%26.3%

12 12Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Economics: Employment Statistics Full and Part-Time Employment Mesa County 1969 – 2013 BEA Data

13 13Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Economics: Unemployment Rates City of Grand Junction vs. State of Colorado 1990-2014 BLS Data

14 14Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Economics: Average Earnings Per Job Mesa County 1969–2013 BEA Data, 2014 Dollars

15 15Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Economics: Real Per Capita Income Mesa County 1969–2013 BEA Data, 2014 Dollars

16 16Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Economics: Poverty in Grand Valley Poverty by Age Grand Valley 2000 Census SF3 & 2014 Five-Year ACS Data Age 2000 Census2014 Five-Year ACS Persons in Poverty % of Total Persons in Poverty % of Total Under 61,29212.6%2,99814.3% 6 to 171,79117.4%3,33715.9% 18 to 646,00958.5%12,87061.2% 65 or Older1,18211.5%1,8158.6% Total10,274100.0%21,019100.0% Poverty Rate10.4%.16.6%.

17 17Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Economics: Poverty in Grand Valley Poverty Communities in the Grand Valley 2000 Census SF3 & 2014 Five-Year ACS Data Age 2000 Census2014 Five-Year ACS Persons in Poverty Poverty Persons in Poverty Poverty Rate Clifton2,15112.6%3,94619.5% Fruita85312.9%1,86114.8% Fruitvale1842.7%1,17314.0% Grand Junction4,80711.9%10,35118.2% Orchard Mesa3655.8%1,00016.0% Palisade35214.0%37914.8% Redlands3264.1%7507.9% Other Unincorp.1,23610.9%1,55915.6% Total10,27410.40%21,01916.60%

18 18Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Economics: Concentration Of Poverty by Census Tract: 2014 ACS

19 19Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Housing Units Mesa County 2000, 2010 and Intercensal Estimates YearHousing Units 200048,427 200150,717 200252,185 200353,667 200455,333 200556,947 200658,492 200760,066 200861,470 200962,309 201062,644 201162,952 201263,182 201363,414 201463,779

20 20Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Total Housing Units Housing Units by Tenure Grand Valley 2000 & 2010 Census SF1 Data Tenure 2000 Census2010 Census % Change 00–10 Units% of TotalUnits % of Total Occupied Housing Units40,43495.4%51,06793.7%26.3% Owner-Occupied28,69771.0%35,51969.6%23.8% Renter-Occupied11,73729.0%15,54830.4%32.5% Vacant Housing Units1,9574.6%3,4406.3%75.8% Total Housing Units42,391100.0%54,507100.0%28.58%

21 21Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Vacant Housing Disposition of Vacant Housing Units Grand Valley 2000 & 2010 Census SF1 Data Disposition 2000 Census2010 Census % Change 00–10 Units% of TotalUnits % of Total For Rent73637.6%1,24236.1%68.75% For Sale49725.4%82724.0%66.40% Rented or Sold, Not Occupied1849.4%1875.4%1.63% For Seasonal, Recreational, or Occasional Use1598.1%37610.9%136.48% For Migrant Workers60.3%10 0.3%66.67% Other Vacant37519.2%798 23.2%112.80% Total1,957100.0%3,440 100.0%75.8%

22 22Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Dwelling Types Housing Units by Type Grand Valley 2000 Census SF3 & 2014 Five-Year ACS Data Unit Type 2000 Census2014 Five-Year ACS Units% of TotalUnits% of Total Single-Family29,80970.3%40,40573.5% Duplex1,1852.8%1,4212.6% Tri- or Four-Plex2,6736.3%3,0565.6% Apartment4,1309.7%5,1759.4% Mobile Home4,59010.8%4,8158.8% Boat, RV, Van, Etc.35.1%660.1%0.1% Total42,422100.0%54,940100.0%

23 23Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Housing Units Housing Units by Community Grand Valley 2000 Census SF3 & 2014 Five-Year ACS Data Housing Units2000 Census 2014 Five-Year ACS Percent Change Clifton6,6018,17223.8% Fruita2,6335,04791.7% Fruitvale2,7303,47127.1% Grand Junction18,87225,90437.3% Orchard Mesa2,4642,79513.4% Palisade1,1281,2066.9% Redlands3,2604,07024.8% Other Unincorp.4,7344,275-9.7% Grand Valley42,42254,94029.5%

24 24Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Housing Permits Single and Multi-Family Units Mesa County Census Data, 1980-2014

25 25Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Housing Permits Single Family Permits and Valuation Mesa County Census Data, 1980-2014

26 26Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Housing Permits CITY OF GRAND JUNCTION New Dwelling Units Permits Issued 201020112012201320142015* Single Family/Duplex (includes Accessory Dwelling Units)190127185232241230 Multi-family Units4882800108104 Senior/Assisted Living Facilities (2.5 beds = 1 unit) 6 CMU Dorms (2.5 beds = 1 unit)941714840480 REST OF MESA COUNTY Mesa County Housing Units (Unincorporated)97115160147192156 Fruita Housing Units755363705530 Palisade Housing Units82311453 Collbran Housing Units000001 DeBeque Housing Units010001 TOTALS512418647493655525 * only thru November

27 27Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Median Housing Costs City of Grand Junction 2000 Census SF3 & 2014 Five-Year ACS Data Housing Cost20002014 Median Contract Rent$496$728 Median Home Value$121,500$208,900

28 28Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Mesa County Bray Reports Residential Real Estate Statistics Mesa County The Bray Report YearMedian Price Days on Market Listings Sold 2009$204,000981,848 2010$188,5001061,696 2011$159,5001072,271 2012$165,000872,574 2013$173,500872,596 2014$182,000922,669 2015*$191,000822,747 *2015 data includes listings through November 2015

29 29Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Housing: Housing Cost Burdens Cost Burden and Severe Cost Burden by Tenure Grand Valley 2000 Census & 2014 Five-Year ACS Data Data Source 31%-50%Above 50% Total Households% of TotalHouseholds% of Total Owner With a Mortgage 2000 Census3,13019.00%1,4328.70%16,454 2014 Five-Year ACS5,57823.00%3,31113.60%24,304 Owner Without a Mortgage 2000 Census3345.20%1251.90%6,435 2014 Five-Year ACS7036.50%4774.40%10,882 Renter 2000 Census2,85424.40%2,13018.20%11,693 2014 Five-Year ACS4,33325.90%4,50627.00%16,704 Total 2000 Census6,31818.30%3,68710.70%34,581 2014 Five-Year ACS10,61520.50%8,29416.00%51,890

30 30Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 2015 Rental Vacancy Survey: Rental Vacancy Survey by Type Grand Valley 2015 Survey of Rental Properties Place Total Units Vacant UnitsVacancy Rate Single Family502346.80% Apartments2,328954.10% Mobile Homes14896.10% “Other” Units182179.30% Don’t Know2,272703.10% Total5,4322254.10%

31 31Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 2015 Rental Vacancy Survey: Rental Vacancy Survey by Type Grand Valley 2015 Survey of Rental Properties Place Total Units Vacant UnitsVacancy Rate Clifton478204.2% Fruita12664.8% Fruitvale21873.2% Grand Junction4,4521794.0% Orchard Mesa2514.0% Palisade1001111.0% Redlands3313.0% Other Unincorp.00NA Total5,4322254.10%

32 32Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 2015 Rental Vacancy Survey: Average Market Rate Rents by Bedroom Size Grand Valley 2015 Survey of Rental Properties Number of Single Family Units ApartmentMobile “Other” Units Total Bedrooms UnitsHomes Efficiency$$493.80$$ One$576.70$612.20$425.00$$596.10 Two$834.70$724.00$641.70$853.30$751.70 Three$1,125.70$895.70$705.00$973.80$1,024.40 Four$1,842.50$1,500.00$$$1,811.40 Don’t know$1,119.20$720.00$571.70$812.50 Total$1,152.70$743.00$626.10$784.60$944.60

33 33Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Current Affordable Housing: Affordable Housing Developments By Type

34 34Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Homelessness: Point in Time Counts 2015 Homeless Population Mesa County CO-500 2015 Homeless Point in Time Sheltered UnshelteredTotal Emergency Shelter Transitional Housing Total number of households1737389335 Total number of Persons20520696507 Persons aged less than 18261143143 Persons aged 18-241918441 Persons over age 241607489323

35 35Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Homelessness: Shelter Reports Shelter Service Populations Grand Valley City of Grand Junction Total Population1,300 Total Number of Families81 Services Provided Nights of Shelter50,000 Meals112,000 Ethnic/Racial Breakdown White72% Hispanic13% All other race/ethnicity16% Subpopulations Chronically Homeless27% Severely Mentally Ill26% Chronic Substance Abuse15% Veterans18%

36 36Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 2015 Housing Needs Survey Preliminary Housing Needs Please rate the need for the following Housing activities Grand Valley 2015 Housing Needs Survey Activity NoLowMediumHigh No Answer Total Need Rental Assistance2133446460222 Rental housing rehabilitation1328566362222 Transitional housing3025436361222 Emergency housing3025436361222 Homebuyer education1539495960222 Homeowner housing rehabilitation1232565864222 Energy efficient retrofits1424655762222 First-time home-buyer assistance203055 62222 Senior-friendly housing1931535564222 Homeless shelters3032465460222 Supportive housing1838535063222

37 37Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 2015 Housing Needs Survey Preliminary Housing Needs Please rate the need for the following Housing activities (cont.) Grand Valley 2015 Housing Needs Survey Activity No Need Low Need Medium Need High Need MissingTotal Retrofitting existing housing to meet seniors’ needs1831614963222 Preservation of federal subsidized housing2832514962222 Diversity in housing types2545444761222 Housing assistance services1942564461222 Construction of new rental housing2834554362222 Mixed income housing2446494063222 Single room occupancy2452493562222 Downtown housing2848513362222 Mixed use housing3440483367222 Housing demolition2356522863222 Other82116195222 Construction of new for-sale housing3560531163222

38 38Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 2015 Housing Needs Survey Preliminary Housing Needs Please rate how the following infrastructure components affect housing production Grand Valley 2015 Housing Needs Survey Question Strongly Negative Moderately Negative No Affect Moderately Positive Strongly Positive No Answer Total Water system quality7541504475222 Sewer system quality5746474275222 Pedestrian-friendly places/walkability182530354272222 Water system capacity5843523678222 Sewer system capacity5841533679222 Sidewalk conditions242734303374222 Public transportation quality72443532570222 City and county road conditions112337502576222 Public transportation capacity61558462473222 Storm water run-off capacity52049462478222 Bridge conditions3774372378222 Bridge capacity3876361881222 Other2 7 3210222

39 39Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 2015 Housing Needs Survey Preliminary Housing Needs Barriers to Affordable Housing Grand Valley 2015 Housing Needs Survey Barrier Number of Citations Cost of land or lot72 Current state of the housing market72 Cost of labor60 Community resistance58 Cost of materials56 Lack of adequate public transportation49 Permitting fees42 Permitting process42 Lack of Affordable housing development policies40 Construction fees39 Impact fees36 Lack of available land35 Density or other zoning requirements29 Lack of quality public schools28 Building codes26 Lot size22 Lack of other infrastructure19 Lack of qualified contractors or builders18 ADA codes18 Encroachment by commercial or industrial land uses18 Lack of adequate public safety services17 Lack of water/sewer systems16

40 40Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Vacant Land Capacity Residential Capacity of Vacant Parcels by Location Grand Valley Mesa County Assessor Data Area# of Parcels Total Acreage Potential Dwelling Units Clifton97172.9987 Fruita298237.21,010 Fruitvale76158.3329 Grand Junction1,6133,175.422,203 Orchard Mesa81408.32,050 Palisade94.319 Redlands170827.92,120 Unincorporated1521,303.44,211 Total2,4966,287.932,929

41 41Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Household Forecast Total Households by Tenure by Income Grand Valley 2010 Census, 2014 5-year ACS Year 0 - 30% of MHI 30% - 50% of MHI 50% - 80% of MHI 80% - 95% of MHI Above 95% of MHI Total Owner 20102,4042,8055,1172,76222,32835,417 20202,8723,3466,1113,30626,70642,339 20303,2673,7976,9473,76230,47248,247 20403,7164,3147,9054,28134,77954,994 Renter 20104,0142,3272,7251,3095,13715,511 20204,8192,7803,2571,5686,14118,565 20305,5413,1773,7341,8027,04421,298 20406,3633,6384,2842,0698,08624,440 Total 20106,4185,1327,8424,07127,46450,929 20207,6906,1259,3684,87432,84760,904 20308,8086,97410,6815,56537,51769,545 204010,0797,95212,1896,35042,86579,435

42 42Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Household Forecast Incremental Need by Tenure and Income Grand Valley 2010 Census, 2014 5-year ACS Year 0 - 30% of MHI 30% - 50% of MHI 50% - 80% of MHI 80% - 95% of MHI Above 95% of MHI Total Owner 2010000000 20204685419945444,3786,922 20308639921,8301,0008,14412,830 20401,3121,5092,7881,51912,45119,577 Renter 2010000000 20208054535322591,0043,054 20301,5278501,0094931,9075,787 20402,3491,3111,5597602,9498,929 Total 2010000000 20201,2729931,5268035,3839,975 20302,3901,8422,8391,49410,05318,616 20403,6612,8204,3472,27915,40128,506

43 43Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Household Forecast 2040 Forecast by Community Grand Valley 2010 Census, 2014 5-year ACS City 0 - 30% of MHI 30% - 50% of MHI 50% - 80% of MHI 80% - 95% of MHI Above 95% of MHI Total 2040 Clifton1,0961,3161,8438405,86810,963 Fruita1,0377051,3337314,1817,987 Fruitvale3534856413992,1784,056 Grand Junction5,4843,6305,4853,00120,85338,453 Orchard Mesa3824066453301,9623,725 Palisade1382272741108541,602 Redlands5934878763362,5734,864 Remainder of Grand Valley9966971,0916034,3967,784 Grand Valley10,0797,95212,1896,35042,86579,435

44 44Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Household Forecast Total Households by Tenure by Income Grand Valley 2010 Census, 2014 5-year ACS City0 - 30%30% - 50%50% - 80%80% - 95%Above 95%Total 2040 Owner Clifton4517181,2215524,7307,672 Fruita4784619155143,6436,010 Fruitvale2473565443502,0273,524 Grand Junction1,4811,6293,0971,80015,98823,996 Orchard Mesa1702485462891,8503,103 Palisade7010812283612996 Redlands4864287652882,3394,306 Other Unincorp.3333666954043,5905,388 Grand Valley3,7164,3147,9054,28134,77954,994 Renter Clifton6455986222871,1383,291 Fruita5592444182175381,977 Fruitvale1061299749150532 Grand Junction4,0032,0002,3881,2014,86514,457 Orchard Mesa2121579940112622 Palisade6711915127242606 Redlands1075911148234559 Other Unincorp.6633323961998062,396 Grand Valley6,3633,6384,2842,0698,08624,440

45 45Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Household Forecast Incremental Need by Community Grand Valley 2040 2010, 2014 5-Year ACS City 0 - 30% of MHI 30% - 50% of MHI 50% - 80% of MHI 80% - 95% of MHI Above 95% of MHI Total Renters City of Clifton217201209963821,105 City of Fruita city22810017088220808 Fruitvale CDP2733251339138 City of Grand Junction city1,4807398824441,7985,343 Orchard Mesa CDP6548301234191 Town of Palisade173139763157 Redlands CDP3117321468162 Remainder of Grand Valley283142170853451,025 Grand Valley2,3491,3111,5597602,9498,929 Owners City of Clifton1512414101851,5892,577 City of Fruita city1951883742101,4882,455 Fruitvale CDP649314292528918 City of Grand Junction city5476021,1446655,9088,868 Orchard Mesa CDP527616888568952 Town of Palisade18283121159259 Redlands CDP140124221836751,244 Remainder of Grand Valley1431572971731,5372,306 Grand Valley1,3121,5092,7881,51912,45119,577

46 46Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Preliminary Findings 1. Unmet housing needs for many existing households 2. 36.5 % of the population with cost burdens; 52.9 % of renters 3. High need for rental housing 4. Need for homeless housing

47 47Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Preliminary Findings 5. Sufficient capacity in existing vacant parcels of land, but nearing capacity over forecast horizon 6. Demand for both rental and homeownership housing over the forecast horizon 7. Need for new construction

48 48Grand Valley Housing StudyPublic Input Meeting: January 6, 2016 Conclusion Contact Information: Community Development Division City of Grand Junction 970-244-1430

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