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Transitioning to more Comprehensive Lighting Program Approaches Background, Program Drivers and Current Efforts Kate Baldacci, CEE Commercial Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning to more Comprehensive Lighting Program Approaches Background, Program Drivers and Current Efforts Kate Baldacci, CEE Commercial Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning to more Comprehensive Lighting Program Approaches Background, Program Drivers and Current Efforts Kate Baldacci, CEE Commercial Program Manager November 2, 2011 Tacoma, WA

2 Agenda Why are we looking at comprehensive lighting programs? What is a comprehensive lighting program? How do programs transition to a comprehensive lighting approach? How can we support this transition? What has been accomplished to date? What are the next steps?

3 Why are We Looking at Comprehensive Lighting Programs? Claiming energy savings from lighting programs is becoming more challenging New minimum efficiency standards will change the baseline Increased energy efficiency savings targets Talk of market transformation Some programs are beginning to experience this now, many more will in the future

4 What is a Comprehensive Lighting Program? A comprehensive lighting program is a program that includes more than one-for-one product replacement It can include any or all of the following components: Traditional technologies Emerging technologies Lighting controls Daylighting Design

5 How Can We Support this Transition? A Comprehensive Lighting Working Group was formed at CEE’s 2009 Industry Partner Meeting Participants include: –CEE members –Government representatives –Manufacturers –Trade associations

6 How Do Programs Transition to a Comprehensive Lighting Approach? New Programs One for one product replacements Mature Programs Continuing with one for one product replacements Researching emerging technologies and advanced lighting controls Advanced Programs Running emerging technology programs (SSL, daylighting, controls) Comprehensive programs (with design strategies)

7 What Has Been Accomplished to Date? Vision statement “The working group strives to meet occupant's lighting needs and deliver aggressive lighting energy savings in the U.S. and Canada by supporting comprehensive program approaches that use a combination of traditional technologies, emerging technologies, controls, daylighting and design.”

8 What Has Been Accomplished to Date? Pilot Programs A few CEE members have been running comprehensive lighting programs, including –Efficiency Vermont –Massachusetts EEPs –Wisconsin Focus on Energy Pilot Program Paper details the program design, early successes, and lessons learned Pilot Program Paper identifies core program elements

9 Core Program Elements MAVTWI 1.Incorporate existing technologies, emerging technologies, controls and/or daylighting xxx 2.Involve lighting designers in each project xxx 3.Promote whole house/building upgrades (70% of qualified floor area) xx 4.Promote to lighting providers and end users xxx 5.Use non-linear incentive approach xx 6.Require baseline assessment of spaces xxx 7.Set incentives based on performance compared to code x

10 CEE Commercial Lighting Initiative Exploration Develop lighting Design Templates for building applications Targeting electrical contractors Retrofit applications Starting with Warehouse Classroom Small office

11 CEE Initiative Exploration cont. Design Templates would Include performance specifications and design layouts (integrating controls and efficient products) Be backed by established design practices and existing resources Be one tool to move toward more comprehensive approaches

12 CEE Initiative Exploration – Immediate Next Steps Complete templates for warehouse space Flesh out need for contractor training Compile comprehensive program summary

13 CEE Initiative Exploration -Next Steps Identify and collect existing data/resources Develop advanced specifications Draft expanded/new Initiative Scope projects to collect needed market research Begin development of demonstration phase Test solutions Identify challenges Inform savings estimates Craft messaging and strategy for industry outreach

14 Today’s Panel David Landers, Puget Sound Energy Vireak Ly, Southern California Edison Kristen McGill, Crescent Electric Lighting Supply

15 Contacts Kate Baldacci Commercial Program Manager 617-337-9267

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