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Engineering in: Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries Daniele S. Lantagne, PE CDC / LSHTM.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering in: Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries Daniele S. Lantagne, PE CDC / LSHTM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering in: Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries Daniele S. Lantagne, PE CDC / LSHTM

2 Career Path Raised in suburban WA State Boston:MIT ‘96, Env. Eng. Work:1996-2000 –Consulting (9 months), IRWA and teaching Masters:MIT ‘01 –Household water treatment Haiti, 1/2 courses at KSG 2001-2003:Consulting, teaching at MIT 2003-ongoing:CDC, Atlanta, Certification 2008-ongoing:PhD at LSHTM

3 Countries I’ve Worked In

4 Causes of Death for Children < 5 Years Acute respiratory infections 19% Neonatal causes 37% Others 10% Malaria 8% Diarrheal diseases 17% HIV/AIDS 3% Injuries 3% Measles 4%

5 What is safe water? Health workers –Water that does not cause morbidity or mortality in children < 5 Engineers –Water without bacterial contamination at exit of plant or pump Millennium Development Goals –Protected Sources –Goal: reduce in half those without access to “improved water” by 2015 Safe water is water that is safe to drink in the users’ cup.


7 Proven HWTS Options Ceramic Filtration SWS SODIS Biosand Filtration PuR

8 What makes HWT work? 1.Quality product 2.Distribution, marketing, profit 3.Behavior change communication 4.User adoption

9 1. Quality (local) product

10 2. Distribution, marketing, profit

11 3. Behavior Change Communication

12 4. Sustained adoption and monitoring

13 Technological Verification Cost Effective Implementation Consumer Demand Sustainability

14 Note: Other Options 1. Laboratory Testing 2. Field testing 3. Health Impact Analysis 4. Scalability

15 Counter-example A BCDE Influent Holding Tank Pump 1 1 micron bag filter Ozonator Ozone Contact Tank 3 micron Filter UV light Chlorine Flow Meter Chlorine Contact Tank Pump 2 0.2 Micron Filter Effluent


17 Opportunities for Research Each step of process –Focus on end goals: feasibility, impact Research in developing countries –Give something back –Not an excuse for poor quality control –Modified laboratory testing –Cross-major collaborations critical

18 Create trial Opportunity Ability Motivation Maintenance: Consistent purchaser Contemp- lation: User never purchased Action: Inconsistent purchaser Create aware- ness and trial Create repeat purchases Pre- contemp- lation: Non-user Knowledg e Social Support Ability to pay for bucket Social Norm s Availability / Transport costs Attitude s Outcome Expectations Quality of care Summary construct PSI “Bubbles” determinant Stage of change Behavior change objective KEY


20 Thank you. I am happy to take questions, and appreciate the opportunity to speak here.

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