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Improving Energy Efficiency Saving Money by Not Wasting Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Energy Efficiency Saving Money by Not Wasting Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Energy Efficiency Saving Money by Not Wasting Energy

2 Energy Efficiency  A measure of the useful energy produced by an energy conversion device compared to the energy that ends up being converted to low quality (heat).  About 84% of all commercial energy produced in the US is wasted.  41% degraded because of 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics  43% wasted unnecessarily (poor insulation, fuel-wasting motors, etc.)  Life cycle cost: initial cost plus lifetime operating costs. Energy Conversion Device EE Fuel Cell45-65% Steam Turbine45% Coal-Fired Plant33% Human Body20-25% Fluorescent Light22% Internal Combustion Engine20-25% Nuclear Power Plant16% Incandescent Light bulb5%

3 Advantages to Improving Efficiency  Prolongs fossil fuel supplies  Reduces oil imports  Very high net energy  Low cost  Reduces pollution and environmental degradation  Buys time to phase in renewable energy  Less need for intervention in the middle east  Improves local economy by reducing flow of money out to pay for energy  Creates local jobs

4 Ways to Improve  Cogeneration (Combined Heat and Power, CHP)—steam and electricity are produced from the same fuel.  80-90% efficient  Emit 2/3 less CO 2 per unit of energy

5 Ways to Improve  Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards—government mandated standards  Accounts for the huge reduction in energy inefficiency of gas-powered cars between 1973 and 1985  Efforts have stalled…  Consumers prefer larger vehicles  Gas is still too cheap  The government has not raised standards

6 Ways to Improve  Hybrid-Electric Vehicles—runs on gasoline, diesel fuel, or natural gas and uses a small battery to provide energy needed for acceleration and hill climbing.  Fuel-cell cars

7 Ways to Improve  Energy Efficient Buildings (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED standards)  Superinsulated house  Ecoroofs or green roofs

8 Saving Energy in Existing Buildings  Insulate and plug leaks  Use energy-efficient windows  Use energy-efficient appliances  Use energy-efficient lighting  Cut off your lights!  Set strict guidelines for new buildings With all these alternatives, why are we still wasting energy?

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