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Bulgaria is a very attractive destination for treatment, prophylactics and recreation Moderate climate with 4 seasons and considerable reflection of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Bulgaria is a very attractive destination for treatment, prophylactics and recreation Moderate climate with 4 seasons and considerable reflection of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bulgaria is a very attractive destination for treatment, prophylactics and recreation Moderate climate with 4 seasons and considerable reflection of the Mediterranean Variety of favorable climatic regions – combination of balneotherapy with climatic treatment The most precious natural treasures of Bulgaria -uniqueness, variety and abundance of hydrothermal, bioclimatic, mud treatment, sea cure, and other health resources Healthy sea and mountain climate lovely scenery and landscapes numerous mineral springs (over 1 600) dozens of lagoon firth mud sources curative peat deposits The Bulgarian mineral waters are known for their greatly varied chemical composition and, mineralization, type of dissolved mineral salts, curative gases and biologically active micro components

2 Mineral water is among the greatest treasures of Bulgaria Bulgaria has about 600 mineral water deposits with over 1600 springs of varying physic-chemical composition, temperature (10°C - 103°C) and indisputable curative properties – 75% of the water is warm to hot – 0.5 - 63 l/sec - capacity of the mineral sources – 400-1500 meters depth of water sources – Bulgaria ranks second in the world by mineral water resources after Iceland About 68 balneological resorts – each resort has thermal springs, with curative effects on various organs and parts of the body – drinking mineral water – most are located in mountainous regions of Bulgaria and offer fresh air, perfect harmony and perfect conditions for recreation – professional medical teams, specialists and medical centers

3 Effects of the Bulgarian mineral waters: The most significant effects of the Bulgarian mineral waters: – Decreasing blood pressure – Regenerative, strengthening the immune system and cardio-vascular system – Improving metabolism – Eliminating functional disorders – Anti-inflammatory – Certain mineral waters enhance the resistance of the organism to harmful radioactive effects

4 1400 AD Bulgaria has been famous for its climate and mineral springs since Antiquity Ottoman times Thracian & Roman period 5-6 Millenium BC 1878 AD 3-7 century AD1-2 century AD Prehistoric village established near Hissarya Roman Emperor Constantine the Great: “Serdica spring is my Rome!” Spa centers were established such as: Augustra (Hisarya), Dezudava (Sandanski), Pautalia (Kyustendil) and Serdika (Sofia) Byzantine period Baths and water fountains built near many mineral springs Empress Helena was a frequent visitor to Odessos (now Varna)

5 Many public mineral baths were built since the independence of Bulgaria 1920194519301900 Current building of the Sofia public mineral bath was built in 1913 Bankya public mineral bath was favorite resort for many citizens of Sofia Photo from Kyustendil public mineral bath (c.1920) The state mineral bath in Varshetz (1938)

6 Balneology has developed significantly in Bulgaria over the last several decades 1970201019901950 Balneo sanatorium in Velingrad (1968) Kleptuza lake c. 1950 Spa hotel “Medite” in Sandanski Hissarya was among the favorite balneology resorts in 1970s and 1980s Strimon spa hotel in Kyustendil Pavel Banya national hospital

7 20th century- the balneology in Bulgaria has enjoyed considerable progress. Nowadays, the combination between : Historic traditions Year-long scientific experience, New technologies and The implementation of the best European practices, is the core of the philosophy of establishment of contemporary balneology, spa and wellness centers in hotel complexes and gated communities. Over the last years, strong investment interest in construction of beautiful and modern spa and wellness centers in our balneology resorts has been observed. Numerous properties with relax and health recovery centres are being constructed.

8 Modern Bulgarian balneological resorts and gated communities

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