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Advancing animal interests What lawyers expect from competent authorities Noor Evertsen, Dier&Recht, June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing animal interests What lawyers expect from competent authorities Noor Evertsen, Dier&Recht, June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing animal interests What lawyers expect from competent authorities Noor Evertsen, Dier&Recht, June 2012

2 Dutch CA: NVWA Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit / Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, independent agency in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation: “The task of the (NVWA) is to protect human and animal health. It monitors food and consumer products to safeguard public health and animal health and welfare. The Authority controls the whole production chain, from raw materials and processing aids to end products and consumption.”


4 Welfare Strategy 2012 - 2015 EU animal welfare legislation has improved the welfare of many of Europe’s farm and experimental animals but more consistent enforcement of existing legislation is necessary need to act in the short term


6 Learning the hard way non-compliance at cattle markets (2005) NVWA-leaks (2007) ‘freedom of information’

7 Enforcement in transformation “a time consuming nuisance” transition to risk-based, trust-based inspections, compliance presumed (cf regulation (EC) 882/2004 - OFFC) aligning welfare inspections with OFFC inspections (decision 2006/778 EC); no priority alternatives to regulation low visibility of effects

8 Working in the shadows

9 Supplementing enforcement? ‘parallel’ experience and expertise of NGO’s/lawyers ‘extra’ experience and expertise: welfare of companion animals well versed in practical and theoretical aspects


11 Expectations Transparency and accountability Permanent education As part of a structure of education involving all ‘stakeholders’ Focus on animal welfare Take part in the rethinking of the position of animals in economics and the legal system

12 Conclusions Priority to animal welfare inspections – welfare of ‘all’ animals Critical reflection on relation CA to industry Acknowledgement of lawyers’ expertise – to be improved by cooperation and education New strategy a perfect occasion for EU initiatives in communication and consultation!

13 Thank you!

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