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Info-Tech Research Group1 Prepare For a New World of Workforce Computing Tablets, BYOD, and Windows 8 are changing the landscape of workforce computing;

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Presentation on theme: "Info-Tech Research Group1 Prepare For a New World of Workforce Computing Tablets, BYOD, and Windows 8 are changing the landscape of workforce computing;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Info-Tech Research Group1 Prepare For a New World of Workforce Computing Tablets, BYOD, and Windows 8 are changing the landscape of workforce computing; have a navigation strategy. Info-Tech's products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spctrum of IT concerns.© 1997 - 2012 Info-Tech Research Group

2 Info-Tech Research Group2 Thrive in the new world of workforce computing Workforce computing refers to the technology that your end users—your workforce—uses to help them do their jobs. In the past, the world of workforce computing technology consisted of corporate-issued desktop computers, then laptops. These haven’t gone away, but there is a whole other side to the world of workforce computing today. Productivity Satisfaction Sea of TCO Windows 8 Post-PC BYOD Three major trends are transforming how workforce computing is done today: Post-PC: form factors other than the traditional desktop or laptop are now viable work devices. The tablet, in particular, is transforming use cases, and expectations about computing. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): workers are bringing their own technology to do complete projects and work tasks. Windows 8: Microsoft’s newest operating system has a radically different user interface than previous versions, bringing big changes to the operating system that powers most business hardware. Learn how to embrace these changes. Develop a cost- effective strategy that transforms computing trends from annoying disruptions into a more productive, and more satisfied workforce.

3 Info-Tech Research Group3 What’s in this Section:Sections: Prepare for a Post-PC Planet Develop an Acquisition Strategy That Includes BYOD Evaluate Windows 8, Pick the Right Time to Upgrade, Then Deploy Set Hardware Refresh Cycles, and Calculate TCO Roll Out Changes, and Provide Ongoing Support Look beyond the PC. Tablets, in particular, are changing the form factor of workforce computing. Determine if there is a use case for tablets. Focus on productivity when choosing which hardware to deploy. Prepare for a Post-PC Planet

4 Info-Tech Research Group4 What’s in this Section:Sections: Set Hardware Refresh Cycles and Calculate TCO Set refresh cycles to match form factor. Revisit your hardware asset management (HAM), and IT asset disposal (ITAD) strategies in light of new workforce computing developments. Calculate total cost of ownership (TCO). Prepare for a Post-PC Planet Develop an Acquisition Strategy That Includes BYOD Evaluate Windows 8, Pick the Right Time to Upgrade, Then Deploy Set Hardware Refresh Cycles and Calculate TCO Roll Out Changes and Provide Ongoing Support

5 Info-Tech Research Group5 Technology has become smaller in both size, and refresh length. For each device type, balance rollout effort with the cost of maintaining equipment. Develop a refresh strategy that matches form factor Refresh cycles are long (four+ years) with desktops due to upgradable hardware, and slow advancement. Today, most laptops and ultrabooks are both portable, and as powerful as desktop systems. When desktops are due for refresh, make the move to laptops and/or tablets. N = 31. Source: Info-Tech Research Group. Refresh Cycle, Years Percentage of Organizations Desktop PCs Laptop PCs Tablets Outside of specialized use cases, laptops are the primary tool of workforce computing today. Refresh cycles are generally three or four years. Calculate TCO, and refresh laptops when productivity, and maintenance savings outweigh refresh cost. For tablets, refresh cycles are generally short (two years is most common). Monitor productivity for tablet use cases, and refresh when it starts to drop. With an arms race in the tablet market, new hardware is constantly released; don’t succumb to deploying, and supporting every shiny new gadget.

6 Info-Tech Research Group6 What’s in this Section:Sections: Roll Out Changes and Provide Ongoing Support Cap off your strategy by rolling out changes, and ensuring that there is enough training for users to take advantage of them. Embrace Shadow IT in the situations where it can benefit Actual IT. Review roles, and responsibilities to ensure that changes are incorporated across the organization. Prepare for a Post-PC Planet Develop an Acquisition Strategy That Includes BYOD Evaluate Windows 8, Pick the Right Time to Upgrade, Then Deploy Set Hardware Refresh Cycles and Calculate TCO Roll Out Changes and Provide Ongoing Support

7 Info-Tech Research Group7 Most will upgrade existing hardware, but waiting for a hardware refresh can be more efficient with Windows 8. Choose the right upgrade method For long refresh cycles, and especially for those near the beginning of one, it can be most cost-effective to upgrade existing machines. Rely on automation as much as possible, with standard images, automated migration tools, and Microsoft’s deployment toolkits, and services. Automation becomes increasingly important as the number of computers increases. Few make the jump to an entirely new OS like OSX or Linux, but these platforms will be seen more, and more through BYOD programs. See Understand and Manage Consumerization strategies for supporting additional operating systems. Understand and Manage Consumerization What About Jumping to Another OS? Percentage of businesses planning to upgrade PCs to Windows 8 vs. buying new OEM PCs or tablets with Windows 8 N = 24. Source: Info-Tech Research Group. Upgrade Existing Machines Buy New Machines With Windows 8 Pre-Installed Buying new Windows 8 machines for refreshes as needed can be an efficient way to introduce it gradually. For some of Windows 8 features, such as touch control, new hardware is all that can support it. The Windows RT version can only be purchased on new tablets like Microsoft’s own Surface. Calculate the TCO of each upgrade method (see next section) to weigh cost against benefit.

8 Info-Tech Research Group8 Aim for a device agnostic approach, in which all end user devices— corporately-owned, or not—can be equally managed and supported. Transition to a flexible BYOD strategy Create a BYOD strategy immediately. Whatever the risks and concerns, BYOD is here to stay. Transition gradually. It’s not all or nothing. For the foreseeable future, there will be a mix of personal, and corporate devices. Maintain security and control with written policies, and management technology such as mobile device management (MDM). Keep corporate data separate from personal data using available policies, and tools. Aim for reinvestment rather than cost savings. Hardware savings should be invested in BYOD success. Prepare IT for BYOD. Roles are changing. IT is slowly getting out of the hardware game, and support is becoming complicated when a variety of personal devices are introduced. Info-Tech’s solutions set Transition to BYOD…and Beyond will guide you through making a transition to supporting personal devices in your organization. Develop a strategy that will not only overcome today’s challenges, but prepare you for a future in which workforce computing consists of a variety of personal, and corporate-owned devices.Transition to BYOD…and Beyond

9 Info-Tech Research Group9 Reducing costs is not as simple as buying the cheapest hardware. Calculate TCO Info-Tech’s Workforce Computing TCO Tool can help you with the following tasks:Workforce Computing TCO Tool ◦ Identify which costs need to be taken into account when deciding on workforce computing hardware. ◦ Calculate the TCO of a single strategy by inputting estimated costs. ◦ Compare two strategies by: –Varying the mix of device types (e.g., laptops and tablets) between scenarios; or –Varying the allocation of costs (e.g., support, stipends) between scenarios Estimate, and communicate costs before making updates to your strategy so that there will be fewer surprises as you enter the new world of workforce computing. Use the Info-Tech Workforce Computing TCO Tool to compare scenarios. It can be surprising how much—or how little—certain decisions can affect long-term costs.Workforce Computing TCO Tool The trend discussed in this solution set—tablets, BYOD, Windows 8—can complicate TCO calculations, but don’t need to. For example, with predictable monthly stipends, a BYOD program can actually be more predictable than fully supporting corporate-issued devices. Info-Tech Insight

10 Info-Tech Research Group10 Change doesn’t happen on its own; outline who is responsible for planning, and implementing your reaction to computing disruptions. Review roles, responsibilities, and abilities of users to prepare them for the new world of workforce computing For major changes, set up a committee, or user group to test new developments. For example, for changes in the next year or two, specify who is responsible for: ◦ Tablet strategy, and testing ◦ BYOD strategy ◦ Windows 8 migration plans Have pilot groups test major changes before a wider rollout. A pilot group can be internal to IT, or can involve a small group of trusted users. It can be better to have a mix of roles, and tech experience to identify potential problems early. For each category of changes and role, consider: ◦ Special needs, such as disabilities ◦ Security and risk levels ◦ Mobility requirement ◦ Application requirements Help desk roles, more than others, will be affected by the trends discussed here. Consider how each change can not only be implemented, but supported post-implementation. Productivity Satisfaction Sea of TCO Windows 8 Post-PC BYODBYOD

11 Info-Tech Research Group11 Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To: Sign up for free trial membership to get practical solutions for your IT challenges Quickly get up to speed with new technologies Make the right technology purchasing decisions – fast Deliver critical IT projects, on time and within budget Manage business expectations Justify IT spending and prove the value of IT Train IT staff and effectively manage an IT department “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive – a cardinal rule in a stable and leading edge IT environment. - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP Toll Free: 1-888-670-8889

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