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District Updates  1. Crisis Go App  2. Bullying Refresher  3. Social Media Policy  4. Teacher Web Pages.

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Presentation on theme: "District Updates  1. Crisis Go App  2. Bullying Refresher  3. Social Media Policy  4. Teacher Web Pages."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Updates  1. Crisis Go App  2. Bullying Refresher  3. Social Media Policy  4. Teacher Web Pages

2 Crisis Go app  1. New optional safety app for your personal phone  2. Not required  3. Can be put on iPad or computer  4. If you don’t want it on your phone, you can continue to use the flip chart and update your personal class rosters on paper. Subs should always have a paper copy of your class roster available.  5. This system is for emergencies only.

3 Crisis Go Features  1. Maps of all the buildings, including evacuation routes  2. Class lists that are updated automatically 3X day once school starts  3. Checklists for emergencies – same as flip charts  4. Siren for emergency notification – works even if your phone is on silent  5. Emergency numbers (police, fire, FBI)  6. Student information: parent names and phone numbers  7. Notification system from Superintendent

4 Crisis Go App  me me  crisisgo

5 Crisis Go Login Information  Go to App Store  Download free app using your account login info  Log in to your account with your Employee ID Number@318  Password is your Employee ID Number and your first and last initial (lower case)  If downloading to an iPad, you will need to look for the iPhone app.

6 Crisis Go and Safety Plans  IGH Community Schools is just starting to use this app and more training will be coming during the school year.  Building principals will be reviewing your building safety plan with you this week, including your evacuation sites.  IGH Community Schools is partnering with the IGH Police Department, who will also have access to parts of Crisis Go.  The District has plans this year to work with the police department to do more safety drills and to update procedures. Stay tuned.

7 Bullying Policy: Policy 514 and 514 F( form)  Bullying is prohibited on school district property and at all school district events, activities, or trips.  Cyberbullying is included, through the use of a computer, cell phone, or other electronic device.  Bullying includes intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct that is objectively offensive AND:  An imbalance of power exists and the conduct is repeated or forms a pattern.  Materially or substantially interferes with the student’s education opportunities or ability to participate.  For the purpose of schools, this applies to students bullying other students, not adults with students or adults with adults. Adult issues are covered in other policies.


9 Bullying Policy Refresher (cont)  The district will investigate all complaints of bullying and will take appropriate action.  Any person who has been the victim of bullying or is aware of someone else being bullied shall report the bullying to the school principal.  Reports may be made orally or in written form. A reporting form is available on the district website.  An investigation will take place starting within three days of the report. Information is confidential.  For more information, refer to the full policy on the district website.

10 Social Media Policy  New District policy as of Spring 2015.  Purpose is to provide guidance to employees on the maintenance of professional ethics and boundaries when utilizing social media in personal and professional lives.  District provided technologies for e-learning and communication  Public social media networks outside of those sponsored by the District  Public social media used for classroom instruction or school sponsored activities requires prior authorization of the Superintendent/designee AND parent permission.  Check with building administrator for any questions.  Example: School authorized Twitter, websites

11 Requirements: Social Media  1. Comply with all state and federal laws and any applicable District policies when engaging in the use of social media.  Include MN Statutes and District policies regarding employee-student relationships, harassment and violence, bullying, hazing, mandatory reporting, data privacy, internet acceptable use, advertising prohibitions, code of ethics, copyright and fair use regulations.  Employees will be held responsible for the disclosure, whether purposeful or inadvertent, of confidential or private information, information that violates the privacy rights or other rights of a third party, or the content of anything posted on any social media network.

12 Requirements: Social Media (cont)  Employees have responsibility for maintaining appropriate employee-student relationships at all times.  Includes using professional judgment for safety of students online  Mandated reporting when applicable  Communications with students or former students who are minors on social media must be only for school related purposes and through the use of District sponsored social media networks.  Employees may not inform, publish, or distribute to students any personal social networking site of the employee.  Excessive informal and social involvement through social media with individual students is prohibited. Includes writing personal letters, email or text messages, calling students on cell phones or allowing students to make personal calls unrelated to class work or school activities.

13 Requirements: Social Media (cont)  Prohibited:  Sending inappropriate pictures to students  Discussing or revealing personal matters about a staff member’s private life or inviting students to do the same.  Engaging in sexualized dialogue in any form.  Using obscene, profane, or vulgar language on social media.  Disclosing confidential information of any kind  Posting photos or movies to public sites that contain students.

14 Requirements: Social Media (cont)  Do not post photos or movies of fellow employees without their permission. Apps are available that allows you to approve any pictures in which you are tagged.  Do not post images that are not public of District property, including floor plans.  Remember: Employees may not act as a spokesperson for the District or use the District logo on any public online social media site without permission.  Coaches and advisors: If you choose to engage with social networking groups of student groups within the District, you do so as an employee of the district and will annually disclose the existence of and your participation in such networks.

15  Protect your license and career. Use good judgment.

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