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Day # 5 Haifa Abulaiha February 01, 2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Day # 5 Haifa Abulaiha February 01, 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day # 5 Haifa Abulaiha February 01, 2016 1

2 Write formulas Order of Operations. – Parentheses. – Multiplications / Divisions – Additions / Subtractions. 2

3 Write formulas Example On the Coal Mined sheet: – In column J, calculate the percentage of coal mined in each county in 2010: 3

4 Write formulas Example On the Coal per Employee sheet: – In column C, calculate for each year and county the tons of coal mined per employee. Reference the values on the Coal Mined and Employment sheets in your formula. – AutoFill the tons of coal mined per employee formula from column C through I. 4

5 Write formulas Example On the Forecasts sheet: In column I, calculate the forecasted amount of coal mined in each region 5

6 USE LOGICAL FUNCTION The IF Function: –IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false]) –Example: IF( A$2>=600, “Pass”, “Fail”) IF(A$2>B$2, C$2=A$2,C$2=B$2) Test False True 6

7 USE THE VLOOKUP FUNCTION VLOOKUP( value, table, index_number, [not_exact_match] ) –If index_number <1, will return #VALUE!. –If index_number is greater than the number of columns in table, will return #REF!. –If not_exact_match = FALSE and no exact match is found, will return #N/A. 7

8 USE FINANCIAL FUNCTION FV Function ( Future Value): –Returns the future value of an investment. –FV( interest_rate, number_payments, payment, [PV], [Type] ) 8

9 APPLY CONDITIONAL FORMATTING EXAMPLE On the Coal per Employee sheet: –in cells C4 through I58. If at least 7,000 (≥ 7000) tons of coal were mined per employee, change the cell fill color to green and the text color to white. If less than 3,000 (< 3000) tons of coal were mined per employee, change the cell fill color to red and the text color to white 9

10 To DO Policy Acknowledgment Form. MyITLab Section 6 and 8 s’ Course ID is: powell50855 10

11 Homework # 1 Homework # 1: Morgantown PRT Usage Problem is available at: ssignments/homework-1/ ssignments/homework-1/ – Make sure you do the correct project. – Submit your solution file using Grades and Submissions section of CS101 Website at: assignments/ assignments/ 11

12 Assignment DUEs AssignmentDue MyITLab Lesson AMonday 02/01 Homework # 1Friday 02/05 12


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