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Active Collaborative Teaching Grant. We believe that all good teachers:  Make subject matter comprehensible to students  Assess student learning  Engage.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Collaborative Teaching Grant. We believe that all good teachers:  Make subject matter comprehensible to students  Assess student learning  Engage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Collaborative Teaching Grant

2 We believe that all good teachers:  Make subject matter comprehensible to students  Assess student learning  Engage and support students in learning  Plan instruction and design learning experiences for students  Create and maintain effective environments for student learning  Develop as a professional educator ( Teacher Performance Expectations State of California )

3 ACT Pedagogy Using process drama, students and teachers work together to create an imaginary world where they work together to explore problems and issues. Through this approach, students learn to think beyond their own point of view and consider multiple perspectives on a topic as they play different roles. Students are encouraged to explore complexity and the multiple dimensions of a given topic. The teacher in the drama becomes a learner among learners, a participant, and a guide, who lends expertise to the students

4 Project A.C.T. A ctive C ollaborative T eaching

5 Act I: The First Year Kingsmen Shakespeare Company Project A.C.T. Summer Institute – For all K-5 MUSD teachers – Up to 60 Participants each year – Continuing Ed. Credits available through California Lutheran University Project A.C.T. Lead Teacher

6 Lead Teacher from each school site Hourly pay for time spent on project Training in active learning/process drama Access to trained CLU student intern(s) for assistance with Project A.C.T. Lessons Access to resources, including professor Michael McCambridge Potential for continuing education units

7 Project A.C.T. Lead Teacher Develop lessons using ACT pedagogy Collaborate/share with other Lead Teachers Share Project A.C.T. ideas/lessons with school site colleagues Member of Advisory Committee (3 times/year) Assist with Project A.C.T. Summer Institute (3 day event)

8 Project A.C.T.Years 2 - 4 Kingsmen Shakespeare Company Project A.C.T. Summer Institutes Extended collaboration/sharing of teacher- created active lessons and activities Evaluation of project results Sharing our program model and results: – Within Moorpark Unified – With other school districts – The academic research community

9 Why ACT Teach with Purpose Teach for understanding Teach Intentionally Building Atmosphere Performances of Understanding Making it real Participating in dialogue

10 What ACT Does Method Engage in ongoing reflection Provide ongoing assessment Provide student accomplishment Encourage positive attitude Outcomes Deepens Conceptual Understanding Develops Voice Increases Student Achievement

11 The Players Dr. Michael McCambridge, CLU Project Director Dr. Julia Sieger, ACT Consultant Michael Cosenza, Director of University Partnerships Kingsmen Players, CLU Nema Pierce, MUSD Project Director 6 Lead Teachers Lynn Aioki, Consultant Evaluator

12 Project ACT—For More Info. Nema Pierce— Grant Coordinator 805.517.1743 Dr. Michael McCambridge— CLU Project Director MUSD Website District Office Tab  Instructional & Support Services

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