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This program empowers students to build interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are described as the ability to interact with others and develop strong.

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Presentation on theme: "This program empowers students to build interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are described as the ability to interact with others and develop strong."— Presentation transcript:

1 This program empowers students to build interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are described as the ability to interact with others and develop strong interpersonal relationships which positively impact the odds for increased productivity and goal attainment.



4 Apply and Engage O Interpersonal Skills O Role play scenarios in whole and small groups O Role play video in small groups O Reflections O Employment Basics O Role play scenarios in whole and small groups O Factory production and dependability in small groups

5 Microburst Soft Skills Student Thoughts About Lessons on Interpersonal Skills Employment Basics

6 Testimonials O “I feel the lessons (Microburst) we learned will really help us in life and will help us to succeed in a job in the future.” O “While I was learning about interpersonal skills it was very helpful to me. These skills taught me a lot and I really know that I’ll need to use these skills for the rest of my life.”

7 O “I enjoyed the Microburst program. It really teaches you what is expected in the real world and how to handle your situations.” O “This program let me know that you don’t have to be aggressive with somebody to get your way. Also, you don’t have to always think only about yourself. Always be willing to help others and be responsible.”

8 O “I will remember everything we learned and I will put it to use in the future when I get a job and I will use it now at home and school.” O “These skills have impacted me because now I understand what it will take in order to make it in the real world.”

9 O “The experience made me realize that you have to have a positive attitude and look at things in a different way. It taught me…to be internally motivated, cooperative, respectful, and avoid drama. If someone posts negative stuff about you, you have to be the bigger person and handle the problem in a positive way without being an aggressive person.”

10 O “I learned that…you can get fired for the little stuff like fighting with co-workers, accusing, not being on time and not wearing safety equipment.”

11 Toothpaste Challenge O “It showed me that when you say mean things to others and you try to say sorry, they may forgive you but they will still remember what you said to them.”

12 Dependability Production Line

13 O “The (factory set) impacted me the most because it showed me how important it is to be dependable and responsible on your job. If one person or more is out it really impacts the rest of the workers and the company in a negative way.” O “It was funny how accurate it was. Nothing could get delivered if it wasn’t done right.” O “This experience impacted me by teaching me what the real world is like and what I need to do to be prepared for it…be on time and show up for work.”

14 Thank You O Thank you for allowing LCSD to participate in the pilot Microburst Learning program. O The students are already benefiting through increased knowledge and interpersonal skills. O We are supporting our students’ growth through investigative learning. O We are equipping them to be a more productive and successful citizen.

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