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Standad and Novel Biomarkers for Ovarian Cancer 최문선 ∙ 정희윤 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Standad and Novel Biomarkers for Ovarian Cancer 최문선 ∙ 정희윤 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standad and Novel Biomarkers for Ovarian Cancer 최문선 ∙ 정희윤 1

2 I.Ovarian Cancer II.Biomarkers 2

3 I.Ovarian Cancer ◆ Female reproductive organs 3

4 I.Ovarian Cancer 4 − EPITHELIAL OVARIAN CANCER (90%) − Serous carcinoma − Mucinous carcinoma − Endometroid carcinoma ◆ Category of Ovarian cancer

5 I.Ovarian Cancer 5 ◆ Ovarian cancer incidence and mortality Mortality 매년 200,000 명의 난소암 환자중 120,000 이 사망 대략적인 사망률 60%

6 I.Ovarian Cancer 6 ◆ ovarian cancer is Silent killer

7 I.Ovarian Cancer 7 ◆ ovarian cancer is Silent killer 전체적으로 60% 의 사망률 30 년 전이나 지금이나 의료기기의 발전에도 불구하고 사망률은 같음 25~30% 초기진단

8 I.Ovarian Cancer 8 ◆ Bone of ovarian cancer 여성의 호르몬 노화 방사선 생활 습관 환경적요인 유전적요인 BRCA1, BRCA2 의 돌연변이 (5~10%)

9 I.Ovarian Cancer II.Biomarkers 9

10 ◆ Biomarker a substance used as an indicator of a biological state I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker * as an indicator of… Normal biological processes, Pathogenic processes, Responses to a therapy, etc. 10

11 I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker CA125 Mesothelin HE4 ◆ Biomarkers for ovarian cancer 11

12 I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker ① Monitor the response to treatment. ② Detect if cancer has come back after treatment is complete. ③ Test and monitor high-risk women who have a family history of ovarian cancer but don’t have the disease. 1. CA125 CA125 as a biomarker 12

13 I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker 1. CA125 It’s NOT a good screening test for ovarian cancer. Non-specificity Poor sensitivity for early-stage cancers Need for new biomarkers However, it’s not perfect. 13

14 I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker 2. Mesothelin 14 Limited expression in normal tissues High expression in several cancers − 40kDa protein − Differentiation antigen on normal mesothelial cells

15 15 Raffit Hassan, Mesothelin: A New Target for Immunotherapy, Clinical Cancer Research, Vol. 10. : pp.3937-3942 (2004) I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker 2. Mesothelin “ Measure the level of mesothelin in the blood ”

16 I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker 3. HE4 16 (Human Epididymis protein 4) − 11kDa secreted protein − Precursor of the E4 (*E4 : epididymal secretory protein ) − in the blood of ovarian cancer patients, the level

17 I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker 3. HE4 17 (Human Epididymis protein 4) 1. Promising as a biomarker for early detection 2. Complement CA125 3. CA125 + HE4 ▶▶ Highest-level sensitivity Highest-level speciticity

18 I. 실험과저 II. Biomarker 18 # Diagnostic accuracy of ovarian biomarkers

19 Thank you 19

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