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TITLE I/Parental Involvement Annual Meeting October 27, 2015 GOSHEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Cheryl Fry, Principal Dr. Renee Perry, Administrative Intern Nakia.

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Presentation on theme: "TITLE I/Parental Involvement Annual Meeting October 27, 2015 GOSHEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Cheryl Fry, Principal Dr. Renee Perry, Administrative Intern Nakia."— Presentation transcript:

1 TITLE I/Parental Involvement Annual Meeting October 27, 2015 GOSHEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Cheryl Fry, Principal Dr. Renee Perry, Administrative Intern Nakia Johnson, Academic Support Specialist

2 Agenda  Welcome & Purpose………………………………………………Cheryl Fry, Principal  What is a Title l School? ……………………………………………………Mrs. Isreal, Title I Program Specialist  GES Schoolwide Program  How does GES participate in the Title I Program?  How does GES spend Title I money?  A Parent’s Right to Know  School Designation Status: Opportunity School  What does this status mean?  2015-2016 Academic and School Goals  Parent Involvement…….…………………………………………..Nakia Johnson, Academic Support Specialist  School-Parent Involvement Policy  School-Parent Compact  Volunteer Opportunities  How is Title I Parental Involvement money spent?  Curriculum………………………………………………………..…Nakia Johnson, Academic Support Specialist  Field Trip: Parent Resource Center and Survey  Questions & Answers

3 Goshen Title I Status  Some Title I schools were not identified as Priority or Focus schools. As a result, the GaDOE created three categories of Alert Schools that will receive the same level of state support as Focus Schools for three years, but they do not have to be Title I schools. Unlike Priority and Focus Schools, which were named once, the state will identify Alert Schools each year. Alert Schools Graduation AlertSubgroup AlertSubject Alert High schools whose subgroup graduation rate falls three standard deviations or more below the statewide subgroup average. Schools whose subgroup performance on any statewide assessment falls three standard deviations or more below the statewide subgroup average. Schools whose subject area performance on any statewide assessment falls three standard deviations or more below the statewide subject area average.

4 What is Title I?  Under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 assistance is provided to improve the education of children in high-poverty schools, enabling those children to meet state academic content and performance standards.  Title I is a federally funded mandated government program established by ESEA of 1965. all except two Richmond County schools have been classified as Title I Schools.  A Title I school must have a parental engagement policy, school-parent compact, and school improvement plan which allows parents to have a sounding voice in the school improvement.  The policy development team consists of the school Instructional Leadership Team, PTO, and the Title I Schoolwide Improvement Plan Committee.

5 Parental Involvement   Parents, you are a part of the Title I team. You are the ones that influence your child’s education more than anyone else. You show the child how important what he/she is doing in school; the importance of education, and that you and the school is working as a team.  Parents, it’s up to you to share information about your child’s interest and interacting of the teachers; judge whether Title I is working for your child; ask to see progress reports on your child and the school to make sure both is up to your expectation; speak up if you notice any problems. If you see problems, please address the principal and/or other school officials, but not in the presence of your child.

6 What is Parental Involvement?  Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. The parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning. The parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education. The parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child and carrying out of other activities. When schools, families and communities work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer and enjoy school more.

7 Districtwide Parental Involvement Policy  The school district has an ongoing commitment to the Title I parents and students to ensure success of all children in the district. The goal is to guarantee that our Title I parents and children receive astonishing services and assistance that will lead to improved academic achievement. The school district involves all parents of children of Title I schools with the decisions of how Title I funds are spent. The school district will meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and its required sections. Parents are involved in the school-compact as a component of the policy and will provide training and materials for parents to work with their children to improve academic achievement.

8 School-Parent Compact What is a School-Parent Compact? It is an agreement that students, teachers and parents develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade-level standards. This compact is sent home the first week of school. It was designed to get feedback from the parent, student, and the teacher. It is a written mutual agreement between the student, parent, and teacher that will strengthen the cohesiveness at GES.

9 Title I Parent Involvement Policy  This policy is based on the requirements provided in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. The policy provides parents the opportunity to participate in GES Title I Parental Involvement Policy, Schoolwide Plan and the review process for the purpose of school improvement. GES wants to involve parents in meaningful home-school partnerships in order to improve academic achievement. The district provides the necessary support for the planning and implementation of parent involvement activities. The policy is to encourage parent involvement and support parent-school partnership by providing information about the school’s academic standards and assessments; opportunity for the parents to learn how to help their children; the importance of parent involvement with GES school staff; and active partnership between the schools, community organizations and businesses. This policy will be continually evaluated and GES will periodically ask parents for input through meetings, surveys and/or discussions.  The policy will be posted on the Goshen Elementary School website.

10 Parental Involvement  GET INVOLVED!  BE PRESENT!  Title I needs you to help evaluate programs, work with your child at home and in school as a volunteer, under teacher direction.  Help determine program goals.  Title I needs your input to make the program work. This is a partnership.  You are invited to come to school and meet the teachers, principals, and Title I participants.  Read over the parent-school compact which states the goals and responsibilities of the parents and the school.  YOU HAVE A VOICE IN WHAT GOES ON AT GOSHEN ELEMENTARY!

11 Proposed Events 2015-2016  Parental Involvement Workshops  School-Parent Compact – Input/Revision  School Policy - Input  Parent Involvement Policy - Input  Infinite Campus/Indistar/iREADY Workshops  Georgia Milestone Assessment Workshops  Goshen Gallery Night  Parent Involvement Day  Come READ with Goshen days (to improve literacy and student Lexile levels)  Curriculum Nights  Resource Fairs

12 How is Title I Parental Involvement money spent?  Parental Involvement monies are spent for the parent resource center, workshops, and resources that will improve academic achievement for the whole family. Parents must be able to monitor and understand their child’s school curriculum. Our Parent Resource Center is able to provide resources for parents who are seeking to advance their education degrees via internet/computers and resume creation. Workshops will be ongoing for parents per request and state mandates. Funds have not yet been allocated.

13 Curriculum  iREADY is the District’s choice for benchmarking students’ ability in reading and math. The program is user friendly and helps students’ master state-specific, grade level academic standards. The program includes specific state standards in the core subjects of reading and math. It includes interactive features and games that engage students and reinforce learning achievement. Teachers are able to track students to address individual learning gaps, provide interactive instruction using technology, and monitor growth throughout the year.  We are not only participating in the S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), in addition, Goshen has included the arts, making us a Goshen is also participating in a program designed to integrate arts in all curricular areas. We have partnered with ARTSNOW  We have also reached out to our community to assist in helping us add a foreign language to our curriculum. We have volunteers who assist teaching Spanish to our students K-5.  Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Our teachers work diligently in helping students understand state standards and core curriculum.

14 Field Trip  Parent Resource Center  Parent Survey:

15 Questions

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