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OpCo MEETING May 5,, 2016 KATE HARCOURT Vision, Mission, and Strategic Directions Update.

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Presentation on theme: "OpCo MEETING May 5,, 2016 KATE HARCOURT Vision, Mission, and Strategic Directions Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpCo MEETING May 5,, 2016 KATE HARCOURT Vision, Mission, and Strategic Directions Update

2 Strategic Action 1.1 Perform environmental scans to evaluate: categories of linked data training that are needed; existing training resources that the PCC can use; training programs that should be commissioned from experts in those domains; training that the PCC will need to develop itself. SCT completed an environmental scan in Sept. 2015 Promoting collaboration with the Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE) Project Continuing to seek out new training sites and recording them in a spreadsheet

3 Strategic Action 2.1 Establish a new advisory committee with representatives from projects and organizations that have been early experimenters with linked data. Formed this spring Chaired by Steven Folsom Assess tools, vocabulary development, etc. for the PCC Work with standing committees and task groups Further understanding of linked data through white papers and community discussion

4 Strategic Action 2.5 Form a task group to establish standards and guidelines for essential elements needed in converting existing MARC bibliographic and authority records/data to linked data formats to enable sharing. This SCS group will form after the PCC Task Group on URIs in MARC completes its work Some work being done by Stanford as part of LD4P’s collaboration with Casalini

5 Strategic Action 3.1 Establish a task group to develop best practices for the use of authority data sources beyond the LC Name Authority File. PCC Task Group on Identity Management in NACO formed and chaired by John Riemer Examine all aspects local authority creation Lead PCC discussion on issues regarding the differences between authority control and identity management Also dependent on outcomes from URIs in MARC

6 Strategic Action 3.2 Partner with other agencies, projects partners, and communities (e.g., W3C, ISNI, ORCID, code4lib) to explore models for and to build the infrastructures necessary to host the cooperative management of identities. Partnership with Cornell University IMLS grant to hold a national forum on local name authorities Chew Chiat Naun is our PI Isabel Quintana is our PCC liaison

7 Strategic Action 3.3 Produce a white paper to give a high-level outline of the issues surrounding the identification of work entities. PCC SCS Task Group on the Work Entity formed Ed Jones, Stephen Hearn and Steven Folsom are members Charged to study the role of the Work entity historically, in RDA, MARC 21, FRBR/FRAD, FRBRoo, PRESSoo, BIBFRAME, BIBFRAME Lite,, CIDOC, IP rights community, publishing community, etc.

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