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À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises 1. À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤ºö¤²ë½£ëò© À»ö¾¥½¦ñëÀ¦ó­²ë½ºö¤¦À´óÀ¯ñ­­ò© ¦ñëÀ¦ó­¨Éº¤¨ð²ë½ºö¤°øɧö¤´óëò© Standing on.

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Presentation on theme: "À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises 1. À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤ºö¤²ë½£ëò© À»ö¾¥½¦ñëÀ¦ó­²ë½ºö¤¦À´óÀ¯ñ­­ò© ¦ñëÀ¦ó­¨Éº¤¨ð²ë½ºö¤°øɧö¤´óëò© Standing on."— Presentation transcript:

1 À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises 1. À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤ºö¤²ë½£ëò© À»ö¾¥½¦ñëÀ¦ó­²ë½ºö¤¦À´óÀ¯ñ­­ò© ¦ñëÀ¦ó­¨Éº¤¨ð²ë½ºö¤°øɧö¤´óëò© Standing on the promises of Christ, my King Thro' eternal ages let His praises ring Glory in the highest I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God 1 of 6

2 À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises R. ¨ô©«õ£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤²ë½ºö¤À¥í¾ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆº«õ À»ö¾À§ˆºÏ˜­£¿¦ñ­ ¨¾¢º¤²ë½À¥í¾°øɧȺ¨À»ö¾ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆºÏ˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤ºö¤ ²ë½À¥í¾. Standing, stading, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, stading, I'm standing on the promises of God. 2 of 6

3 À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises 2. À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ê†®ÒÀ¹ì¸Ä¹ì Á´È­£¸¾´ê÷¡µøÈ»º®ªö¸À»ö¾¡ð®Òªö¡Ã¥ ´ó§ó¸ò©Â©¨²ë½Àµ§ø§ö¤Ã¹É´ó§ñ¨ Standing on the promises that can not fail When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. 3 of 6

4 À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises R. ¨ô©«õ£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤²ë½ºö¤À¥í¾ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆº«õ À»ö¾À§ˆºÏ˜­£¿¦ñ­ ¨¾¢º¤²ë½À¥í¾°øɧȺ¨À»ö¾ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆºÏ˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤ºö¤ ²ë½À¥í¾. Standing, stading, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, stading, I'm standing on the promises of God. 4 of 6

5 À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises 3. À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­²ë½¦ñ­¨¾¥½ìí´®ÒÄ©É ³ñ¤¦¼¤²ë½¸ò­¨¾­§ö¤Àºš­ª¾´ê¾¤ê†Ä¯ À»ö¾Àªñ´Ã¥¥½´º®ê÷¡¦…¤¡ñ®²ë½°øÉÄ«È Standing on the promises I can not fail, List'ning every moment to the Spirit's call, Resting in my Savior as my All in All, Standing on the promises of God 5 of 6

6 À»ö¾¨ô©Ï˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾ Stand On the Promises R. ¨ô©«õ£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤²ë½ºö¤À¥í¾ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆº«õ À»ö¾À§ˆºÏ˜­£¿¦ñ­ ¨¾¢º¤²ë½À¥í¾°øɧȺ¨À»ö¾ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆº«õ À§ˆºÏ˜­Ã­£¿¦ñ­¨¾¢º¤ºö¤ ²ë½À¥í¾. Standing, stading, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, stading, I'm standing on the promises of God. 6 of 6

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