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Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT and often causes many emotional problems along with physical problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT and often causes many emotional problems along with physical problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT and often causes many emotional problems along with physical problems.

2  Alcohol is absorbed by the tissues that line the mouth  Large amounts of alcohol can cause mouth or throat cancer

3  Alcohol irritates the stomach lining and increases the amount of acid  Acid causes the lining of the stomach to become red and swollen and produces ulcers  Ulcers are sores that cause bleeding

4  Damage to the liver is one of the most serious effects of alcohol  Frequent use of alcohol causes liver cells to die and causes fatty liver  Fatty liver: condition in which fats build up in the liver and cannot be broken down  Another problem associated with heavy alcohol use: cirrhosis  Cirrhosis: disease characterized by scarring and eventual destruction of the liver  With cirrhosis, the liver cannot do it’s main function: remove poison from the blood

5  Alcohol disrupts the brain’s ability to remember and problem solve  Alcohol destroys brain cells  Your body cannot grow brain cells back  Alcohol can cause problems with movement, vision, and hearing

6  Heavy drinking damages heart muscle  This causes the heart to become enlarged and weakened.  Results: high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, stroke

7  BAC of.08 is legally intoxicated and too impaired to drive  DWI: Driving while intoxicated (over the.08 limit)  Someone is killed in an alcohol related accident every 31 seconds  Everyone is at risk if someone is drunk behind the wheel

8  Binge Drinking: the consumption of a large quantity of alcohol in a very short period of time  Decreased inhibition (poor decision making) cause many deaths and serious injuries  Ex: Death due to falls/drowning/drunk driving, pregnancy, violent behavior, alcohol poisoning

9  Alcohol lowers inhibitions and affects the ability to make healthy decisions  Inhibition: a conscious or unconscious restraint of a person’s own behavior or actions  Inhibitions keep us from making harmful decisions  This is a life altering mistake

10  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:a group of alcohol related birth defects that include both physical and mental problems  When a female drinks alcohol-it effects her unborn baby  FAS causes smaller body sizes, lower birth weight  FAS causes heart and kidney problems, learning disabilities and other mental impairments

11  You notice your older neighbor is pregnant and is drinking alcohol. Write a letter to your neighbor explaining the risks associated with alcohol consumption and an unborn child (fetus). Include reasons to stay alcohol free in general.

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