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Text Structure A pattern of organization for information in a text

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1 Text Structure A pattern of organization for information in a text
Signal words that help to identify the pattern But, there are six types of text structures and we can find multiple use of them within a text; although one type is usually dominant. Problem solution Compare and contrast Description Question and answer Cause and effect Sequential / chronological order Teacher - (read details on slide)

2 CAUSE AND EFFECT Teacher say – Today we will discuss the cause and effect text structure. I want to clarify any confusion that you may have about this text structure while teaching you this concept in a way that you will not forget it.

3 Cause and effect Cause An event that tells what happened first
Effect Tells what happens next as a result of the first event Teacher – put your ball on the desk

4 One Cause = One effect Teacher demonstrate concept (pick up the ball and bounce the ball once) Ask students to identify which action is the cause and which action is the effect. Teacher check for understanding (three finger rule – see assessment rubric) Cause = drunk driving (event that happened first) Effect = mothers united to stop it (what happened next)

5 One cause = multiple effects
Teacher – pick the ball up, toss the ball to a student and have the student toss it back to you. Teacher check for understanding (three finger rule – see assessment rubric) Cause = drunk driving Effect = MADD and the NFL united to stop it

6 Two Causes = One Effect Causes = Drinking alcohol and drunk driving
Effect = Mothers unite to stop it Teacher – (hold the ball now) throw it up in the air and catch it then bounce it and catch it. Teacher check for understanding (three finger rule – see assessment rubric)

7 Domino Effect or Chain Reaction
Drunk driving Drunk driving forced mothers to unite. Mothers united and new laws were made. New laws were made and enforced by the police The police put drunk drivers in jail. Teacher – pick up the ball, throw to student, student throw to another student and so on until it is dropped. Teacher check for understanding (three finger rule – see assessment rubric)

8 Cycle of Events Teacher – choose two other students in the room and throw the ball only between the three of you. Teacher check for understanding (three finger rule – see assessment rubric) MADD planned a rally to honor victims of drunk drivers. They rode their bikes across the U.S. and raised money for their cause. Victims were inspired, found their voice and continue to support projects planned by MADD.

9 Complex Events Teacher – throw the ball randomly around the room with no specific pattern to demonstrate this point. Teacher check for understanding (three finger rule – see assessment rubric) Drunk driving is an extremely complex subject that we can discuss in detail.

10 Cause and Effect Pattern Types
Teacher – Explain to students that the author may use any of these cause and effect pattern types to organize information in a piece of text such as: article, passage, chapter, book etc. Teacher: allow your students to ask questions and clarify these answers yourself by calling on a student to answer. But make sure the person who asked the question also repeats the answer back to you.

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