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Chapter #13: Alcohol Lessons #1 and 2 Vocabulary p. 320 & 325.

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1 Chapter #13: Alcohol Lessons #1 and 2 Vocabulary p. 320 & 325

2 Alcohol and the Body  Alcohol: a drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruit, vegetables, and grains It is depressant that has powerful effects on the body Slows the function of the brain and other parts of the nervous system

3 Alcohol and the Individual  Body Size: the smaller the ind., the greater effect  Gender: in general, moves faster through bloodstream in females  Time Frame: rapid drinking overwhelms the liver’s ability to break down the alcohol  Amount: drinking a large quantity can cause alcohol poisoning  Food: food in the stomach slows down the passage of alcohol in the bloodstream  Medicine: can interfere with the effects of medicines

4 Alcohol Content in Different Drinks The equivalent of drinking ½ oz of pure alcohol =12 oz. of beer =4 oz. of wine =1.5 oz. of distilled liquors

5 Other Terms to Be Familiar with…  Blood Alcohol Concentration: expressed in terms as.1 etc.  Intoxicated:.08 BAC Anyone under 21 the legal limit is 0!!!! Why is the BAC important for those driving? Why is this important to you?  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: group of alcohol-related birth defects that include both physical and mental problems (leading known cause of mental retardation in the U.S)  Binge Drinking: consumption of several alcoholic drinks in a short period of time *3 rd hour stopped here!

6 Alcohol and Society  Nearly 14 million adult Americans have physical, social, and psychological problems related to alcohol use  Alcohol contributes to many causes of unintentional injuries… Drowning, drunk driving, etc.  How does drunk driving effect you and your family?

7 Alcoholism…an addiction  Alcohol can become addictive  Alcoholism: is a progressive chronic disease involving an mental and physical need for alcohol  Stages of Alcoholism: 1. Person starts using alcohol to relieve stress or relax. Make excuses about drinking 2. Person continues to drink. Person may begin to miss everyday events, but denies that there is a prob. 3. Final stage, drinker’s body is strongly addicted, and the drinker is out of control…obvious to others… Why know the stages?...Can we help others if we recognize a problem?

8 Help for the Dependent Person  “A.A.”- Alcoholics Anonymous  Recovery: process of learning to live an alcohol-free life  Sobriety: living without alcohol  Steps to Recovery: (See page 327) 1. Admission 2. Detoxification 3. Counseling 4. Recovery

9 Help for the Family  Al-Anon: helps family members and friends of alcoholics. Helps members learn how to help themselves and those dependent on alcohol  Alateen: helps young people w/having a family member or friend who is an alcoholic. Its’ members share experiences and work together to improve their lives

10 How You Can Help  Don’t let someone else’s behavior effect your choices  When drinker is sober, talk to him/her about the harm alcohol does  Tell the drinker how concerned you are and encourage him/her to get help  Help the drinker feel good about quitting…provide info for groups that can help

11 Group Activity Time…  Read Through the Worksheet Titled, “Alcohol and Your Body” 2 Assignments: 1. Answer Questions #1-4 on the Worksheet 2. Make a List of 10 Ways Alcohol can negatively effect your life on the back (1 worksheet per group)

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