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News Quiz April 21, 2011 Episode #2627 - News Quiz is KET’s weekly 15-minute current events television program for upper elementary/middle school students.

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Presentation on theme: "News Quiz April 21, 2011 Episode #2627 - News Quiz is KET’s weekly 15-minute current events television program for upper elementary/middle school students."— Presentation transcript:

1 News Quiz April 21, 2011 Episode #2627 - News Quiz is KET’s weekly 15-minute current events television program for upper elementary/middle school students.

2 CHALLENGE QUESTION What American war began 150 years ago this month? A. American Revolution B. The Cival War

3 1. The state hit hardest by the storms was … A. South Carolina B. Oklahoma C. North Carolina

4 2. More than ninety tornadoes moved through the state on Saturday night. 1. True 2. False

5 3. The organization working to help one country’s rebels is called … A. NASA B. NATO C. FEMA

6 4. Rebels are fighting for control of… A. Egypt B. Kenya C. Libya

7 5. Some states have already seen gas prices over $5.00 per gallon. 1. True 2. False

8 6. White nose syndrome infects … A. mosquitoes B. bats C. birds

9 7. A Chicago school requires students to eat lunches from … A. cafeteria B. home C. McDonalds

10 8. The evil-looking dinosaur is known for his … A. teeth B. ears C. fur

11 9. Locate Austria on the map. A B C

12 10. Brilliant Speed beat 11 other horses in the … A. Kentucky Derby B. Belmont Stakes C. Blue Grass Stakes

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