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Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association General Assembly 2008 Università per Stranieri di Perugia,

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Presentation on theme: "Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association General Assembly 2008 Università per Stranieri di Perugia,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association General Assembly 2008 Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Italia June 6-7, 2008 Hanneke A. Luth President

2 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Welcome!

3 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Aim of GA: EMA progress Report on progress since General Assembly 2007 Future actions: –Statute amendments –Election of new Steering Committee members Contribute to goals and activities of EMA –Strategic input: are we on the right track? –“Active” input: EMA level, team, individual, between people –Contact and communication: information market, open mic session

4 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Agenda: Friday morning

5 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Remarks Reimbursements: –Boarding passes –Tickets –Everything! Team presentations: questions after

6 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Progress reports Team updates Conference Team IT team Jobs Team Magazine Team Newsletter Team Policy Team Promotions Team Other Erasmus Mundus II

7 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA Conferences Team (CAT) Chunyu Liang Team Coordinator

8 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Missions & Tasks To create a platform for communications & cooperation between EMA members To provide support in networking events To promote EMA & Europe as centre of excellence of international higher education Never Stop Networking!

9 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Work undertaken Two Regional Networking Events –Beijing (Oct 07), Mexico (Mar 08), back-to-back with European Higher Education Fair Small-scale Event Funding Scheme –Guidance document; application and evaluation form standardized –Launched January 08; 1 approved; 4 on-going Thematic Conference - Climate Change –Postponed; raised approx.10,000 EUR external funding –Preparation on-going; web-registration for all EMA members Other activities –The Team Internal Policy ( ref: EMA-CAT-014 ); –Budget re-distribution approved –Liaison Group Meeting, SC meeting

10 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Plans for the next term/future Small-scale Event Funding Scheme to be strengthened First Erasmus Mundus Conference on Climate Change - the role of higher education on climate change to come out during the next term 5 Regional Networking/Promotion Events planned with Promotions Team Target regions/groups: Indenesia, Moscow, Sao Paolo, Africa, Olympics, subject to funding availability Support other EMA events initiatives Enhance internal communication and work efficiency

11 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA IT Team Taghi Paksima Colin Bate Marta Ziemienczuk Jeremy Durand Jules Dake Tsigereda Asfaw

12 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA IT Team Provide IT & Technical Services Website, Community Portal Host of online servises: online voting/polling Email Services Teleconferencing Technical Support to EMA entities

13 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Activities 2007-2008 Launch of the Community Portal, Jan 2008 Email Accounts/Mailing Lists for Service Teams Teams’ Online Collaboration: Wikis Teleconferencing Online Voting Online profiles for Service Team Members New Recruits EMA IT Team

14 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA IT Team Plans & Initiatives 2008-2009 IT Services to Chapters Online Voting and Polling Service Teams’ web presence Careers Section of the Website Improvements to the Website Join the IT Team

15 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA Jobs Team Sandra Oberhollenzer Team Coordinator

16 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association The EMA Jobs Team Structure –Online services team –Contacts team Statement: “We are here to provide the means to increasing education and employment opportunities worldwide to EMA members and expand knowledge within industry and higher education institutes about EMA. We are not a recruitment agency, but we can help you in other ways.”

17 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Actions Jobs team activities –Online services Team information Helping you look Online database for postings –Country Reps –“Call for candidates”

18 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Future Expansion of online services Promotional packages –CRs and “Call” companies Call for ideas –At this GA and in the future: If you are interested, join the discussion in the working groups!

19 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA Magazine Team Rikke Skovgaard Andersen Team Coordinator

20 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association First edition of Emanate Published February 2008 1845 hard copies send to EMA members 14 articles Collected by team coordinator and reviewed by team Professional editor and graphical designer NEXT THEME announced late summer DEADLINE: November 1st

21 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association First EMA photo competition 31 photos submitted 6 finalists selected by team Winner decided in online poll We’ll show you who won LATER NEXT THEME announced late summer DEADLINE: November 1st

22 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA members evaluate... Online questionnaire (77 responses) –Vast majority welcomes a print edition –The theme (’Between Cultures’) was appealing –Satisfaction with layout and front page –Content and multi-disciplinary approach appreciated –Photos positively evaluated –Far majority would like a second edition –45 EMA members would like to contribute to next edition –Challenge: Getting the print copies to the mailboxes of students and alumni!

23 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Newsletter Service Team (Internal Communication) HU, Zhongliang Team Coordinator

24 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Achievements Four full scaled issues More than 60 articles and Fully On Time Sections –EMA, Community Build-Up (27) –Erasmus Mundus Program (11) –European Higher Education (10) –Jobs and Internships (6) –Housing (6) New Features –Field Reporter –One Issue One Program (3) –Inter-program Contact –Alumni Spotlight

25 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Team Re-Organization New Name: –Newsletter Service Team (Old) –Internal Communication Service Team (New) New Activities: –Actively Look for Interesting Events –Field Reporter –Inter-Programs Activity Information Platform

26 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Future Eager for Active Members –Eager to Learn –Manage Yourself –Attitude Working Teams (Group Leader) A Big Welcome!

27 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA Policy Team Aimée van Wynsberghe Buddha Halder Edlira Alku Hari Pathangi Jean Carlos Pelicano Matt Herkt Peter Bentley Roman Savka Sachin Badkas Saurabh Singh Sridevi Seetharam Tammy de Wright Tom Morrison Ugochukwu Nwaogu

28 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Our mission is... … to ensure that EMA has the necessary ideas and abilities to deal with challenges related to –Organizational structure –Internal procedures –Development strategies  provide advice to Steering Committee

29 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association What we achieved this term Created a range of amendments to Statute –we will propose those to you tomorrow Contributed to EMA report on EM-2 (2009-2013) –sent the students / alumni perspective to EP Monitored quality of EM Master Courses –Our small survey today is part of this Consulted Steering Committee –On a variety of policy decision-making

30 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Future tasks Less focus on Statute issues More monitoring of EMMC quality Continued analysis of networking chances New focus on implementation of EM-2

31 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association EMA Promotions Team Jennifer Lenhart Team Coordinator

32 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Aim and Interaction Promote EM as a program of excellence in global higher education Aims to identify an emerging ‘brand’ –Enthusiastic, motivated, globally-adaptable and interdisciplinary students and alumni Contact primarily via email, skype –To entire group, or for a particular initiative, as necessary Event and MembersWhere and When GA 2007 (all members) Brussels, Fall 2007 IFISO (coordinator)Budapest, Fall 2007 Action 4 (coordinator) Brussels, Spring 2008 LG (Evgeny, Sonia, Fransisco, Adi) Brussels, Spring 2008 Europosgrados (coordinator) Mexico City, Spring 2008 ESN AGM (coordinator) Besancon, Spring 2008 NS (Sonia)Vienna, Spring 2008 GPP (Evgeny)Brussels, Spring 2008 EMA SC Meeting (coordinator) Lund, Spring 2008

33 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Activities – Different Mediums for Promotion Virtual –“What is Erasmus Mundus…” –Information to list servs, universities, professional societies and organizations –Placement of logo and links on websites Physical Information –Promotional materials produced – EMA –Ads, published interviews of students –Global Promotions Project Identify –Contact to student organisations –Presentations in universities, fairs –Attended events –Active in regional alumni groups –National study centers

34 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Future Plans EMA Promotions Team Promotion of EMA INTERNAL PROMOTIONS: Coordinators Prospective students EM students, not members To members Regional EMA Alumni Groups Support emerging course-alumni Paraphernalia EXTERNAL PROMOTIONS: EM Action 4 Partners National Structures Universities Companies Relevant Networks IFISO Cooperation Professional societies Promotion of EM At EHEF (s) Assist EC Liaise to local alumni To Universities Via IFISO Organisations Attend events Publications in magazines Web Links Country Reps How? EMA: EMA-nate Job Brochure Flyer A4 poster Poster Presentation Slides EMA letter Erasmus Mundus: Course Book Brochures EM Poster DVD

35 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Erasmus Mundus II Hanneke Luth President

36 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Erasmus Mundus II Policy team, SC Scholarships: should cover all basic expenses –25.000 for 3rd country –20.000 for EU/EEA students Tuition fee –Regardless of place of study –Reflect operation costs and should be justified EM Doctorates and scholarships: very positive EM Quality label Encouragement of placements Joint and multiple degrees: mixed feedback Quality assessment

37 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association Magazine Photo Competition Rikke Skovgaard Andersen

38 Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association ICUnet.AG: Global Impact Survey

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